
Announcing The Mission

Announcing The Mission
Robert Farmilo

 Bring God Consciousness to the Entire World

Taking my time with this announcement because it just seems so presumptuous and basically silly. Anyway, as you may know, I have been involved in The God Consciousness Book Project from the beginning. I work as the translator of the project.

Part of the main teaching of the book is that it is possible (and desirable) to have two-way, telepathic communication with God. This means that if you want to, you can have ongoing thought conversations with God in the privacy of your own mind, without any intermediaries. 

Over the last few days I have been getting asked by God to do some work for God. I know, I know...just writing it makes me feel...silly. Even so, that's what's been going on. God wants me to focus on the God Consciousness project for one year...and leave off all my other work.

I was not thrilled by this request. More like I was...dismayed. First of all, why me? There must be much better qualified people to take this on. It seems I am closest to the project...the one that deals with the book allegedly written directly by God...the book called, "God Consciousness." Click this link==>Get The Book I left my place of work, God told me the next part about what the mission of this one year piece of work would be...and it took only seven words. Yes, that's right: A seven word mission statement.

And here it is: "Bring God Consciousness to the Entire World."

So...silly, right?

There it is...that's the mission. And I have one year to do it, too. And that's IF I accept the job. 

To be clear about all this...God did not tell me that I have one year to get this mission completed. God asked me to work on the project for one a single focus of my time. This would mean I would put on hold other projects I've been working on...and just do one thing for one year.

Within this single focus would be any number of parts that need to get done. And a big part of all that would be the concerted push to get the book in front of as many people as possible. A better way to put that would be, "...get the book in front of as many people as impossible."

So...there it is.
And I need your help.
I can't do it all on my own, that's for sure.

And I will need money to cover the expenses while I do the work.
Please give me money.
I know you will help with some money.
Your money will go very far. And the impact of this work will changing for so many people, creatures, places and things, too.

Email me the amount you can send via Paypal.
My Paypal email is:

You can also help by buying some copies of the book, "God Consciousness," and sending them on to friends, family, acquaintances...strangers.
==>Click here to buy the book, NOW!

Are you wondering what the mission will actually do to bring God Consciousness to the entire world?

I am too.

And why doesn't God just wave a magic wand and make it so? How come there is any need for me to do anything? Isn't God supposed to be all-powerful? just doesn't add up, does it?

The idea is that a human being is needed who can relate to other human beings. A human being who has plenty of flaws, and knows what it is like to suffer from all the stupid, self-defeating messes and "problems" of this crazy, crazy life. Someone who knows what it's like to make stupid blunders, and be a selfish, self-absorbed failure at most everything he (or she) tries.

Now it is true that I qualify for a lot of the required traits.

And one thing is clear to me: God has a sense of humour...because IF God really did ask me, and it isn't just some deluded silly weird mind game I am playing on myself...then, yeah, considering my life story, is laugh-out-loud funny that God would ask, request do this work.

So, the reason I am doing this work...yes, I am going to do it...unless I change my mind...the reason I am going to do this for one year...well, God asked me to do it. And when I write this all out, and read it to myself, yes, I do get how cracked it all comes across.

But there it is.

The first thing I am going to do is begin by blogging and vlogging about the project, and the different parts that are going to be designed to fulfill the mission:

Bring God Consciousness to the Entire World.

Here are some of the first parts to the project for the next year:
  • Market the book, "God Consciousness"
  • Teach the God Consciousness Deep Meditation
  • Teach the God Consciousness Healing Energy 
  • Teach the God Consciousness Telepathy Technique
Sounds juicy, doesn't it? I am curious to find out how people react when they learn the stuff described above.

I'll keep you posted.
In the meantime, make sure you send me some money, comments, and any other help you can think of.

Send it to:

All the Best!
Robert Farmilo
Translator, TGCP



  1. can I feature your blog on mine--link to

  2. Thanks for asking. Yes, please. And let me know what you're doing with your business online.
