
The Endless Agony of Bliss

Robert Farmilo

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OR: How To Be Free of the Vortex Without Really Trying

 I was thinking about what to write today that would reach you and make you stop long enough to consider some of the essentials in your own personal search for...?

What is it you are searching for?
Perhaps you are not searching for anything at all?
Maybe you are past the point of asking questions?
OR trying to find answers to questions?

Do you ever notice when people make a statement and towards the end of what they are saying they slightly raise the tone of their voice so that it sounds a bit like a question?
Do you know what I mean?

I thought I could write to you today about the proximity of attributes relating to the idea of God Consciousness...whatever that is.

You know...what some of the "benefits" of entering into a state of God Consciousness might be...for you. Sort of like an incentive whet your appetite so that you'd be all inspired to "go after" the active pursuit of...God Consciousness.

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Well, for sure one thing that comes from the slice of the pie is a genuine state of happiness that sometimes dips firmly into the ocean of bliss. And that is...wonderful.

Another strange thing that can happen is a state of awareness of connectivity to yourself and the world that you are penetrating with your current existence. This might be felt by you as being part of everything all around you...including so-called other people, too.

It is perhaps rather odd to feel separation and inclusion, all at the same time. Sort of like being alone in the crowd...but also deeply being the entire crowd, and not alone, at all.

It is possible that you might feel happy and sad at the same time...which doesn't sound exactly normal, does it?

Mostly you can feel so much bliss that it actually hurts because it feels so good. You can find yourself crying real tears of joy, and be...swept away by this feeling and knowing that you are most definitely a part of something so big that you kind of fade out around the edges as you let yourself take in the enormity of the...whatever the heck it is.

Here is an intellectual example of what I am getting at:
There are maybe 100 billion galaxies...and approximately 200 billion stars in each one of those 100 billion galaxies. So...that's a lot of stars, right?

Chances are that orbiting a few of those 200 billion X 100 billion stars...there could be one or two planets that possibly have some sort of life. I mean, odds are it could be, right?

Well, anyway, I think it might be possible...that we aren't the only game in town.

IF there is a God, and IF God did dream up this entire show, and IF that means that you are God, and so is the tin can of beans, and the atoms that make up the air that you breath...IF all the stuff of the known and unknown universe are...God...and IF you can really and truly come to know God in an intimate and personal might encounter (along the way) some moments of the endless agony of bliss.

It is possible, you know.

Being happy is one thing...but bliss is quite another. And I mean bliss without the use of recreational drugs. Just stone cold sober, all by dope...just high on God awareness.

I know on a personal level what it is like to go through the times when growth is happening. I mean a high-intensity pitch of growth...and as you know, sometimes growth can actually hurt. 

I think that sometimes the feeling of emotional suffering...can be symptoms of, or part of, or the source of...growth. It is in the pain and agony of personal suffering that you can repurpose that interior howling, and ask yourself what it is you really want to be feeling.

And you can ask to shift the suffering. You can notice the thoughts you are having, and acknowledge their presence. That can be a big help. 

And you can consider this idea that your awareness is...yours. Certainly your mind can seem to have been taken over by thoughts and feelings that are running you, instead of the other way around. Being in control of your own mind is...not easy.

That is why coming back to a simple state of awareness can really help you absorb the growth opportunity that is going on when you are in personal emotional agony. It works something like this:
  • You become aware that you are in agony (not so hard to do, right?)
  • You acknowledge the fact that you are in agony
  • You acknowledge what the thoughts are about
  • You consciously tell yourself that you are choosing to think these thoughts
Yes, I know that it often doesn't appear to yourself that you are truly choosing the thoughts and feelings that you are having. I get that. Anyway, doing this helps to interrupt the grip that the squeaky wheel is having on you-you-you.

  • Let the agony inform you as to what you really want to feel
  • Choose to consider these feelings that you really want
  • And begin to let the idea of being able to choose what you want to feel be possible
  • Choose to choose this very interesting idea of being able to create your own feelings and thoughts
The idea contained within this simple process is that the government of your consciousness is divine law...natural law...and that the citizens of your consciousness are your thoughts.

By deliberately tuning into the source of your are creating a positive, ongoing relationship with who you are...and where you come from. I strongly suggest that focusing on being with God is really focusing on being

I made reference at the beginning of this article to The Vortex. And for those of you in the current mode know this is an idea that has gripped the imagination of many seekers. Being in The Vortex means being in a self-referral process that builds that innate capacity to experience ever mounting joy, freedom and growth. It reflects your being in tune with your own true nature...that you awareness is congruent with your own self, your Big Self...and the Really Big Self...the all-that-is...perhaps we could call it...The Universe.

I am pushing you to go really, really far, and embrace the telepathic reality of God Consciousness, and let this be a conscious awareness, in the privacy of your own mind, where you connect directly with God...with your self, and let God teach you directly. And I don't mean this as a metaphor...I really mean it as a fact. 

This is really real, and it is going on right now, whether you are aware of it in real time...or not. I am asking you to become aware of it, and engage with the reality in an active participation.


Well, you might as well get started now, because it's going to happen anyway. And there is a learning curve, by the way. is the time. That's the message that I get.

Now is the time.

Get your hands on the book, and read the book. The how-to angle is clearly laid out for you to follow. 

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IF you want any help, let me know.
And keep coming back to these articles...there will be some really great courses coming your way that you can soak up. I know I'll be pumping out a bunch of straight-a-head courses in God Consciousness Healing Energy that are going to really work for you...give you some tangible results...not just a bunch of mood-making, feel-good sugar fizzy pop.

Getting grounded into the fact of your physicality, and the mind-flow of thoughts, and then the jump to faster-than-light spirit...where up is down, and agony becomes bliss, and bliss is a way into agony that teaches you even more...that grounds you, gives you roots with wings.

I know that reads like a bunch of double-talk...even so, the truth of this journey isn't always super-clear. There can be genuine moments of self-deception that get you...further. Like Maharishi told me once..."Sometimes you have to go backwards to go forwards, like when a ship comes to an iceberg and has to back up to get around the obstacle."

Now, that isn't an exact quote, by the way. But it will do for now.

And the endless agony of bliss is not going to read quite right, either. I think I wrote that to be a bit sort of dramatic and cryptic, too. Yet, there it stands my own personal edit, and I know that you will get a bit of insight out of the basic idea that you are going to have thoughts and feelings that are unpleasant, and not nice, and feel bad to you...negative, maybe even you are suffering.

The insight is that you are able to use your awareness to make a difference in your own mind...begin to exercise your self-awareness to deliberately be aware of what you are thinking and the moment.

And from there, you can choose to be in contact with yourself...with God. In the majesty of your own consciousness...that you are in anyway.

All the Best!
Robert Farmilo,
Translator, TGCP
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