
The Devil, Part One

Robert Farmilo

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...This is the First In a Series About THE DEVIL about controversial. 

Just mention the name of this guy and watch the reaction you get from people.

I think the first thing that gets evoked is the primitive response of fear.

Talking about The Devil with an earnest expression in your you actually believe The Devil is...real...will bring you several reactions...depending on the people you are talking to.

More about that later.

Let me make this very clear to you...the reality of the situation is that there are other realms of reality that co-exist with the one you currently inhabit. Think of it this way...this microscopic realm was there before we knew it was there. And we were effected by this very small world of creatures.

Here is an image of a of the least understood creatures that dwell in the very small world of very little creatures:

These very small forms of life are part of our world and have the potential to cause you a lot of suffering. They can kill you quickly. And not much is known about these little bits of life.

In my own life...right now, this minute, as I write this article...I am suffering from an ear infection. I went to the doctor and he looked in my ear with a magnifying device and told me that, "Yep, you've got an infection in your ear...."

It is probably being caused by bacteria...maybe.
Here is a link to a 49 second time lapse video on the replication power of bacteria:

And this is what one type of bacteria looks like that might be the cause of my ear infection:

This is a very small world that is invisible to the naked eye...but can be fully experienced through other touch, taste and smell. You can certainly tell when food has become stinky from the growth of bacteria. And we all know that some food gets tastier when it is a spaghetti sauce. That tastier taste is thanks to the growth of bacteria in the food.

And to make meat more tender...there is nothing like bacteria to do the job. Just like Mick Jagger says in the song, "...The meat I eat for dinner must be hung up for a week...."
Link to the song:

What I am getting around to writing about is how there is a series of other realms that we co-exist within...and they are also mostly invisible to the naked eye...but they can be experienced. 

Sometimes these realms are seen by the naked eye...and sometimes they are revealed by the inner vision. Sometimes you can have "visions."

What I am telling you is that there is an entire other reality that is going on at the same time that the "normal" one you experience is happening.

You can directly experience this reality via your sixth sense...or senses.

Different savants have described these other realities using various are some of the most typical terms: 
  • The Physical Body
  • The Etheric/Vital Body
  • The Astral/Emotional Body
  • The Mental/Intellectual Body
  • The Enveloping Causal/Soul Body
In my own life I have seen auras around people. I know this may sound kooky to you...but I have seen stuff around people that I think really was some sort of an aura. I wasn't on drugs or anything like that, either. And it happened with my eyes open while looking at the other person.

I can't do this at will. It comes when it comes. And I don't really know what it means. I think I can ask God to tell me, and God will tell me...what I need to it is relevant to the situation.

Anyway, about all these "hidden" realms...I know that they exist...and we are one small part of the bigger picture. It's like a lot of stuff that we now know exists because of the use of magnifying equipment...that helps us to see really small stuff...and other stuff that is very big, and very far away, too.

Perhaps this will be a big break through in science when we discover how to see these hidden realms...that intersect our version of reality...and to see them like we can see bacteria and viruses...or solar systems and galaxies.

I think you can get a sense of where this series of articles is heading. I want to take us all on a journey into the ever-present world of spirit...where beings exist that you cannot necessarily see with your current set of eyes. But they do exist...even though you can't see them.

So make sure you come back for the next installment.
I am going to be asking God to help me understand The Devil...and to write exactly what The Devil wants you to know about why such an idea as The Devil exists.

It is very easy to brush The Devil off as superstitious nonsense...I totally get that.
But what would The Devil have to say IF The Devil actually did exist?

I think it is pretty daring to take this subject on, head-first...and to do it with the full knowledge that you might not like it very much. Thing might be very surprised at what we'll find out.

Let me make this very clear...I believe with all my heart and soul that the only game in town is God Consciousness...and getting into that with an open God. So, not to some other entity or being or angels or...well...anything. To me this means going for the highest first.

And God wants me to write these articles...from my guts...from my burning deep soul...and to hold nothing back, and tell it like it is...believe it or it or not. The message basically is to not try and please you with a lot of sop and goo...going for the current mix of what is hip and cool in the world of The God Niche...whether it be Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Islam, Pagan, Agnostic, Atheist, New Age...or...whatever.

Here is a sample from the book, "God Consciousness," about this subject of the hidden realms of reality:
(From the book, "God Consciousness," written by God)
Click this to get the book ==> Order the book NOW!

You need to know about the way the universe is set relative expand your current understanding...and to embrace the ultimate possibility...which is a realm of eternal, infinite possibilities. This can bring in to your awareness: Just too much information.

Make sure you check the bottom of this article for an important announcement...something you can help out with...and get a great benefit from, too. So...this is definitely something for something...NOT something for nothing.

All the Best!
Robert Farmilo,
Translator, TGCP
PS-Here is the link to the our T-Shirt campaign to raise money for a person who has cancer and needs money for medications, food, and basic survival expenses:
==> Get the T-Shirt!


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