
What's It Gonna Take?

Robert Farmilo

And Now A Word From Our Sponsor

Sometimes you got nothing left.  
You is done like Disco.

This is the best place you've ever been.
Nobody believes in you.
You got nothing.
No money.
No hope.

All the words you've ever heard...the ones designed to get you up and at 'em,
do nothing for you...ONLY make you hate yourself more.
And you're talking bad words about yourself, but outloud.
And when you catch yourself doing it...yeah, you stop.'s creeping up on you, isn't it?
Taking over...kind-of-sort-of...and you are aware that you can
slip into this negative imagination...and in a stream of consciousness
sort of way,
indulge in the Dark Side...reveling  in revenge and hatred,
cursing and damning people,
the dark energy intoxicates and enthralls.

Ah...if it were only so simple.

Enter your desire for peace and love.
And the three pillars of my church:
Joy, Freedom...and Growth.
And I like to mention GROWTH...twice,
it is not unusual for growth to truly hurt.

And you can study this idea in the book called, 

So, as to the Dark is what God has written:

"...In all matters of this known universe that you mortals I have created have come to call The Earth, the moon, the planets, the stars, the galaxies, asteroids and comets, black holes, and all this...inspection of the universe reveals to you a partial glimpse of how truly...well, words fail, don't they?

How could all this come to be?
Including your imagination...about Dark Energy...or me, come to that.
It is all so of your own mind.
How you see it.

The words of my Son are consistent with the truthful teaching
that if you will apply accordingly
and practice consistently
begin to favour you with effortless boons.

Truly my Son taught you to do less and attain more,
and the upsell?
Do you remember the Upsell?

It was: Do NOTHING and attain EVERYTHING.

Part of the teaching includes mustard seeds.
And flowers that toil not.
Faith is one part of the treasure boon 
attained by Grace.

As my Son told you, 'The kingdom of heaven is within you.'
I urge you to seek this first.
Put your consciousness deliberately in this direction
by being present in your awareness of where you are, right now.
When you are taken over by negative ideas, thoughts, feelings, and so on...
sometimes these feelings can be overpowering.
You will be lost within the mood and your actions, what you do and say and so on,
it will take you over and you will become violent with your emotions, words and thoughts.

It is from this state of being that you can 
become violent with physical gestures and start involving other props,
like something you get hold of and maybe put down too hard.
Or...well, it can get quite dramatic when you're getting angry...can't it?

My Son told you what to do.
Love your fellow mortals
as you love you-you-you
because you see me-me-me
in your fellow mortals....
you love me with all your heart and soul.

The Dark Energy is something I use when I want to.
Check out the times that I've used various agents of mine that 
come directly from the Dark Side.

This is my show. Like I was telling this mortal the other day, the reason I created you mortals was so I could be in all these different mortal bodies, experiencing everything, and whatever you did, I got to drink it all in...through each one of you...and so, if and when you sin,
I get to have that, too.

So I get to sin through you...vicariously.
That's the reason there's so much suffering and stupid, horrible, evil, terrible...
and also why there is so much good stuff, too.
It's more fun for me if I get as much variety of emotion and colour as possible.
I like plot twists.

So...when confronted with Dark Energy, you MUST use your awareness to surf the 
negative impulses, and stay with it. And sometimes you need medical attention.
That's why there are people who can maybe give you something to help the bad thoughts go away. And I mean trained medical people who are treating you properly.

You see, sometimes you mortals have something wrong with are crazy.
And it shows.
Sometimes you can slip through the cracks.

If you think you are the victim of your own can change that.
But when you dabble in the idea of surrendering to your bad impulses...
that will take you swiftly along to maybe 
doing one little thing...that has a touch of deliberate malice.

Ah, mortals!
If you only knew the power of your awareness to bring to you the full joys of know that it is me using you to experience be here, right now,
in you...feeling everything you do...and the fumes of Dark Energy? Assigned to The Holy Spirit...assign this to The Holy assign The Holy Spirit to deal with whatever you need doing...or might need doing...even more so with what you are imagining to be Dark Energy...assign The Holy Spirit.

These are all characters you impose on the ideas you have of Good and Evil.
And this is all fueled by your imagination.
The main point of this is how you can direct your awareness to different parts of your body and your mind. You can interfere with your own thoughts and introduce custom made thoughts directly into your conscious deliberately thinking a thought or thoughts...and staying with it...keeping yourself present with your awareness of what you are thinking.

But how long can you do this for?
And your primal urges will come to you.
Ah, I want you to let go and be.
See, that's the true fix...when you can
No more trying to be...getting it going for a little bit, and then...
have to start it up again.

What a dream you are having."

Now, I just sat here and typed all that stuff...and it is true that from my side of the type-writer, this is what I typed, and those are the words that I claim to be words from God.

And, hey...I totally get how you'd maybe consider that it's just me and my imagination doing all this...and God ain't anywhere around in any of it. It's just me and my grandiose delusion about being able to hear God's thoughts in my mind, and to be able to know when it is God and not just my own mental ramblings that are coming from a mental pathway.

Yes, this inner journey stuff can lead you into madness.
Visions and hearing voices and all that stuff...fits neatly inside the 
puzzle of being spiritually inclined.

Chasing God can make you crazy.
And there are lots of kooky people who claim to be able to hear God thinking thoughts directly into their own mind. And that they can have 'thought-versations' with God.

It smacks of self-delusion.

And following the direct guidance of God can really get you into a pretty pickle.
For example...recently...
I have successfully fought off the impulse to start a church,
with a real base, and everything.
I had deluded myself into thinking I was hearing God tell me to go and start a church
and help people to know God...directly know God.
And do good works.

What do you think? Can you refuse an assignment?
Maybe you can ask for something else?
Let me know what you think the answer is: 

Bye bye for now,
Robert Farmilo,
Translator, TGCP

PS-click this to get the book---






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