Forward by
Little Miss Perfect
Well I can see that you have found me. This is very good for you. I am delighted to offer a way through the clutter of your endless search for union with the divine.
Let me explain.
The force of your desire to love and be loved, especially by the bigger-than-big love of your own personal creator,
namely God...
===> BOOK BY GOD <===
...and to feel and know and be told by God, "Yes, I love you. I have always loved you. I will always love you."
That makes for satisfaction and completion.
At least for a few more moments.
Before the dark, empty hole appears.
Opening up to eat the remnants of your faith.
What can happen to make this happen?
It just comes down to being addicted to "knowing God."
You get into a unfixable habit.
And you can start to act strange.
But the thirst to drink from the fountain of God?
Your feet will take you far from home when you
thirst for God.
And you can become as crazed with Mortal Love.
The LOVE MATCH kind of love.
The doomed love---yes, very Romeo, very Juliet.
OR not.
Isn't it hilarious?
When you fall in love, and it has never, ever been a love so pure,
so deep. Never, not ever. This love that you have with your little sweet, love like ours has never happened in the history of two people falling in love.
Trite, misery making, superficial recipe for perpetuation of mediocre, fizzling out romance. When you reach the point where you don't like Prince or Princess Charming.
They might even mutate and change into Prince or Princess Harming.ALL it takes is one little letter---and charming becomes harming.
That is what it can be like with such a volatile flamboyant as True Love.
So, how can a good love go so bad?
IS it just the fact that you want to stuff your loneliness with the first
available human being that you can glom onto...and shove deep into
the aching pit of your need?
Yes, all the tips and old-fashioned codes of how to go about finding "True Love," all the muck does stand up in the light of our current trend setting times.
Though it won't be very popular. The long tradition of a chaperoned engagement. Careful selection of potential candidates. The gradual acclimatization to each other---the little things, the big things.
OR you could be the safest prospect of all---the arranged marriage. When love is by design, and the way of time honoured family advantage crafted in wedlock.
Then there is the destined for failure, most famous and painful of all---The LOVE MATCH. Very much like the sudden and pure romance of the film, "TITANIC." That love reaches the tear ducts as fate plays a cruel trick, and we all drown in our tears along with the hero who drowns in the cold, cold, cold water of the North Atlantic.
Source ===> TENDER HEART LOVER <===
It is the sacrifice of a man for his true love that makes it such a love story. I am not sure if your own love story is a low key, relatively safe version of romance. OR if it was a space/time altering collision---THE romance of the century.
Have you ever fallen in love so hard and far that it just plain hurt? The intensity of the connection, and the dramatic energy excitation when you made love. The transparent lightness of sleeping together. The least moment outside of the secret heaven you have made with your lover---no, it is too painful to be apart.
When you climb into that sacred space, lying down with your lover, to search once again in their eyes for that invincible presence of something so...precious and perfect.
Which reminds me of a time when I was in love.
YES, don't snicker.I have known the hot flush of love engulf my very innermost innerness.
BUT has God known the sting of love?
Many of my faithful readers write me old fashioned letters. They share with me in the strongest language disagreements with my reasoning. This could be about anything I have stated in writing.
When it comes to God...this can bring on the heavy gorillas. People like to weigh in on God when they are especially offended. Don't you find that it comes down to quoting scripture to support a judgement about lifestyle or dogma. When it comes to Little Miss Perfect stating speculation about God's love life---that really ticks some True Believers.
In some faith believers, scripture tells them the stories of God mixing with mortals. From Adam and Eve right to Jesus Christ, God has been the sparking agency---the progenitor.
And then there is the heated passion that God Seekers have for The Divine. They get God Crazy. And they are egged on by the grand tradition of other God Fools set up as great examples to justify the willful dismantling of reason.
I take the weight full---to speak for God as God speaks for me, of this matter---LOVE. God has suffered from a broken heart. Spurned and tossed aside by many, many sentient beings.
That is not a sly implication---There is much life in the v a s t stretches of infinite space. Do you think your species is the be all and end all of sentient beings set in place by...?
The question mark.
Yes, it is there.
Do you fill it in with a word/term "God?"
And without the question mark? Yes.
So God has suffered from a broken heart. And God knows to every last throb...the agony of your romance gone bad.
Some of you with a broken heart are going to go on and find love...again. And when you leave your broken-hearted current love affair---there are those who will tell you NOT to have a romance. You MUST wait. Do NOT fly into the arms of a NEW lover. You need to first heal. Give yourself time.
Because that is called "Being On the Rebound."
And that is BAD.
===> Image source <===
There is dissent about the badness of rebounding. It is a way of masking much needed and deep-seated feelings coming directly from your very recent break-up.
Going from one love affair to the next, in a constant rebounding from lover to lover---probably there was one, really BIG love affair that ended...and that set you off on your long, long ping-pong, ding-dong.
There is a much more sophisticated approach to this messy business of lovers and break-ups. It is an attitude. One example of this is the very grown-up statement, "Lovers are like just have to wait a little while and another one comes along."
And what about friends...does God have a few, really close friends?
This is the stuff that turns readers off.Questions that don't feel serious.
Flippant, cute toying with The Sacred.
Source ===> is where blasphemy levels the pointing finger of blame on the likes of me. <===
BUT I was made Perfect by my creator. Made to be Little, and to Miss nothing. God asked me to become a commentary for the baffled few who just don't get the God Thing.
And no question is off-limits...because it is like asking about IF Santa Claus has a sex life, and IF he does---is he into Elves? (Not Elvis.)
Too twisty-twist-twisted. The image perverts a basically wholesome story and hero of generosity. But for people who like to make fun of goodness, who can say it matters, at all?
Do you really think that God is offended by ANYTHING that you do in this backwater of creation?
Well, I do think that God is aware of every little tiny bit of even the smallest little bit of a crumb of one of your feelings.AND knows when you've been naughty or nice.
What about when you break somebodies heart...and tell them that "it's" over. Will this be added onto the scales of judgment?
Marriage? Ending a marriage? Leaving a marriage---for whatever reason, for some people this is a very bad thing. In is a SIN!
IT certainly is painful to leave a marriage.
I have watched as many people have come and gone through the turnstiles of True Love/Love Match right on into the Chapel (cue iconic music).
I've been looking over the vast sprawl of the online universe about IF God has sex. That's the question I am asking Google. There is NOTHING that I can find that doesn't have a Biblical Bent---on page one of Google.
Gorgeous imaginations at play with the concept of sex in Heaven. This speculation lingers over details conjectured into a sort of legitimacy. Because of the reference to how scripture says this or that about specifics of life in Heaven.
When we get more academic about this question of God's sex life, then the Greeks get right in there. And many of you are probably nodding your heads with mention of The Hoary Old Vedas---AND the sexy deeds of seduction, and betrayal, too.
The God's love affairs with Gods---yes, from aboriginal Gods around the world, and all manner of folk stories about the goings on of Gods and Goddesses.
Before you get freaked out, and think I am going to convert you to pagan beauty worship---KEEP IN MIND that all the stories are laden with WISDOM.
Oh, you've got enough wisdom? You don't need anymore?
IF I am a Little Bitch, it's because I do get sooooooooooo tired by the self-proclaiming ignorance of stuffing everything good into the quarantine of your prejudice.
Gods get into bad, bad relationships, with blinding jealousy, and severe cases of acting out, too.
I know that The Holy Bible is full of such horrors. God was down with murdering people. Yes, yes, the flood. But there are so many other times that God just flat out incinerated people. Or had The Earth open up and swallow thousands of people, and then close over all of them...just because they had pissed God off.
But all those other Gods from other places and times---OFTEN got into mad escapades of amour. Things got complicated.
Have YOU EVER been in a complicated relationship---a love match relationship got all trickitty-rickitty? This is that strange zone of gradual creeping sense that something just isn't okay. By now, some of you are old enough to have been through at least one romantic tryst that got deep-fried and dipped into the nasty sauce.
Source ===>
NEXT: Excerpt From the Book, Chapter Nine
But before you get that,
this going to be enough for now---from me. As a way of saying thank you to Robert Farmilo for all the work he does as Admin for TGCP. Make sure you get the free book offer while it remains completely free.
I also notice that TGCP gives the total training manual in book format. 40 Chapters of direct implants prepared for you by God.
That's the place where most people "blip." It is like they never took in what was just said. You could have said, "Blig blag sploof shplaf." That will probably get a bigger reaction.
Here is the link to the training manual:
===> BOOK BY GOD <===

So, you've been warned.
Here is an excerpt from the most dangerous book ever printed.
===> BOOK BY GOD <===
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