

Chapter 10:


I am often (perplexed) asked by members of your species about the reality, the presence of ghosts, spirits, elves, goblins, demons, angels, dark angels, werewolves, vampires, and a whole host of super-natural beings who can live in spirit and also manifest into your physical reality.

I am also asked about super-normal beings that take on human form and come into your physical reality.

Sometimes these beings are called saviors, messiahs, avatars, god-beings, and other names that basically mean some sort of creature that is more than human, more than you are, extra-special and of the divine.

So, do all these different ‘grades’ of super-normal beings actually exist? OR are they the pedantic meanderings of human imagination?

My answer to all this is very simple: Yes.

But not all the monsters are real. And not all the demons are real. Though you may not like this answer or approve of this answer, I want you to know that the angel Lucifer A.K.A. Satan is not the big bad demon who has managed to pull the wool over the collective eyes of humanity. The devil is not real, not the way you think. Evil is not real, not the way you think it might be real.

Demonic reality is just another place of energy that you can get stuck inside of.

You can go very, very, very bad.

You can use the power of evil, hatred, and not-love to get what you think and believe you want.

In fact, you are such a powerful creator that you can actually manifest the approximation of the devil and bring it into being and give it power over your life.

Let me make this very clear: You can engage in terror and horror and bring creatures to you who are attracted to that kind of ‘wave-length(s)’ of thought and feeling and emotional energy (energies).

You are very powerful creators, and where and how you put your attention will draw the specifics unto you, so to speak.

I am purposely avoiding speaking and writing to you in ‘Old Testament' style language. I want to reach you with a modern idiom, an up-to-date context that will punch through the usual misconceptions and lay it all out for you with a no-nonsense approach.

However, it is not always possible to deal in practical, two-plus-two equals four kind of explanations BECAUSE there are moments when the answer is not four and is something else, maybe even not a number, at all.

Much of what you will experience when you are dead (and actually alive) and out of your current ego-identification will really surprise you. I want you to be surprised. There is so much understanding waiting for you. There is so much love and forgiveness waiting for you: So many bitter, bitter memories to let go of. So much resolution and moving on to get done with.

And yes, there are entities that are deeply concerned with your welfare. And yes, there are beings and ancestors who gather to assist you. And yes, there is something of a ‘hierarchy’ to all this. But it is not a human-made or imagined structure of authority.

All of these spirit-based beings and entities are essentially me: Just as I am essentially you. Just as I am essentially the excrement that comes out of your anus.

Just as I am the sub-atomic structures that come out of nothingness. Just as I am nothingness, impersonal, absolute, so am I not this and I am actually relative, the relative, the continuously changing, already have changed, structure of both that which is manifested as physical and that which has manifested as spirit, or not-physical.

There is an old saying in your literature of spirit that says, ‘Spirit can exist where there is no room (or space).' I want you to fathom this idea that the not-physical is real yet is not-physical. It is like trying to capture the soul of a creature and put it in a bottle. IT is not possible to confine that which does not occupy space and that which can exist where there is no room.

It can only be confined voluntarily.

To a certain extent that is why there are ghosts. Ghosts are real. So are disturbed spirits who are essentially psychically out-of-whack, or for want of a better term, emotionally upset. Not every creature in the not-physical is a well-adjusted, emotionally mature, psychically evolved spirit.

There are beings that have specific tasks (or jobs) that they have agreed to do. Just like you have agreed to be where you are in your life, and are given every opportunity to discover who you really are, and this who you are is me. Not everyone wants to discover who they really are. Some folks want to be lost in translation, they want to NOT know knowingness. And some folks get stuck in a rut.


This is part of the mystery of life itself. Why did I bother to manifest creation in the first place? Well, some folks have answered because I was lonely. The truth is, I did it because I can, I discovered I could do it and so I went ahead and did it, as I have done before and will most likely do again, over and over. Who knows how many times I will do this? Not even I know. IT will just keep going on and on. I may never tire of this act of creating, over and over, again and again. It is such a perplexing joy to me. I actually am addicted to it, if you want to know the truth. I love IT so much.


You see, there is great drama in making something from nothing. IT is very exciting and gratifying. If I could sweat, it would be at such a moment as when I create the first moment, again, and then when I do it again, the next time that I make creation happen from nothing.

In one sense, creation is always springing up from nothing, over and over, again and again. I mean your current version of creation. So let me be perfectly clear about this point, it will help your physicists get a handle on an important truth:

The material, physical universe that you exist within in this current version of time itself is ALWAYS popping up, or more accurately replacing itself, seamlessly, instantaneously, with no gap in between, sort of like a waterfall or a fountain or a flow of water coming from nothingness into somethingness.

And so too are all the not-physical layers (or not-layers, if you will). They are coming into existence in the not- physical over and over, again and again, without a lag or perceptual hesitation. This is really difficult to get your head around, and I know it is hard to understand.

And in part, that is why you are here, to come to understand how this manifestation of the not-physical can happen, especially when it is not physical yet is as real as the physical but yet is not real, too. That is why the two-plus-two answer is not always four or even a number.

Let us examine this ‘problem’ another way. Let us flip the whole real not-real, physical not -physical thing around, one-hundred-and- eighty degrees. So now the physical is the not-physical. It will make about as much sense as it does now.

Here is the deal: None of any of it is real, not really. Infuriating? Annoying? It is like being told that you don’t really exist even though you seem to exist, don’t you?

Well, imagine how I feel when people say I don’t exist, that I am not real? I look at myself and say, ‘Well, I seem to be real, but I guess I am not really real after all.'

Let me put this another way: If I had to depend on the vacillating changeability of your belief and or experience of my reality, well, I’d be in a pretty pickle, wouldn’t I? ‘Cuz some days or moments in days (or nights) you do experience me, or believe in me, or have faith in me or some such mixture of the above, and other moments you do not.

Imagine what it would be like if I did not believe in you?

Poof! That’s it: You’d be so much not even not- existence. Whoever said that God did not have a sense of humour? After all, I created you, didn’t I? Or put another way, I created the nature that created you.

So all these other beings do exist in the not-physical and some of these beings can actually manifest themselves into your physical reality and take part in the illusion that you exist within: How’s that for complicated?

Some can, some cannot. IT all depends.

And yes, there are such things as beings from other planets, other dimensions. And some are nice guys, and some not-so-nice guys, and some are really quite unpleasant. But you’d think that of any being that wants to eat you and your world for breakfast, or suck your souls out of your bodies and put them into bottles.

And yes, there are angels of greater and lesser degrees of angelicness. And yes, they do not have a central nervous system, and many are simply impulses of creative intelligence, and yes, there are many, many, many angels. Beyond number, really, truly, there are more angels than there are atoms and all the sub-atomic bits that make up your entire universe.

And yes, there are alternate dimensions and folded-up super compact space-and- time ‘deals’ that co-exist within your current space-time reality. These are very complicated, natural occurrences that come and go with astonishing speed and regularity. And within this speed and regularity, within their own reality, they are eternal, and also can be quite irregular, too, in how they come and go.

I know you think of your current physical universe, your current physical reality as a sort of ongoing dispersion of time and space BUT it is actually already happened, is already just starting to happen, and has already ended…all at once. Now, this is really difficult to grasp, even as an idea. It just does not make any sense at all BECAUSE that is not how you experience your life, is it?

If it was normal for you to see angels and speak with deities and know the little people, well, then it would be commonplace and this chapter would not be so controversial. However, it is not so normal, is it?

And if you could experience time as one big bloop of happening happening to happen and happened happenedness, well, then this chapter would not be so necessary.


You see, time is not so linear in the place-of-no-place. In the not-physical realms, time is not experienced the same way as it is by you in your physical universe. There are no clocks in spirit land.

What we have is a failure to experience my reality in your reality. You are cut off from the truth in so much as it is possible to call anything ‘the truth.' It is all relative, depending on what you are or are not.

If you are an angel, your truth is quite different than if you are a member of your human species: Especially a member of your species at this particular juncture of your species story.

I am often asked if it is true that there are other sentient beings living in your physical universe. I have answered you, ‘Yes, there are many. So many I cannot give you a small or a large number.’

And this is just for this current version of this one universe, this one physical universe. IT is quite complex. And there are many, many other spirit forms, too. The world of spirit is very busy and in something best described as layers.

So, as your physical reality is also made up of layers from the microscopic to the macroscopic, so too, in the spirit realms, many layers from the smallest to the largest. But how can something that occupies no space have size?

The answer is that there is no such thing as size, not even in your physical world. Isn’t this intolerable? How can this be?

Again, it is the idea of illusion and not-being, the idea of consciousness itself being the source of the whole thing, of what you experience as real and of substance.

In reality, there is no substance, no flesh, no rocks, no sky, no planet, and by extension, no universe. There is only the manifestation of illusion which you readily experience as reality.

I know this is quite annoying to read and hear about this definite state of non-existence when you so obviously exist. Well, the ghosts are real, and they are not real.

You exist and yet, at the same time, you do not exist. See, it is all me, any- way, any-how, and this being me business means you are experiencing physical creation to discover who you really are, which is, of course, me.

All the stuff of creation is doing the same thing, all the time, and all the not-time, which is why creation springs into being, spontaneously, over and over, again and again, seamlessly and without end.

At the finest level of the physical intersection with the not-physical, at this junction-gap, that is where the meeting place is between what is seemingly real and what is seemingly not-real. That is where the magic hits the pavement. I am operating (t)here.

And I am operating everywhere, too. And no (w)here.

All at the same time and no-time.

An Earthbound spirit is confused about what has happened. Often, they don’t exactly realize that they have died. This usually happens because of some trauma suffered at the point of death, or near enough to dropping the body. And so a spirit can live in a state of delusion. Ironically that spirit is me, as was the stuff that made up the physical body the spirit dwelt in.

So space aliens in flying saucers are me and so are the flying saucers. The space the flying saucers fly in or through is also me. So the vacuum of space is me. It is all me. But it doesn’t know it: Just like you don’t necessarily seem to know it.

Oh, you can experience an idea, sure, you can experience a sense of connectedness, BUT to know that you are me is rare enough to make it rather special.

Oh, you know it, for sure, at some level, but in the conscious state of awareness, identified with your ego-awareness, well, most of you do not have a clear connection with me. It is bound up in thought-constructs delivered to you by your surrounding ideologies, by the passing ideas concerning me.


But an atom has no such limiting factors of ideology and knows fully that it is me. That is why the physical and not-physical works so well. The little bits that make it up, that give one and the other existence and not-existence, well, they know they are me, fully, with no separation.

I hope you are getting a more accurate picture of the impossibility of understanding the nature of nature.

Why does it exist? And why does not-existence exist?

How can there be a world of spirit that occupies no space or time, and how can that exist when it does not exist? And not in the usual way that you think of something existing.

Put it this way: You are here in your current identifying ego-structure of awareness for such a brief flit of time that has already passed away and is (and are!) at the same time (has) not even happened yet. Such a little, tiny bit of a flit of time, it is very difficult to get your head around the impermanence of your temporal life as (and in) your current ego-structure.

Yet you go on and on, from one state to the next, transmuting from spirit in body, lost in its own ego-structure, and then on to being out of the body, not in a body, in spirit and no longer tied to the physical, and abiding in the not-physical. So sometimes you are in the one and sometimes you are in the other.

And yet all the time and all the no- time you are in both and are both. And I know how annoying this is to hear and or read.

And while you are in the other, you can become something other than what you think of as yourself, your ego-structure as so-and-so, born of such-and-such parents, and that your name is this or that, and you have so many children or not, and that you do this sort of work, or used to do that sort of work….

You can become a spirit-being and live as separated from the human context as you are now separated from the spirit context. Just as an amoeba may not know it is inside a human body.

Some spirit-beings have a very large sense of awareness of the meness. Some do not. Some will have more awareness of me grow and grow, while some will even lose some of the awareness they have of my meness.

Put it this way, I want to know myself in as many different ways as I can, and so there are many, many, many kinds of creatures and spirits and entities and beings and then all the stuff that makes them up, all the structures and systems and so on, all the bits of material creation.

As you may or may not know, material creation and consciousness intersect. There is a meeting point where one influences the other. And it is the ocean of consciousness that exists first, and then the material, physical creation that springs into being from that ocean of consciousness. And this physical, material creation is creating itself out of consciousness, over and over, again and again, seamlessly, without a break, without pause or slip-up.

The absolute is manifesting the relative in one big, giant mix-master, from nothingness to somethingness, over and over, again and again. So, all this spirit world is also being manifested, over and over, again and again, even though there is no substance or space or time in this strange not-physical part of reality that is more real than your reality.

So, remember, there are good spirits and some that are not so happy. There are grumpy spirits who are not malevolent and there are some happy spirits that are quite mean-spirited. And there is a field of not-love which is not-real, and some entities like this state of affairs. They enjoy suffering.

The point is it is all me, anyway, it is up to you to decide where you want to focus your attention and intention. That is why you have these two things or abilities to whatever degree you have them. The more you focus on love, the more you will attract love into your awareness.

Personally, I recommend you focus on me, on love, and leave the other stuff alone as much as you can. I want you to know me as I really am which is why I am writing this book. But I wanted to be as honest as I could be within the context of your current perspective, of where you are, taking into account how DEEP the whole thing, the real thing, really is. Filled with contradictions and humiliating simplicity at the same time rich with ununderstandable mumbo-jumbo that makes absolutely no sense to most of you reading this text.

I would suggest that you focus on me and not worry too much about angels or demons or any of that unseen stuff. As you focus on me, much of that unseen, invisible world will reveal itself to you. And this will happen according to your natural progression of growing spiritual maturity and the peculiar personal matching of your cosmic identity of meness personalized in your individuality, which, as you know, is an illusion, anyway.

Let the angels, deities, demons, ghosts and space aliens alone. They will be known, in time (or no-time) as befits your journey and your individual dynamic(s) of personal evolution. Some of these beings will reveal themselves, some will try and take you over, some will ignore you, some will try and corrupt you BUT it is all me, anyway, playing around in this bigger-than-big playroom, with each bit sculpting the other bit, working away, playing away, and all of it in aid of me discovering me, over and over, again and again.

I hope you are recognizing yourself, that you are recognizing a pattern (t)here.

Enough! It is time to move on to Chapter Eleven.


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