Chapter 13:
and the
The time has come to separate ourselves from the temptation to judge this work from a human standpoint and be worried what the critical mind has to say about this phenomenon of direct transcription from my mind onto the literal page, and from the type on the page by way of your eyes into your cognizing brain, for the words to be in focus, or your ears to hear the words read and recorded and then sent by vibration of speakers, through the air, by vibration of sub-atomic particles, into your ears, and there picked up by the subtle structures that make up your individual hearing equipment, designed by nature herself, and so, once again, into your cognizing brain, where some understanding can take place, and move past all the doubting parts, through all the accepting parts of your intellect, and of your personality, of your ego-structure, your self-identity, past all this (or that), and then to that place where there is some, at last, or, at first, some understanding of the nature of what you are reading or hearing, or maybe even seeing.
Whew! Quite the opening statement.
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It is not enough to jump blindly into all this god- consciousness mumbo-jumbo, we need to clear the
decks of some basic strenuous objections (or, as you say in the modern idiom, bullshit). We have precious little time in this current human context to be wasting words or intentions with little, airy-fairy games about what is real and what is imagined.
The diversity of thought about the subject of whether I exist or not, whether I would come to you in this current format (this book or voice recording), whether I would come like this and with such insistence of being genuine and real and NOW, well, it could be a bit off-putting for some.
And here I am asking you to suspend your logical reasoning faculties and just give in, give me your free-will and tune into me and let me into your mind so that we can begin a telepathic relationship, a two-way, conscious connection on the level of your active thinking, that you will have me in your mind in the form of clear, precise thoughts, separate from your own thoughts, feeding into your mind, well, very similar to having a conversation BUT with me, in your mind, in thought-form, clearly, and you quite able, more than able, to feed-back to me, in thought-form, questions and responses to what you receive from me: This is what I am asking you to begin to do, clearly and NOW.
The trick for you is to determine what is a real and genuine transmission from me to you and not some false cognition created by some part of your own mind to trick you or fool you, or some consciousness outside of your mind that is pretending to be me but really isn’t me, at all, but is something other than me, one of the bad guys or good guys who want to pretend to be me, convincingly or otherwise, and then go on to mislead you and basically confuse you and screw up your life.
The other part of all this is that this opening up to me might just be a way to drive yourself crazy and into some sort of schizophrenic state of being that is NOT based on reality but on pure fantasy. How can you know if I am really god or God? How can you prove it?
Well, you cannot prove it. And anyway, how could you prove it?
Even if something spectacular happens and you learn something from me that is impossible for you to know in a ‘normal’ way of thinking, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it was really me and not some other outside influence or even your-self that thought that thought into your cognizing brain parts.
The problem with free will is that it can lead you to be definitely NOT free. You can give up your will to other wills. You can be made to believe all kinds of ideas that sound convincing but are not based on what I am really up to, what I really want for you.
Free will is a choice deal. It is about what you can accept as being true for you. It is about ideas and what you are free to think in your own mind.
A part of free will is the ability to move into self- deception. You can believe something because you want to because it is more convenient to believe it, more comfortable to you to accept an idea and keep on accepting that idea than to change your mind.
I want you to be with me and know me as I really am. I want you to know the starting point of your physical universe as it arises out of nothingness into what you perceive as somethingness. I want you to pierce the illusion of the illusion I have made so that you discover me, again, so that I can have the fun of knowing myself, again.
It is a bit of a joke, I suppose, or so it may seem to you, that I would do all this for such a silly reason BUT that is what it is all about: Why you are here and why the other stuff is here, too. It is all for the discovery of your self.
And in this discovery, you will come to terms with me and my non-existence.
And in this discovery of your self, you will come to terms with the space in the solid, with the light in the darkness, with the fact and (and in) the fiction.
So, here we are, in the lap of luxury, waiting, once again, for the inspiration to overcome the objections to this impossible proposition that you can somehow accurately communicate with the mind of god (mind of God). Could this all be a form of self-deception?
You have free will.
That means you can apply your own thinking to whatever thoughts you wish to entertain. You can dwell on whatever thought constructs you wish to experience.
Here are the tough questions to ask yourself:
ONE: Are you ready to attempt to have conscious, clear, telepathic communication with me?
TWO: How will you know what is really real and what is really not real?
THREE: What will you do if you start to think that what you are thinking (what you are supposedly receiving from me) is a bunch of phony-baloney that you are making up as you go along?
FOUR: How will you ever know when you ARE ready for the conscious, two-way, telepathic communication with me?
Basically, all these questions boil down to one urgent idea or question: How can you ever know for sure that what you think is me is really me and not some thing that is not-me, whether that not-me is an entity or consciousness posing as me or is only just you, on your own, deluding your self, or some sort of combination plate of deception and delusion made up of just you and some other extant or partial not-you and not-me consciousness?
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The trick is to return to the guidance. Return to the process of asking to be with me, all the time, and to have that communication be clear and certain.
That is it.
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The way out of self-deception is to ask for help from me and to ask for what you want to have. Make the asking simple, clear, and to the point. Here is an example:
‘Oh god, I ask you to communicate clearly in my mind your thoughts and ideas, clearly, with certainty, so that I understand what it is you want me to do.’
You go ahead and think that in your own mind, quietly and completely, word-for-word, and then let it go. Don’t try and hear me respond. Just let your thinking be quiet and easy. Listen gently.
We are in the process of developing this precious link, and in some of you, well, this is a very new idea, very sensitive and tender, and can easily be destroyed by ‘the doubts’.
There is a part of you, in your intellect, that can easily get to scoffing at the absurd notion that I exist in the first place and that even if I did exist, how could YOU possibly have conscious, two-way communication with ME?
It just sounds ever so nutso, doesn’t it? A little too schizoid. And it sounds dangerous.
Why does it sound dangerous?
Well, what if I tell you to go jump of a bridge and kill yourself (or the other way round)? Or, pick up that axe and start chopping up your family and friends?
Or what if it is more subtle, and I tell you to go and do something that is a bit of a stretch for you, but only just a bit, and it starts to lead you down the wrong road. For example, I tell you to take all your savings and send them to some worthwhile cause(s). Now you have no more
money saved up and what if something happens and you need some money?
If you hear in your thoughts what you think is me telling you to kill your self, jump off the bridge, well, maybe it is time to doubt that it is really me in your mind.
Sometimes there is a good reason to doubt me. Sometimes doubt serves my purpose, too. You can doubt- the-doubt, for sure, but you can also doubt that which is not-me. The trick is to know whether or not it is me thinking into your mind or if it is not-me thinking into your mind.
The not-me could be only you, and it could be some not- me and not-you, a pretender!
I am here to guide you through all these fireworks of doubt and misunderstanding and relics of past associations of what god (God) is or isn’t supposed to say or do.
There is one true god for you: The god who made you and the god who made god who made god who made god, and so on.
I know this is highly annoying to your mental state of putting order into your perceptions BUT (and it is a very BIG but) I am not the one who made you or me or anything, at all. I made nothing and then nothing made me and then I made some thing out of no thing.
I made myself so that I could make myself, and then, having done that I went ahead and made myself, or rather, made me, and then, after that (or before that,
depending on ([y]our {my} point of view) the substructure for your possible existence was created by the impulse of me to know who exactly I am, and this is because I did not know who I was or where I came from.
It has been said that I am a creation of your species.
You created god just as you created money, in the form of an idea to explain what cannot be explained which is where you come from.
Money is a system of belief to explain my existence (!?), my reason for existence. Without your belief in it, money would not exist. Without your belief in me, I would not exist.
Or would I?
Before money existed, I did not exist. I do not exist. I never existed. I will never exist. I am not existence.
I am not a belief system or an idea.
I am that which made existence.
I am that which permits existence to exist.
I am not an idea that you had recently or in the living memory of your species.
To communicate with me, all you have to do is ask to be with me. It is that simple.
Once you have asked for me to come into your mind and think thoughts directly into your perception, you are required to be quiet in your mind and listen carefully to me and to the thoughts I will perfectly create (direct) into your consciousness, into your conscious mind.
You will have a precognition experience of each thought construct as it arises into your conscious mind. This is the seed form of the thought construct that you will experience in your active awareness.
At this moment of birth, your conscious mind with its ego structures and your conscious interaction with latent impressions CAN interfere and edit the transfer of thoughts from the embryonic stage of reception into the conscious cognition of your active awareness of thought. What I think into your mind can therefore be tampered with by your own hang-ups and opinions and strong biases that have nothing to do with me.
This is why it is important to pay attention to the impulse to edit my thoughts and change what you are receiving.
Therefore, when you are doubting me, you can ask for verification by asking: ‘God, please clarify what I have just heard you say in my mind.’
And then, once again, practice listening quietly to me enter into your thought structure: Practice letting the pre-aware thought-forms come into your conscious mind without tampering with them. It is a subtle state of awareness.
If you have already decided what it is I am going to tell you then you may not hear what I really want to say to you. That would be a waste of me if that were
It is not possible to waste me.
I am, after all, beyond all that sort of thing.
However, I do want to talk with you, and I do want you to listen to me because NOW is the time for you and your species to evolve to the next level of interaction with me, and for that to happen what is required is this use of your free-will to engage with a truthful dialogue between me and you, and since I am you anyway, it is as if I am talking to myself, which I am, anyway.
You may rightly wonder why I would have to have you involved in any of this if I am you BUT here is that very BIG but again: You do not know, really know, that I am you.
In fact, most of you do not know me at all. And I want so much to talk with you. I want so much to let you know about who you are and what to do next and how to do it.
It is time to move on, as a species, and as an individual.
Make no mistake, if you have read this far and are remaining engaged in this dialogue, you have a receptive mind and are either having some good experiences of conscious, clear, precise, two-way communication between god and your self, or, you are mostly ready to start having this happen.
I urge you to begin practicing actively asking and listening for me to telepathically communicate with you.
You ask, I answer.
You ask, you listen, you will hear me in your mind: Even better, after you hear me, heed me.
And as you go along, pay attention to those intuitions that come into your awareness: Pay attention to me as
I continue feeding you with insight and information about what to do next, what to say next, and when to say it, and when to say nothing.
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