Chapter 14:
and the
We begin with the idea of ideas: You have something to say to someone and so you say it, but it comes from sort of an idea that you are having, something that you want to communicate.
Ideas are borne of some sort of desire.
You want to say something to somebody, maybe to yourself, so you say it. Maybe you don’t want to say something to somebody but you find yourself saying it anyway. Sometimes you don’t want to talk to anyone at all but you find yourself talking anyway.
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Sometimes people will pry words out of you or you will say something that you don’t mean, not exactly, maybe not at all, or only mean in part.
Sometimes you will say something from feelings and it will be hurtful, harmful and filled with emotion charged to cause pain. You just can’t help it! Maybe you will say it softly, under your breath, so no one else can hear your words, or only hear them a little bit.
Or you will say the words loudly, maybe even yell or even scream the words.
Maybe you will speak with true passion, voice choked with feeling(s), unable to hold back the clutch of emotion running through your being. Maybe you will speak with that full-out anger, the quiet rage, the hurt indifference to someone else’s feelings: You do not care, you only want to hurt them!
What does it matter what you say? What does it matter what you think you say?
What does it matter what other people think you have said?
The power of speech is often in what is NOT said, it is often in what you deliberately restrain yourself from saying, from what you edit out of your speech, out of your words that leave your mouth.
The power of speech is found when you let me form the words in your mouth through the base of your tongue.
You let me speak for you. You let me let the words come into your mind and fill the root of your tongue and then come out of your mouth.
Maybe, at first, word number one seems to take a long time to fill up the root of your tongue. And maybe it seems to take an enormous effort of courage to let the word come out of your mouth.
That first word that you speak that is actually coming from me, that first word can be enormously difficult to say, to speak. It can stay stuck inside the root of your tongue, like it is dying there, waiting to be spoken by you, if you have the courage to just let it come out of your mouth.
Sometimes this speech can seem to get stuck in your mouth and be so ridiculous and fantastic, really pure stupid nonsense, retarded dumbness, the meanderings of a self-deluded idiot.
But it takes genuine courage to give voice to this inner stream of consciousness and engage me to speak for you, to let me do the talking for you: To ask me to come into your mouth and let me do the talking for you.
You should try this exercise. The next time you are in a certain situation, maybe a problem with someone over something or other, ask me to come into your mouth and speak for you. Then let the words form in the base root of your tongue and then let those words come out of your mouth, one at a time, to be actively heard and cognized by the person(s) who are listening to you speak.
Ask me to speak for you by asking me, in your own mind, ‘Lord god, please come into my mouth and speak for me,’ or, ‘God, what is the best thing for me to say right now?’ or, ‘God almighty, what do you want me to say right now?’ or, ‘God, what should I say?’
And then let the words come into the very root of your tongue. Let me feed the beginning of each word into the place where your tongue begins to come out from.
Let the words be spoken slowly and completely and naturally, with no particular hurry or rush or urgency or crazy nuttiness or fakeness.
This is the power of speech: Very subtle power: God speaking through your mouth: Using your free-will to get me to speak for you.
You get me to speak according to the merits of each moment you are in. You get the speech of god in your mouth: Words chosen with the insight of that which is beyond all human understanding, beyond all science or art or cleverness or intellect. The words of god, in your mouth, vibrating in the air, going into the ears of those who are listening to you, including your self.
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And what I say can often seem a bit odd. Maybe sometimes I offer rather simple solutions to what often seems to be very convoluted and complex problems.
And sometimes not much needs to be said. Sometimes it is nothing more than an acknowledgement of someone else’s concern(s).
In conclusion, the art of speech is found within the context of letting me speak for you and to reserve your own personal opinions. It is not necessary for you to hold back from letting me use your tongue and lips to speak words out into the world of man (people, humans, persons). Even if it is just one person listening to you speak, what I have to say is important, even if it is just one word, or part of a word.
I can talk with just a few sounds, too. It does not have to be fully formed words. Just a sound is often enough to communicate my will and meaning. The subtle sounds made from me to you and by this way, out into the world of man, even if it is only one person hearing me make a sound through you.
I am using you to communicate with your species.
And what I say, and what small noise I make, may not be very profound. It may be I ask for the butter to be passed to you, or how the day went for someone.
Certainly it might not be about whether or not they are aware that it is god speaking to them through you!
I am not in the habit of making a big fuss about that sort of personal revelation. Ordinary or extra-ordinary people do not need to know of our intimate relationship, though they might guess or wonder, from time-to-time about the simple magnitude of what comes out of your mouth.
No doubt there will be times when I surprise you with what comes out of your own mouth when you ask me to speak for you, when you let me do the talking. And there will be occasions when you would normally NOT say what I will have you speak out loud. There will be times when you might hesitate to say the words that you hear, feel, (whatever) fill into the base, the root, of your tongue.
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In that hesitation, you might edit the content of what I am putting in your mouth, onto your tongue, to speak out loud. You might well stop and wait. You may get a few words out of your mouth and wonder at the effect of such words and therefore may well stop speaking.
It is okay to wait and to check with me. If you are uncertain: Let me verify for you. The content will assert itself. The words will fill up your mouth and you will feel a compulsion to go with it and speak even though you might be afraid or nervous (about the impact such words will have upon the listener).
Trust yourself. And trust me. In a way, that is what this is about: Learning to let go and let me do the talking. I am a big talker. I can get you into all sorts of agreements that will change your life and the lives of those you speak to, speak with.
I did want to say, ‘I will get you into all sorts of crazy and wild jams…’ but the human author-scribe decided to edit that sentence but has willingly decided to include it here.
He is very concerned that you will get the wrong idea about me. He thinks that god would not say that god is dangerous or deliberately a trouble maker. In fact, the sort of ‘trouble’ I will make is exactly the sort that you would need, if I made it. There is always the bigger picture. And often you will not know or even have a clue what that will or would be.
Sometimes you won’t know, ever, not even when you are long gone from the scene. It can be a very long term exposure to the effects of a few words, or even one word, or even just part of a word, a little sound that you may make, and the effect that will have over a long period of time.
I know you might have a hard time understanding or believing this BUT what you say, even if it is only a small sound, part of a word, an indication of a word, or a sound, can have VERY BIG effects for many generations, for thousands of years to come.
In fact, the impact and effect may be felt and added to the story of beings and entities, non-humans, who do not even live on your planet. Let me make this clear:
Your word, words, partial words, little sounds, could effect creatures and beings who live on other planets even in other galaxies, even in other space-time constructs…. I will leave it at that, for now.
What you say out of your mouth is very important.
Having me speak for you is very wise and intelligent and creative. To get me to do that for you, all you have to do is ask me to do it.
Here are some examples of how to ask, the thought constructs to think when you want me to speak for you:
‘God, please speak for me,’
‘God, at this time, please speak for me,’
‘God, I do not know what to say, please tell me what to say.’
At other times you may well feel me wanting to speak through you.
You will have the feeling that it is me wanting to fill your mouth with words.
You will have a knowing that it is me warning you NOT to say something that you are just about ready to blurt out of your mouth.
Sometimes it will seem to be a part of you giving you caution. Sometimes it won’t be that wiser self, it will be me, the wisest self.
This is, of course, where it can get a bit confusing BECAUSE it is all me, anyway. And yet, at the same time, it is NOT me, too. The little you is not me, is it?
Or is it? Yes and no.
What do I mean? And will I please stop being so maddeningly changeable about this ‘god is, god isn’t!'
I mean that the little you is definitely not me. It is the not -me that is in a state of ignorance or denial or both about being me. It is the-me that exists to experience the-not-me so that I can (sooner or later) come to know me, come to experience the reality of the situation.
I have decided to write this book with the cooperation of this human host, the author- scribe, so that I can jump-start the process of illumination by using the printed and spoken word to reach people who have actively resisted the more subtle messages I have been sending about getting this telepathic connection established and in full use.
I have been knocking on your doors, windows, roofs, walls, trying to get something going but many of you think it is something else, that you are being deceived by your own sense of grandiosity or delusion or something nutty about your own make up.
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Or you have just been NOT hearing my knocking. Or you have been consciously or unconsciously ignoring the knocking sounds and the knocking signals.
It certainly is not considered normal to have clear, concise, practical, two-way communication in your own mind in the form of thoughts, from me to you and also from you to me.
It is often not considered normal or even desirable. It is not actively taught in your schools, homes, daycare, and hospitals, certainly not in your mental institutions or your prisons, and strangely, not all that much in your temples, churches, and religious gatherings. And when it is, usually it is heavily codified and censored.
But many of you know about this telepathy and have been secretly practicing with me. Many of you have been doing this sort of thing. In a way, this book is NOT for you. (In a way.)
Some of you are already doing it and for that I am grateful. It takes some true courage to let me in when I come knocking: Especially when you were going out of your way to avoid me in the first place.
There may well be some useful information in this book for those of you who are actively in telepathic, two-way communication with me BUT this book is really for those of you who doubt and don’t and avoid and sneer, as well as those who are neutral to the idea, and, of course, for those of you who want to have me thinking thoughts, clearly, into your own consciousness, and all the rest of what you read about (or hear about) in this book of god consciousness.
The Power of Silence
And now, here is the section in this chapter on the power of silence.
Silence means you are not talking. Or it can mean that YOU are not talking but I am talking and you are letting me do the talking. Silence can mean that no one is talking, not even me.
Silence could mean that you are not even listening to your own thoughts. It might mean there are no thoughts happening, at all, for you to listen to, even if you were trying to listen.
Silence is VERY powerful. Within silence is great power, and part of that power is the power of pure potential. Within silence is the beginning of everything.
Before there was even no thing there was silence. There wasn’t even silence. Even silence was silent.
Even that doesn’t do what I am getting at any justice.
Silence is so deep, so !@+#?&**((0+7^$=%?>#?@!~ something or other, even I don’t have any words or sounds that can describe what silence is all about or what can happen when you start to pay attention to silence.
Naturally enough, to pay attention to silence, you are going to have to start noticing silence. That may well mean you are going to have to shut the bleep up. You may have to stop talking or singing or whatever, and long enough to actually begin to sink into silence.
I know that many of you get restless when you don’t have thousands of pounds (or kilograms) of noise blasting into your body. You feel uneasy if it gets too quiet. You need the distraction from your own interior noise, so you fill up the exterior with lots of noise and distraction.
There are many amusing stories about people who seek silence only to discover how noise filled the world you live in is, including the noises of your own body and especially the noises of your own thinking and of your own feelings.
Staying with interior silence and just letting yourself be very, very quiet in your own mind can often for many people be very, very challenging. That is why it can be extremely useful to practice one of several techniques to get some initial slowing down of the interior mental din that you are accustomed to and are habituated to.
We will begin to explore some of these techniques in later chapters. For now, it is enough for you to ask me to give you, grant you, interior silence and the ability to sink deep, deep, deep inside the crucible of your own interior inner world of pure silence.
Ask me: ‘God, please give me the peace that passeth all understanding,’ or,
‘God, please help me to have deep inner silence,’ or,
‘God, please let me hear no thing (nothing).’
You get the idea.
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Please practice hearing silence as often as you can BUT make sure you stay involved in your life. Do not use this request of mine to use as an excuse to let your life become empty of engagement with the rest of me, for I am also very, very, very noisy.
To be aware of silence is to experience awareness of the gap between thoughts and awareness of noise, physical noise.
There may be sounds coming into your room from the cars going by on the street outside your house. There may be some noise or sounds coming from another room in the house that you live in, or from next door, or from some loud party down the block. There may be shrieks and yells and screams coming from somewhere, maybe even in your own room, maybe even from your own mouth. (That's a bit of a joke, by the way: Ha ha ha ha ha.)
To experience silence, sometimes you will have to listen to interruptions of your silence and there may be accompanying thoughts that come with sounds that you hear. These thoughts may be recognition thoughts, or feelings: Irritation, anger, longing, who knows?
The point is, when you are pursuing your awareness of inner silence, when you become aware that you are not experiencing silence and that you are locked up in some thought or hearing some noise, oh well, big deal!
Obviously the whole world is going to blow up if you don’t have your ecstatic juncture of deep, inner peace. (That’s another joke, by the way: Ha ha.)
The trick is to be gentle with your self, and gentle with your attention, and gentle with your intention, and gently come back to being aware of the gap between your thoughts and feelings.
If some sound is there, pounding away, well, you do the best you can with being inside your self and being with the deep inner silence.
Because it is there: The deep inner silence is there.
Make no mistake about that: Even if you do not experience it, so what? It is still there, and it is always (t)here, and it is always waiting for you. You see, I am in that silence, waiting for you.
And I am waiting to welcome you to this silent treatment. And it is a treat, this silent silence that is in every loud, noisy noise.
Now, more about the power of silence but in other terms:
In this next example, in other terms, I introduce the idea of being silent and not saying anything at all: When to hold your tongue, bite your tongue, when NOT to speak, NOT to say whatever it is that you were about to say that will only complicate your life and the life of others.
In some classical religious texts it says something along the line of: ‘Only answer yea or nay.’
What I want to tell you is that sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut and listen. Perhaps this part of this chapter might be better called ‘The Power of Listening’ but I figure that in order to start listening you have to be silent unless you are listening to your self talk or listening to your own thoughts.
I want you to try listening to other people. Listen to what they say. Listen to what your mind starts to do. Listen to the words that come into your mind that you want to say in response to what they say AND then do not say those words.
Don’t say any words. Just remain silent.
Hey! Here is another practice I want you to try: Keep silent once a week for a certain length of time. Try that and see what happens.
Make sure you let the necessary people know that you are going to be silent for four hours or half-a-day or whatever it is you are aiming for.
Go into silence. Do not speak. If you have to, you can write down whatever it is you must say. If you take care to organize the situation, you probably won’t have to do that.
I want you to actively pursue silence so you can begin to develop a highly personal relationship with something of truly great value, and that is your ability to shut up and be quiet and not speak and not obsess about thoughts and feelings, and instead become very quiet inside, even if it is very, very noisy outside.
It is in silence that deep communication beyond human language can take place. Parts of you that you are not acquainted with can get to know each other. In silence, many, many long-standing ruptures and wounds can surface for healing and whole-ing.
You and I can get to know each other better. You can start to get to know me better. You can even start to hear me more clearly even though I won’t be saying anything at all except for nothing (no thing).
Silence, interior silence, is so paradoxical and bizarre and so very, very powerful. It is the meeting point of creativity and intelligence and beauty and horror and all things, really.
Silence is the place where I am, all the time, all the no- time. It is isness. Silence is golden. You can wait to say whatever it is that needs to be said. If you pause and let silence rush in, then I can have a chance to speak for you.
It is in the little gap, when you pause, when you let me come into your mouth, when you let me fill the root of your tongue with the very beginning of a word or words, it is in this gap of silence that great power is found.
Silence can be very, very loud. It can be deafening.
Strange, isn’t it? Another paradox, true, isn’t it?
Sometimes saying nothing and letting silence ring out says more than all the words and noise can ever say.
For example, sometimes in a very loud piece of music there is the sudden absence of all noise, of all sound, and the effect is quite spectacular, quite dramatic.
Or if you are singing with accompaniment of other voices or instruments and then, suddenly, all that other accompaniment is gone, and only one voice is heard, oh, that can be very dramatic, too.
Another example is a sudden stopping of speech: And let the words sink in. Let silence be there. Pause. Wait. And then start speaking, again: After a suitable moment for the silence to sink in.
In fact, when you think about it, you will come to see (or hear) how often there are little bits of silence between most spoken words and most thoughts and feelings that you have going on. There are little gaps, little junctions of silence.
There is great power in silence: Perhaps the greatest power of all.
It is a place where love can blossom: Where great endurance can be discovered. It is a place where you can find me, too, waiting to be found.
It is in the pause of silence that I can come forward and be heard in your own mind.
It is in the deliberate waiting, on your part, in silence, for me to come into your thoughts and be known by direct thought transmission, directly into your mind from my mind which, as you have heard me say, is actually your mind, anyway.
In silence you have the opportunity to invite me into your own mind, which is my mind, anyway.
Silence is very powerful. It can even drive you to madness. So respect the power of silence and treat it with great care.
Let me guide you into the deepest silent silence. Let me take care of you while you dwell in this magnificent peace. Let me help you be smoothly lifted out of silence and back into the world of noise and sound and bluster and blunder.
Let me help you to maintain and develop an inner silence that will go with you even in the noisiest of circumstances.
Let me help you.
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