
God Consciousness and Thought and Feeling


The God Consciousness Project

Chapter 36:


In this chapter you are going to be exposed to a lot of important transferences of communication about how to link-up with me (who is you), and to get a steady and stable communication between us (that is, you who is me and me who is you!).

This will end up being a non-intellectual exercise. We will not be staying on the level of an idea.

When you get the link going, you can count on the fact that there will be a lot of feeling coming through with the thoughts, too.

That’s just the way it is, my Darling!

Watch this video:

You see, we are both very, very emotional creatures: Except I can tolerate really, really extreme emotions. I mean, I am god, right?

So what goes on for me takes in a lot of stuff that you just can’t ever get into.

You just do not have the equipment to even register the stuff.

Consider it this way: You do not have the physical equipment to hear certain frequencies of sound, or see certain frequencies of light, at least within the context of the physical ego-structure (your body) that you think you currently inhabit.

So when you are me and that really takes place, you will come to know what I am referring to. Until then, well, you just have to take my word for it ‘cuz there is no other way for me to deal with this part of our conversation.

At a certain point in the communication, you are going to run into this phenomenon where your awareness just cannot absorb the magnitude of enormousness that keeps on getting more enormous.

For safety reasons, you are left behind, and the default saving thing happens and you are returned to the normal broadcast service. Or something like that.

I know that there is a popular idea out there right now that you are not waiting to catch up with me kind-of-thing, that there is no real difference between us. Not really. And that perception of difference is part of the illusion. And that this perception of you and I being separate from each other is an illusion, and so on, and so forth.

Gee, I have even told you this (or that) in this book!

But, it is true that we are different.

I am not only you, but I am also the other yous you see all around you.

I am the you who is or was your Mother. I am the you who is or was your Father. I am the you who is in another human body who might be the guy serving you at the store or at the bank or at the police station.

I might be the guy or guyess who attacks you and robs you and murders you.

I might be the you who is NOT you who is a politician you do NOT like or trust.

I am all of you. I am all of YOU.

So I am many yous.

And I am all the yous that have gone before you, too.

And I am all the yous who will come after you have gone.

And where will that be?

When you are gone, where do you go? You go back to me. You come back to me. You become me, again.

But you were never not me and I was ALWAYS you.

So what does this have to do with thought and feeling?

Because no matter what you think and feel about this, it will not make any difference to the reality of the situation.

Or will it?

Can your thoughts and feelings make a difference to the reality of this or any situation?

Well, the answer is sure to make you annoyed or amused or indifferent or something.

And the answer is yes and no and maybe, and all at once and one-at-a-time, too: And also never-at-all.

How’s that for ambiguity?

What do you think and feel about that answer?

You see, life often seems like some sort of quiz, doesn’t it?, where you are asked all sorts of impenetrable questions of great importance and heavy significance, like, ‘What should I have for dinner?’, or, ‘What do you think would go best with this dress?’, or, ‘Do you like my new haircut and or hairdo?’

We are trained from an early age to keep our true thoughts and feelings under some sort of guard because we can get into such enormous complicated troubles if we just go ahead and shoot our mouths off and shoot from the lip.

Are some of you feeling odd that I have included the word, the term, ‘we’ in this narrative?

And are some of you thinking that it is wrong for god to lump him, her, it, (my) self in with the likes of you lot?

After all is said and done, we are one.

No matter what you think and or feel about the matter, or the no-matter for that matter: It really just doesn’t matter, and that is the matter with it!

What is the matter with that?

You see, I do think and feel, but on a very, very LARGE scale. In fact, it is such a very BIG and LARGE scale that there is no accurate way to measure the size of my thoughts and feelings.

Thoughts and feelings have nothing to do with me. Well, not exactly, anyway.

They do have some thing to do with me, but NOT in the way you might think or feel about what I think and feel about….

You see, I do think and feel about every thought and feeling that goes on, has gone on, will go on, and so on.

You can imagine what that is like!

Consider for a moment how many thoughts and feelings you have going on in a single moment of your life and then extend that out a bit, if you don’t mind, and you’ll get a hint about how hectic it can get for ME!

Now consider all the other humans that have come and gone and are going to come and go and that are also here, now.

Consider the implications of my compassion for all that thinking and feeling.

Now do me a small, wee favour and put that in the perspective of all the mental activity of all the brains, big and small, of all the creatures who have come and gone, and will come and go, and are currently here, now, thinking and feeling, from the little birds and the little frogs and the big fish and the little fish, and all of it, all of it, all the creatures, from the creeping, crawling, slithering and or flying kind, or the kind just sitting there, slightly wiggling:

And all of it, all of it, thinking and feeling whatever the big, small and even smaller creatures think and feel.

And that’s just on this planet!

It is a lot to consider, isn’t it? And if you do it seriously, no wonder you feel a little faint, eh?

If you take the trouble to stretch out and consider all of creation, well then, you get an idea of how much thinking and feeling I am doing. It is a lot!

And that is why I want you to get consciously involved in thinking and feeling with me rather than against me. It is so much easier for you when you get in tune with the source of your own feelings and thoughts.

You do this by simply asking me to help you to do this in a very, very simple and direct way:

‘God, let me think with you.’

‘God, let me feel with you.’

‘God, let my thoughts be guided by you.’

‘God, help me to understand my feelings.’

‘God, let my feelings be in tune with you.’

‘God, let my thoughts and feelings flow from you.’

‘God, help me to think and feel in a way that is according to your will.’

‘God, I give you my every thought and feeling.’

‘God, I ask you to help me to think and feel according to your will for me.’

‘God, let me know your thoughts and feelings about what I am thinking and feeling about (whatever it is you are wanting guidance about)….’

Keep your request simple. Keep it straight forward. And ask as often as you want and need to ask for help.

A big part of all of this is to learn how to shut up and listen to my reply: To just stop and let me come in to you, into your mind, into your consciousness, into your awareness, and NOT edit what you hear, what you receive, what you are given.

Something else I want and need you to know is how things can take on feelings and thoughts, too.

I know this sounds a little bit out-there (to say the least!) BUT it is true, none-the-less, and is important for you to know about and consider when you go about the busy-ness of your lives.

All the stuff you use and interact with is actually me, anyway.

Do you see what I mean?

The car (and all the parts it is made up of), the road you drive the car on, the trees and rocks and rivers and lakes and stuff you drive by in your car that you are driving on the road, and the gasoline and or diesel that you use to power the car you are driving on the road that you are driving that car on…all of it has thoughts and feelings, too!

And all the little bits that make up the bigger bits that make up the even bigger bits, and so on, ALL of it has, had, have, will have, thoughts and feelings.

Not only that, but they also absorb the thoughts and feelings that you have had, will have and are having, too.

And they are influenced by all this, too. They are changed by this influence.

They are influenced by all this influencing, too.

A fun and clever word-way to put this is that the effluent of your influence is contagious!

That is why what you think and feel is so very, very important!

We are all in this together! Right up to the hip, right up to the lip, past the zip!

All of us are in this together. And when you start to take some active interest in ALL of THIS, when you start to get into your own thinking and into your own feeling and begin to get involved in literally shaping and guiding and directing the way you want and need all that thinking and feeling to go, well, then you will get TREMENDOUS support from me to help you get it all going in the right direction. And that right direction is so obviously simple and pure in its intent, and that is more and more towards MY desire for you to be in tune with your SELF!

Let’s get this clear and let’s get this part straight as straight can be: Joining your free-will with MY free-will is NOT you suborning your originality. NOT AT ALL! You do not end up a clone of Jesus or Muhammed or Good-ah Buddha or whatever the flavour of the millennium is, was or will be.

What happens is you become you, and maybe for the first time in a long time, too!

How refreshing is that?


One of the important things to get clear on is how important what you think and feel really are, or is, to the outcome of whatever it is you are setting out to do, think or feel about…and so on, again and again, over and over.

So to get me actively involved at the voluntary level of your awareness is really, really helpful to the whole process of your thinking and feeling thoughts and feelings that are really, really YOUR thoughts and feelings and NOT somebody else’s thoughts and feelings.

There is a legitimate question to be asked, and that is, ‘Have you ever had an original thought and or feeling, ever?’

Have you ever had a thought and or feeling that was NOT influenced by some other thought and or feeling that maybe did not even start with you, in the first place?

You know you can find out what the thoughts and or feelings of other creatures and entities are, if you want and or need to. And you can find out what the thoughts and or feelings of objects are, too, if you want and or need to.

Imagine knowing what a chair thinks and or feels? Or an entire room? Or a planet? Or a solar system? And so on…from the biggest to the smallest. Imagine knowing what I think and or feel?

Well, to some extent you can know what I think and feel. And you can certainly know some of what the chair thinks and or feels, too, if you want to and or need to know such a thing.

And then you can let me tell you what needs and or wants to be done to make something feel better about it self.

You can do this by asking me for help in knowing whatever it is you are wanting to know about, whatever it is that you want to and or need to know about anything’s thoughts and or feelings about anything.

Remember that the constant attention to your own thoughts and feelings intentions can drive you crazy and make you lose track, sometimes, and that is why it is so very, very important to get me involved, deliberately, in your consciousness.

And that is why it is so vital that you come to understand how much editing you do of me as I come into your mind in a conscious and clear way.

Most of you use your free-will to stay stuck in NOT being free, at all, and to stay stuck in ignorance of me and my thoughts and feelings when it comes to your own thoughts and feelings that may not even really be your own thoughts and feelings, anyway.

Learning how NOT to edit me is a very, very important step in learning how to be with me, learning how to listen to me, learning how to listen to your SELF, and learning how to listen to all the other SELVES that can really benefit by and from being really, REALLY listened to.

Some times you do not have to have ALL the answers: Some times not saying anything at all, but just listening even when they are not talking is good enough, even better enough than anything else you could ever, ever do!

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