Robert Farmilo
This longish article will set the stage for looking at the relative scale of things. It helps to get some perspective of the dimensions of things.
To begin, let us take into consideration the following objective facts that are relative in their dimensions.
How big is the universe?
The size of the universe is a topic that intrigues astronomers and cosmologists, but it's challenging to determine with precision due to several factors, including the universe's constant expansion and the limitations of our observational technology.
1. Observable Universe:
- The observable universe refers to the part of the universe that we can see or detect from Earth. Its size is determined by the distance light has traveled since the Big Bang, about 13.8 billion years ago.
- The radius of the observable universe is about 46.5 billion light-years. This means the diameter is about 93 billion light-years. However, due to the expansion of the universe, the current distance to the edge of the observable universe is even greater.
2. Total Universe:
- The total size of the universe, including parts beyond the observable universe, is unknown and potentially infinite.
- The shape and the topology of the entire universe are also not fully understood. It could be flat and infinite, curved, or have a more complex structure.
3. Expansion of the Universe:
- The universe has been expanding since the Big Bang, and recent observations suggest this expansion is accelerating.
- The speed of this expansion is described by the Hubble constant, though there's some debate about its exact value.
4. Limitations of Observation:
- Our understanding of the universe's size is limited by the speed of light and the age of the universe. We cannot see beyond the region from which light has had time to reach us since the universe's beginning.
Due to these limitations, our understanding of the universe's total size is based on theoretical models and observations of cosmic microwave background radiation, the distribution of galaxies, and other astronomical data. The field is continually evolving, with new discoveries and technologies expanding our understanding of the cosmos.
Okay, that's super-great=fantastic.
But who cares?
But who cares?
Maybe when you are out of the city at night and the sky is clear and you look up and see the heavens revealed with a seeming infinite of stars visible to your naked eyes --- maybe then you might be gob-smacked by the sheer scale of the cosmos.
Yes, for a few moments you might be swayed by the epic smallness of your own individuality in the context of the crazy bigness of what you are gazing at.
Even so, take this little set of facts into consideration:
On a clear night, far from light pollution, the number of stars visible to the naked eye can vary but is typically around 2,000 to 2,500 stars at any given time. This number can change based on several factors:
1. Sky Conditions:
- The clarity of the sky plays a significant role. The presence of any clouds, haze, or atmospheric disturbances can reduce visibility.
2. Observer's Location:
- The specific location of the observer on Earth affects visibility. For instance, observers in rural areas far from city lights will see more stars than those in urban settings.
- Additionally, the hemisphere and latitude of the observer determine which part of the sky and which constellations are visible.
3. Time of Year:
- Different stars and constellations are visible at different times of the year due to the Earth's orbit around the Sun.
4. Light Pollution:
- In areas with significant light pollution, such as large cities, the number of visible stars can be drastically reduced.
5. Astronomical Events:
- Meteor showers, comets, and other astronomical events can temporarily increase the number of visible objects in the sky.
It's important to note that the human eye can only see a tiny fraction of the stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way, which contains an estimated 100 billion to 400 billion stars. The observable stars are those relatively close to Earth, within a few thousand light-years.
Most of us are too busy doing our thing.
For many, it is a simple case of trying to survive.
The lucky few get to wallow in the luxury of luxury.
But sometimes, even the lowest of the low wonder about the stars above. Even the poorest of the poor speculate about their insignificance compared to the vast reaches of space.
Of course, sometimes the exceedingly wealthy also contemplate the ridiculous implausability of being on a planet that is flying through outer space. A planet that is their home. In a way, the planet is the space ship carrying them through the void.
Are we all inside God?
Image of the Thought-Contemplation Exercise
waiting for you towards the end of this article.
waiting for you towards the end of this article.
If the universe is essentially a thing, an object made up of many parts...where did the universe come from?
Perhaps it was God who did it, and is still doing it. Maybe. Okay. So if the universe exists, and you exist, you exist within the universe. Let's settle on that for the moment.
You may reject the very idea of God. I get that. God is difficult, a hard word to swallow. I know. But, for me, the universe is way outside of my capacity to grasp.
Let us consider some basic facts about the planet we are flying through space on. Our space ship. How about we take a moment to contemplate how fast we are moving and where we are moving to.
The movement of the Earth, the Sun, and the Milky Way galaxy involves multiple speeds and directions. Let's break down these movements starting from the Earth and moving outward:
1. Rotation of the Earth on Its Axis:
- The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours. This rotation is responsible for day and night.
- The equatorial speed of rotation is about 1,670 kilometers per hour (1,040 miles per hour).
2. Orbit of the Earth Around the Sun:
- The Earth orbits the Sun once every 365.25 days, which defines one year.
- The orbital speed of the Earth around the Sun is approximately 107,000 kilometers per hour (66,600 miles per hour).
3. Movement of the Solar System Within the Milky Way:
- The Sun, along with the solar system, orbits the center of the Milky Way galaxy.
- This orbital speed is estimated to be about 828,000 kilometers per hour (514,000 miles per hour).
4. Movement of the Sun Towards the Solar Apex:
- The solar system is moving toward a point in the constellation Hercules, known as the solar apex.
- The speed of this movement is approximately 70,000 kilometers per hour (43,500 miles per hour).
5. Movement of the Milky Way Galaxy:
- The Milky Way galaxy itself is moving through space.
- It's estimated to be moving at a velocity of about 2.1 million kilometers per hour (1.3 million miles per hour) towards the Great Attractor, a gravitational anomaly in intergalactic space.
6. Movement of the Milky Way in the Local Group:
- The Milky Way is part of a galaxy group known as the Local Group, which is also moving through space.
- The speed of this movement, along with the Local Group, is less clearly defined but is influenced by the mass distribution in the nearby universe, including the pull from the Virgo Cluster and the Great Attractor.
The Milky Way galaxy and the Local Group are moving through space at significant speeds, driven by gravitational forces and the expansion of the universe.
7. Milky Way Galaxy:
- The Milky Way galaxy is moving at an estimated speed of about 2.1 million kilometers per hour (1.3 million miles per hour) towards the Great Attractor, a gravitational anomaly in intergalactic space that influences the motion of galaxies in our local region of the universe.
8. Local Group:
- The Local Group, which is a galaxy group that includes the Milky Way, Andromeda, and about 54 other galaxies, is also moving through space.
- The speed of the Local Group as a whole is a bit more complex to determine, but it's estimated to be moving at approximately 600 kilometers per second (about 2.2 million kilometers per hour or 1.34 million miles per hour) towards the Shapley Supercluster, a massive cluster of galaxies.
These speeds are calculated based on observations of cosmic microwave background radiation and the redshifts of galaxies, among other astronomical measurements. The motion of galaxies and galaxy groups like the Local Group is influenced by the distribution of mass in the universe, including dark matter, and by the overall expansion of the universe itself.
The velocity of the Shapley Supercluster, a massive cluster of galaxies, is a complex matter to determine due to the vast scales and dynamics involved in cosmic movements. The movement of such large structures is influenced by various factors, including gravitational interactions with other superclusters, the distribution of dark matter, and the expansion of the universe.
The Shapley Supercluster, being one of the largest concentrations of galaxies in the nearby universe, has a significant gravitational influence and is part of the larger flow of galaxy clusters and superclusters. This flow, sometimes referred to as the "Great Attractor" region, indicates that galaxy clusters and superclusters in our part of the universe are moving towards a common point or region in space.
Image of The Shapley Supercluster
However, quantifying the exact speed of the Shapley Supercluster is challenging. The velocities of such large structures are typically measured relative to the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and can be influenced by the observer's location and movement. The general motion of galaxy clusters in the direction of the Shapley Supercluster is often measured in hundreds of kilometers per second, but these values can vary depending on specific observational parameters and methods.
In summary, while it's understood that the Shapley Supercluster is moving and exerting a significant gravitational pull on nearby structures, providing a specific speed value is complex and subject to the intricacies of cosmological measurements and interpretations.
Each of these movements is happening simultaneously, and the relative speeds and directions are influenced by the gravitational forces exerted by other celestial bodies and structures in the universe. The complex nature of these interactions makes the exact speeds and directions challenging to pinpoint precisely and subject to ongoing astronomical research and refinement.
That is a lot of information to take in.
How about we add up all the different speeds the planet is moving at? What do you think the total number will be?
Okay, here is a basic layout. Keep in mind, this kind of reasoning is considered to be naive and silly.
First of all, here are all the speeds you are moving, right now:
Approximately 7,436,670 kilometers per hour.
What is that per minute and per second?
- 123,944.5 kilometers per minute.
- 2,065.74 kilometers per second.
To be fair, if you are traveling by foot, you should add that speed into how fast you are moving. Hey, you might be running, or in a car going 100 km/hour, or in a plane...could be. You never know.
But that isn't really adding to how fast the planet is moving, is it?
It is adding to how fast you are moving though, isn't it?
Yeah, well, to quote the legendary jazz-man, Sun Ra: "Space is the place."
And though you seem to be tucked-in, nice and cozy on this planet, the planet is moving through a very dangerous place called outer space.
To calculate the combined speed at which Earth is moving through outer space, we must consider various motions, including Earth's rotation, its orbit around the Sun, the Sun's movement through the Milky Way, the Milky Way's motion within the Local Group, and the movement of the Local Group towards the Shapley Supercluster. However, it's important to note that adding these speeds directly is not straightforward due to the different directions and reference frames for each movement. Speeds in space are typically relative to specific reference points and not additive in the same way as in everyday experiences.
Nevertheless, let's list these speeds:
1. Rotation of Earth on Its Axis:
- Approximately 1,670 kilometers per hour (1,040 miles per hour) at the equator.
2. Orbit of Earth Around the Sun:
- Roughly 107,000 kilometers per hour (66,600 miles per hour).
3. Movement of the Solar System Around the Center of the Milky Way:
- Estimated at about 828,000 kilometers per hour (514,000 miles per hour).
4. Movement of the Milky Way in the Local Group:
- Approximately 2.1 million kilometers per hour (1.3 million miles per hour) towards the Great Attractor.
5. Movement of the Local Group:
- Estimated at about 2.2 million kilometers per hour (1.34 million miles per hour) towards the Shapley Supercluster.
6. Movement of the Shapley Supercluster:
- The exact speed is difficult to determine, but let's assume a similar order of magnitude as the Local Group's motion, around 2.2 million kilometers per hour (1.34 million miles per hour).
If we were to naively add these speeds (keeping in mind the caveats about direction and relativity), the total would be:
\[ 1,670 + 107,000 + 828,000 + 2,100,000 + 2,200,000 + 2,200,000 \text{ km/h} \]
Calculating this sum gives us a rough, theoretical total speed. Let's compute it.
Let's manually add up the speeds:
1. Rotation of Earth on Its Axis: 1,670 km/h
2. Orbit of Earth Around the Sun: 107,000 km/h
3. Movement of the Solar System Around the Milky Way: 828,000 km/h
4. Movement of the Milky Way in the Local Group: 2,100,000 km/h
5. Movement of the Local Group: 2,200,000 km/h
6. Estimated Movement of the Shapley Supercluster: 2,200,000 km/h
Total Speed = 1,670 km/h + 107,000 km/h + 828,000 km/h + 2,100,000 km/h + 2,200,000 km/h + 2,200,000 km/h
≈ 7,436,670 km/h
Therefore, if we naively add all these speeds together, the total speed would be approximately 7,436,670 kilometers per hour. However, this is a highly theoretical figure and doesn't accurately reflect the complexities of astrophysical motion, as these velocities are relative to different frames of reference and are not simply additive.
I know I've repeated myself somewhat, but, hey...think about it. My main deal here is to get you thinking about how big BIG really is.
Whatever you think about this God deal, the unavoidable and epic deal you are in and on is of some importance to you, even if you don't think it is.
You see, you only have this one planet...your space ship, and you are most likely going to die on this space ship. Maybe it is better to say you are going to die IN this space ship. In...on, whatever.
My deal is that you are living inside of God. I can call the universe God. You can reject that idea completely, but you are stuck with the fact that you are living inside a universe. You are on a planet that is part of the universe. You live in the universe.
But is the universe inside you, too? At the same time that you are living inside the the universe inside of you?
Big questions, right?
My deal is that the universe is a part of God. That the universe exists. It is here, and you are here, too. And inside of you is a lot of stuff, too. And that stuff is moving, too.
The parts that you are made up of are all moving, too.
Let's' take a dive into the speed of blood in the "average" human being.
The speed at which blood moves through the human body varies depending on the location in the circulatory system. In the aorta, the largest artery in the body, blood can travel at a speed of about 1.2 to 1.5 feet per second (0.33 to 0.45 meters per second) when the heart is pumping. However, in the capillaries, the smallest blood vessels, the speed is much slower, allowing for the exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products. The speed of blood flow in capillaries can be as slow as 0.03 mm per second.
It's important to remember that these speeds are averages and can vary depending on a person's age, fitness level, heart health, and other factors. The heart rate, blood vessel size, and blood viscosity are key factors influencing the speed of blood flow.
More details about how fast blood is moving.
Let's manually calculate the conversions of blood flow speeds from meters per second and millimeters per second to kilometers per hour and miles per hour.
1. Converting the speed in the aorta (0.33 meters per second) to kilometers per hour and miles per hour:
- Kilometers per hour: \( 0.33 \, \text{m/s} \times 3.6 = 1.188 \, \text{km/h} \)
- Miles per hour: \( 0.33 \, \text{m/s} \times 2.23694 \approx 0.738 \, \text{mph} \)
2. Converting the speed in capillaries (0.03 millimeters per second) to kilometers per hour and miles per hour:
- Kilometers per hour: \( 0.03 \, \text{mm/s} \times 0.0036 = 0.000108 \, \text{km/h} \)
- Miles per hour: \( 0.03 \, \text{mm/s} \times 0.00223694 \approx 0.0000671 \, \text{mph} \)
Therefore, the speed of blood in the aorta is approximately 1.188 kilometers per hour or 0.738 miles per hour, while in the capillaries, it is about 0.000108 kilometers per hour or 0.0000671 miles per hour.
Here is a visual image of the speed of blood for you to ponder:
(NOTE: this image was created by my robot. Some of the symbols beside the numbers look a bit off. Let's work with the image as it is. Please take a look at the numbers in the list above the image.)
Moving On!
It is time to look into the cellular level of the average human being. How fast are the cells moving?
The speed at which the cells in the human body move varies greatly depending on the type of cell and its function. Here are a few examples:
1. **Blood Cells**: Red blood cells move along with the blood flow, which, as mentioned earlier, can range from around 1.188 km/h in the aorta to much slower speeds in the capillaries.
2. **Immune Cells**: White blood cells can move independently and are known for their ability to migrate to sites of infection or injury. Their speed can vary, but some, like neutrophils, can move at speeds up to 30 micrometers per minute (which is very slow on a human scale).
3. **Nerve Impulses**: While not cells themselves, nerve impulses (the movement of signals through neurons) can travel at speeds up to 120 meters per second in myelinated neurons, which is very fast compared to the movement of other cells.
4. **Sperm Cells**: In human reproduction, sperm cells are known for their motility, moving at speeds of about 0.2 to 0.8 mm/s.
5. **Cell Division and Migration**: In processes like wound healing or growth, cells can move and divide. This movement is typically very slow and measured over hours or days.
It's important to note that most cells in the body are stationary, integrated into tissues and organs, and do not move independently. The cells that do move do so at speeds that are appropriate for their biological functions and are generally quite slow when compared to macroscopic movement.
Those parts get increasingly smaller, too.
All the stuff that makes up the molecules that are part of you, those parts are moving.
The atoms are moving because the parts of the atoms are moving. And the parts that are parts of the parts of the atoms that are parts of the molecules that are part of you...those parts of parts of parts, they are all moving.
And they are moving...FAST!
Now we do a deep dive into some more facts. Hang on. It's worth it.
Estimating the number of molecules in the average human adult involves some approximations and assumptions, as the human body is composed of a vast array of different types of molecules. However, one common approach is to consider the body's water content, as water molecules make up a significant portion of the human body.
1. Body Weight and Water Content:
- The average adult human weighs about 70 kilograms (154 pounds).
- Approximately 60% of the human body is water.
2. Water Molecule Count:
- Water (H₂O) has a molar mass of about 18 grams per mole.
- A mole of any substance contains Avogadro's number of molecules, which is approximately \(6.022 \times 10^{23}\) molecules.
3. Calculations:
- The total mass of water in the average adult is \(70 \text{ kg} \times 0.60 = 42 \text{ kg}\).
- The number of moles of water in 42 kg is \( \frac{42,000 \text{ g}}{18 \text{ g/mol}} \).
- The total number of water molecules is the number of moles multiplied by Avogadro's number.
Let's calculate the estimated number of water molecules in the average human adult.
The estimated number of water molecules in the average human adult is approximately \(1.41 \times 10^{27}\). This calculation is based on the assumption that 60% of the body's weight is water and uses the properties of water molecules. However, it's important to note that this is a rough estimate, as the human body contains many other types of molecules in addition to water.
To provide a rough estimate of the number of non-water molecules in the human body, we can use the same method as for water molecules, taking into account the different proportions and average molar masses of the main molecular components. This estimate will be very rough and should be taken as a general indication rather than a precise calculation.
1. Body Weight and Component Percentages:
- Average adult body weight: 70 kg (154 lbs).
- Proteins: 16% of body weight.
- Lipids: 15% of body weight.
- Nucleic Acids: A small fraction, say 1% for simplicity.
- Carbohydrates: Let's estimate 2% of body weight.
2. Average Molar Masses (Simplistic Estimates):
- Proteins: ~50,000 g/mol.
- Lipids: ~800 g/mol (typical triglyceride).
- Nucleic Acids: ~330 g/mol (average nucleotide).
- Carbohydrates: ~180 g/mol (e.g., glucose).
3. Calculating the Number of Molecules:
- For each component: \(\text{Number of Molecules} = \frac{\text{Mass in grams} \times \text{Avogadro's number}}{\text{Molar Mass}}\).
We'll perform these calculations for each of the main non-water components.
Here's a rough estimate of the number of various non-water molecules in the average human adult:
1. Protein Molecules:
- Approximately \(1.35 \times 10^{23}\) protein molecules.
2. Lipid Molecules:
- Roughly \(7.90 \times 10^{24}\) lipid molecules.
3. Nucleic Acid Molecules:
- About \(1.28 \times 10^{24}\) nucleic acid molecules.
4. Carbohydrate Molecules:
- Approximately \(4.68 \times 10^{24}\) carbohydrate molecules.
These estimates are highly simplified and should be viewed as indicative. In reality, the human body is composed of a vast variety of molecules, each with different sizes and molar masses. The calculation assumes average values for these properties and doesn't account for the diversity of each molecular type.
How about you add those numbers up?
It is a really big number, isn't it?
Now, about how many atoms in the average human body?
Estimating the number of atoms in the average human body involves considering the body's main elements and their proportions. The human body is primarily composed of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus, along with smaller amounts of other elements.
Let's use a rough approach based on these elements:
1. Body Composition by Element:
- Oxygen: About 65% by mass.
- Carbon: Around 18% by mass.
- Hydrogen: Approximately 10% by mass.
- Nitrogen: Roughly 3% by mass.
- Calcium: About 1.5% by mass.
- Phosphorus: Roughly 1% by mass.
- Other elements (such as potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium) make up the remaining percentage.
2. Atomic Masses and Avogadro's Number:
- To estimate the number of atoms, we'll use the atomic masses of these elements and Avogadro's number (\(6.022 \times 10^{23}\) atoms/mol).
3. Average Body Weight:
- Let's use 70 kg (154 lbs) as the average adult body weight.
4. Calculations:
- For each element, calculate the mass in grams, convert it to moles using the atomic mass, and then multiply by Avogadro's number to get the number of atoms.
Since the calculations are complex and involve many assumptions and averages, the result will be a very rough estimate. Let's calculate the estimated number of atoms for each major element and sum them up.
The rough estimate for the total number of atoms in the average human adult body is approximately \(6.7 \times 10^{27}\) atoms. This calculation takes into account the primary elements that compose the human body, but it's important to remember that this is a very simplified approximation. The actual number can vary based on individual body composition, the specific distribution of elements, and the exact atomic masses of the isotopes present in the body.
Yikes! That is a boat load of atoms.
Okay, now how fast are the parts of the atoms moving?
(This will blow your mind.)
The movement of the different parts of an atom in the human body varies significantly based on their nature and function. Atoms consist of a nucleus (made up of protons and neutrons) and electrons orbiting around the nucleus. The speeds of these subatomic particles are influenced by various factors, including their mass and the energy levels they occupy. Let's break down the typical components of an atom and their estimated speeds:
1. Electrons:
- Electrons are much lighter than protons or neutrons and move around the nucleus in orbitals.
- The speed of an electron in an atom varies greatly depending on its energy level. In hydrogen, the simplest atom, the electron in its ground state moves at approximately 2,200 kilometers per second (about 1.3 million miles per hour).
- In more complex atoms, electrons in higher energy levels can move even faster, and their speeds are influenced by the nuclear charge (number of protons in the nucleus).
2. Protons and Neutrons (Nucleons):
- Protons and neutrons are much heavier than electrons and are located in the nucleus.
- They are not "orbiting" like electrons but are in a state of constant motion due to quantum mechanical effects.
- The speed of nucleons is typically around 1% of the speed of light, which is about 3,000 kilometers per second (1.86 million miles per hour). This speed can vary depending on the size of the nucleus and the energy states of the nucleons.
3. Nuclear Forces:
- The movement of protons and neutrons within the nucleus is confined and influenced by the strong nuclear force, one of the four fundamental forces of nature.
4. Vibrational and Rotational Motions:
- Atoms and molecules in the body also undergo vibrational and rotational motions, especially in complex molecular structures. These movements are generally much slower than the movement of electrons and nucleons and are influenced by temperature and the chemical environment.
5. Thermal Motion:
- At body temperature, atoms and molecules are in constant thermal motion. The average kinetic energy of this motion corresponds to the thermal energy at about 37°C (98.6°F), which is the normal human body temperature.
In summary, the speeds of atomic and subatomic particles vary greatly based on their mass, energy levels, and the forces acting upon them. Electrons, being lighter and occupying various energy levels, move at high speeds around the nucleus, while protons and neutrons have a more complex motion within the nucleus itself. Additionally, the overall motion of atoms and molecules in the body is influenced by thermal energy.
My fellow humans, the parts that are part of you are moving very fast. And the hilarous thing is that you are NOT aware of this. You don't feel it, do you?
No, you don't.
Crazy, eh?
Now about those distances of the parts of the parts of the parts of far are some of these parts from other parts of you?
Hang on to your belief systems. This is really nuts.
Estimating the relative distances between different parts of an atom and comparing them to macroscopic distances involves a lot of scaling. Let's start with the structure of a typical atom and then make comparisons to larger, more familiar distances.
Atom Structure and Relative Distances:
1. Nucleus:
- The nucleus, containing protons and neutrons, is extremely small compared to the overall size of the atom. It's typically about 1 femtometer (1 fm = \(1 \times 10^{-15}\) meters) in diameter.
2. Electron Cloud:
- Electrons orbit the nucleus within an electron cloud, which defines the atom's size. The diameter of an atom is roughly 100,000 times larger than the nucleus, about 0.1 nanometers (1 Ångström, or 1 nm = \(1 \times 10^{-10}\) meters).
- So, if the nucleus were the size of a pea, the electrons would be orbiting about 100 meters away.
Macroscopic Comparisons:
1. City to City:
- If we scale the atom up so that the nucleus (the pea) is at one end of a football field, the electrons would be orbiting at the other end of the field.
- This comparison shows how much empty space is within an atom, similar to the vast distances between cities.
2. Earth to Other Parts of the Universe:
- In this scaling, if the nucleus were the size of a small marble (about 1 cm in diameter), the electrons would be orbiting hundreds of kilometers away, similar to the distances between Earth and satellites in orbit.
- This scale reflects the vastness of space within atoms, analogous to the immense distances in space, such as between planets, stars, and galaxies.
Further Scaling:
- The relative emptiness of atoms is similar to the emptiness of space. Just as atoms are mostly empty space with tiny nuclei and distant electrons, the universe is mostly empty space with distant stars and galaxies.
- If we consider the nucleus to be a small marble and scale up, the next nearest atom would be several kilometers away, akin to the vast distances between stars in a galaxy.
In summary, atoms are mostly empty space, with a tiny, dense nucleus and electrons occupying much larger regions. This structure at a microscopic level mirrors the vast distances and emptiness found in the macroscopic universe.
Okay, you may have encountered this kind of number mastubation before. I get that.
So far we've been focusing on one, solitary human being. The so-called "average" human being.
Let's expand for a moment into all the human beings who are currently alive on the planet. When you add up all the different parts that make up all the current population of the planet, is outside my casual ability to grasp all the quantity and quality of the parts that are existing, right now.
It is a lot of stuff going on. And that's just looking at the humans. What about all the other life forms squirming around, trying to make a living? There's a lot of them, you know.
More about the other stuff in another article.
The Thought-Contemplation Exercise
(If you dare!)
But now I want you to do an exercise with me, a thought-contemplation exercise. Okay? I promise you it will be most excellent.
First of all, another fact based statement, and a different way for you to experience reality here on your space ship called the good ship Planet Earth. To put this across to you, let's use a visual simulation.
Watch this video---Mind Blower
![]() |
>>>click here<<< |
The helical model - our solar system is a vortex
And now, the thought-contemplation exercise.
Here it is.
You can do this standing up, sitting down, lying down. What you need to do is give the thought-contemplation exercise your full attention.
You may find that during the exercise that your attention will wander. That is normal. Just come back to the exercise when you notice your mind has lost its focus.
Okay, here it is:
Begin to notice where you are. Consider the place you are. Are you in a room or outside?
Now begin to think about what is around you...what is closest to you. Are there walls around you? A floor, a roof?
If you are outside...notice the existence of the ground you are on. Maybe it is pavement. Whatever it is, think about it. Notice it. And what is near to you? Some bushes? Trees? Buildings? Cars?
Just start to pay attention to your immediate, local environment.
Now forget all that and start to consider the direction that the planet you are on is spinning. What direction is the planet moving as it spins round and round?
The earth rotates almost every 24 hours. But what direction is it going relative to you?
Is it going from north to south? South to north. East to west...or west to east?
Let's consider where does the sun rise. The sun rises in the east. And where does the sun set? Well, the west.
So which way is the earth spinning? From east to west or west to east?
Have you figured that out?
The Earth rotates from west to east.
Your goal is to experience with your awareness which way the earth is moving as it spins. I want you to really tune into this, and figure it out.
You will have to actually sense which way is east and which way is west relative to where you are located.
For the best results, after you figure out which way is which, align your head to point towards the direction the earth is spinning.
For even more fun with reality, spin yourself around and have your feet facing in the direction the earth is turning.
Try both positions for a few minutes...or longer.
And really focus your attention on feeling it. Think about how the earth is actually moving in that direction, and how it is moving away from the other direction.
Hey, it is a trip, isn't it?
Now you've completed this thought-contemplation exercise. You can do it whenever you want. It is a great way to shift your attention from stuff that clutters your awareness. It can shift your sense of relativity, too.
Some of what might seem supremely important to you can be right-sized by this exercise. These nagging and pressing urgencies will still be waiting for you when you finish contemplating which way you are moving.
Neat little factoid is that when you start moving your body...walking, running, riding a bike, driving in a car, going on the bus, on a train...or even better, flying in an airplane --- wow! Now you have yourself going in several directions at the same time.
Unless you are heading in the exact same direction as the planet is spinning.
But even that is super-cool-fantastic.
So where does the idea of you being inside God and God being inside you have anything to do with any of this stuff we've gone over?
Here is a really big statement:
God wants you to experience experience. God wants you to be aware of being aware. In the direct observational sense of being aware of awareness.
This statement represents my personal groping at the weak straws of my own belief system. My comparison bias is breathtakingly obvious.
When you experience experiencing then you are consciously conscious. You have to use your consciousness to experience being conscious. And there is a lot of stuff to be aware of when you experience being aware of being aware.
This is not some silly word game, though it is tempting to just brush it off as being another helping of stupid word salad.
It isn't.
This is how you start to use the asset you've been blessed or cursed to have in your personal inventory.
You can think...and feel.
With this ability, you can think thoughts about how you are thinking thoughts. You can begin to notice your mind in action.
First of all, let's consider how fast your mind is moving.
The speed of thought, or how fast the brain processes information, is a complex topic that intertwines neuroscience, psychology, and physiology. It's not measured in terms of physical speed like miles per hour or meters per second, but rather in terms of how quickly the brain can respond to stimuli, process information, and form a conscious thought.
Here are some key aspects:
1. Neural Signal Transmission:
- Neurons in the brain communicate with each other through electrical impulses and chemical signals. The speed of these signals varies and can be influenced by the type of neuron and the nature of the neural pathway.
- The speed of neural impulses typically ranges from 1 meter per second (m/s) to over 100 m/s. Myelinated neurons, which are coated with a fatty substance called myelin, conduct signals faster.
2. Reaction Times:
- Reaction time tests, where a person responds to a stimulus, provide a practical measure of "thought speed." These tests often show response times ranging from 150 milliseconds to several seconds, depending on the complexity of the task and the required mental processing.
3. Complex Thought Processes:
- More complex thoughts, which involve multiple areas of the brain and higher cognitive functions like decision-making, problem-solving, and creativity, do not have a fixed "speed." These processes can take much longer and are influenced by various factors, including the individual's mental state, experience, and the complexity of the thought itself.
4. Subjective Perception of Time:
- The subjective experience of how fast we think can vary greatly. For example, in situations of stress or danger, it might feel like thoughts are racing very quickly.
In summary, while we can measure the speed of individual neural impulses and reaction times, the overall "speed of thought" is a more abstract concept that varies depending on the type of mental activity and individual differences. It's more about the efficiency and complexity of neural processing rather than a measurable speed like that of a moving object.
Now, back to you and your mind, and the latent power of what your mind does without you having to think about it doing...which is thinking thoughts.
You ever notice how your mind just goes ahead and thinks thoughts all by itself? It doesn't even ask your permission, does it? It just goes ahead and...thinks.
You can even begin to help your mind to think thoughts that you want to think. You can use your awareness to experience the thoughts you are having.
And you can begin to notice the tiny, little spaces in-between each thought that you are having.
These tiny, little spaces between thoughts can be almost impossible to first.
But if you put your mind to it, you can begin to notice these very small little moment between each thought.
And you can deliberately start to stretch out this space between thoughts. You can make this junction gap increase in size.
The size of the distance between thoughts can be made longer and longer, bigger and bigger. Until there is a significant lag time between each thought.
You can slow down your thoughts. And with practice, you can have some real quietness inside your mind. Your thoughts will slow down and you can have some genuine stillness between one thought to the next.
And you can notice this junction gap, this stillness. You can experience this quietness of your mind. And it is very restful and calm when this starts to happen to you.
Keep in mind that your mind will often overwhelm this experience of being aware of the junction gap between thoughts.
When you do hit this direct experience of being with the space between thoughts, you are going to notice that you are aware of being aware, with the absence of thoughts. You will be experiencing awareness of awareness, all on its own.
This is the famous witnessing state that is the stuff of legends. It is noted by all traditions of the pursuit of self-knowledge.
And you don't have to believe in God or anything like that to do it.
It is not bound by belief or faith or mumbo-jumbo.
So why bother doing this?
Because it is so freaking cool to do it, and to get good at doing it.
With practice you will discover some very interesting side-effects that come along with doing this exercise.
And they are potentially super-normal.
Just remember, when you get side-swiped by weird stuff, stick to reality. If the angels come and invite you to go and play with them, you might want to politely decline the invitation.
Yeah? Okay.
For the manual on how to handle any of the extra-weird stuff that can come along with quieting your mind, I recommend this training manual.
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Get it on Amazon. >>>click here<<< |
Oh, and one more thing before you go.
About how many unique thoughts you are having, on average.
Estimating the number of unique thoughts an average person has in a day is quite challenging, primarily due to the subjective and elusive nature of thoughts. There isn't a concrete way to quantify thoughts, as they vary greatly in complexity, duration, and the conscious awareness one has of them.
However, some estimates and studies suggest that an average person could have tens of thousands of thoughts per day. These estimates often range from 20,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day, but these figures should be taken with caution. They are based on a mix of psychological research and assumptions about how frequently our minds might wander or shift focus throughout the day.
Factors influencing the number of thoughts include:
1. Individual Differences: Personality, occupation, lifestyle, and mental health can significantly impact how many thoughts a person has. For instance, someone with a highly analytical job or someone who tends to ruminate might have more thoughts than others.
2. Type of Activity: The nature of a person's activities throughout the day also affects the number of thoughts. Periods of focused work or relaxation might see fewer, more sustained thoughts, while multitasking or idle times might lead to more frequent, varied thoughts.
3. Conscious vs. Unconscious Thoughts: Many thoughts occur at a subconscious level and may not be easily counted or even noticed by the individual.
4. Definition of "Unique Thoughts": What constitutes a "unique" thought is also a matter of interpretation. Thoughts can vary from simple, fleeting notions to complex, prolonged contemplations.
Due to these variables, the number of unique thoughts per day is more a topic of psychological and philosophical debate than a measurable scientific fact.
My big, fat conclusion.
The universe is a really big place. And you are on a planet moving through outer space. And your planet is moving fast.
In one way of looking at it, you are moving in multiple directions at the same time and at very fast speeds.
The stuff that makes up your physical self is also moving. Some of that stuff, the really small bits, are moving at really, really fast speeds. Crazy fast.
One tiny part of you, the nucleons, are going to get speeding tickets. The speed of nucleons is typically around 1% of the speed of light, which is about 3,000 kilometers per second (1.86 million miles per hour).
And that is going on right now. For real. Wow.
So what?
So what? is BIG so what.
- It means that you don't (most of the time) consciously notice all this micro and macro movement and speed. It just does it without your permission.
- The micro and the macro bits and pieces seem to be separate from each other.
- If you take any one part and remove it from the whole, well better not do that or the whole will come apart. Probably.
Again, so what?
What's this got to do with the price of my cheeseburger?
And what's this got to do with really important if gender is fluid? Or if Bruce Lee could beat up Muhammad Ali in a match up?
What's this got to do with the price of my cheeseburger?
And what's this got to do with really important if gender is fluid? Or if Bruce Lee could beat up Muhammad Ali in a match up?
(NOTE: obviously this image is not accurate. Neither fighter looks much like Bruce or Muhammad.)
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Remember, you are moving in many directions at the same time, including inside your mind.
You can buy a copy of the training manual on Amazon. Yes, a real, printed book. If you don't have your copy, get one. It is a very interesting, straight-forward book, allegedly written by God.
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