
The Warning: Your future is happening right now

One desk frequented by Mother Nature.

From the desk of Mother Nature.
For immediate release.

WARNING: this story hurts.


Your "right now" predicts your future.

It is about what is going on right now in Sudan.
And how this horror keeps on being oh-so horrible.

Take this as a direct warning about what the future might hold in store for you.

The problem with this for you is that it does not seem probable to you that you or yours might EVER have to live through a similar scenario.

And this explains clearly the larger problem that this points to. The fact that the people suffering in Sudan are not important to you. That you don't lose any sleep about the horror of the personal experience of little kids in Sudan.

It is kind of fun that you don't care about those little kids. It is how nature works. It is natural for you to not care about those little kids. They are not your little kids.

If you do want to do something real, then give some money to help take care of the little kids in Sudan. There is a list of legit aid deals waiting for you --- scroll down to find the links.

But the Sudan "thing" is real, and it is coming your way. The reasons why are the same reasons that drive the why of what is going on in Sudan.

That is the reason why you are here. You are taking a moment to consider a radical point of view. How Sudan can happen where you live. Your own special adaptation of what is happening in Sudan. I want you to think in dystopian attributes. 

From the edge of the abyss you can better judge what might remain possible to do to stop the Sudan Effect from happening where you are.

This story is linked to this report about food prices:
When the Breaking Point is Reached: The Rising Cost of Food and the Impending Wave of Global Unrest

It is better to ignore this. After all, what can we do?

Table of Contents

  1. Sudan: A Story That Hurts

    • The Humanitarian Crisis in Sudan
    • How This Horror Persists
    • The Global Impact of Food Scarcity
  2. A Mother's Desperate Search

    • Battling Starvation in War-Torn Sudan
    • Amina's Story: A Tale of Survival and Love
    • The Market and the Reality of Hunger
  3. Historical Parallels: Lessons of the Past

    • The Irish Potato Famine
    • The Siege of Leningrad
    • The Great Chinese Famine
    • The Collapse of Venezuela
  4. The Fragility of Stability

    • Global Challenges: Climate Change, Economic Inequality, and Political Instability
    • Warning Signs: Rising Food Prices and Social Unrest
  5. A Call to Awareness and Action

    • Sudan's Struggles: A Mirror of Vulnerability
    • The Global Food Crisis and Its Future Impact
    • Preparing for a Fragile Future
  6. Preparedness for Survival

    • Essential Survival Tools and Gear
    • Food, Water, and Shelter in Crisis
  7. The Genesis Diet

    • Core Principles of Natural, Plant-Based Eating
    • Health Benefits and Meal Plans
  8. Conclusion

    • The World at a Tipping Point
    • A Call for Immediate Action
  9. Aid Agencies and Resources

    • How You Can Help: Donations and Support for Sudan

"Amina's Story" set in the war-torn streets of Sudan. 

A Mother's Desperate Search: Battling Starvation in War-Torn Sudan

In the heart of war-ravaged Sudan, the sun bleeds into the sky, casting a crimson hue over the desolate landscape. The streets of Khartoum, once bustling with life, now resemble a war-torn nightmare, with buildings reduced to rubble and the air thick with the acrid smell of smoke and decay. Amidst this chaos, a mother named Amina clutches her two young children close, their small, frail bodies trembling with hunger and fear.

Amina's eyes are hollow, her once-bright spirit eroded by the relentless struggle to survive. Her children, Mariam and Khalid, are all she has left in this world of despair. Each day is a battle—a battle against starvation, against the violence that looms around every corner, and against the overwhelming hopelessness that threatens to consume her.

The price of basic food has soared beyond comprehension. A single loaf of bread, now a luxury, costs more than Amina could ever afford. Where once she could buy a week's worth of food with a few Sudanese pounds, now the same amount is barely enough to buy a handful of grains. The market, if it can still be called that, is a shadow of its former self. The stalls are empty, save for a few bruised vegetables and a meager selection of overpriced staples guarded by desperate vendors with haunted eyes.

Food is scarce, and what little there is, is fiercely contested. Amina knows this all too well. The journey to the market is fraught with danger. Armed militias patrol the streets, and gunfire is a constant, terrifying symphony. To venture out is to risk everything, but Amina has no choice. Her children's hollow cries of hunger pierce her heart, driving her forward despite the fear that grips her.

She wraps a tattered scarf around her head, shielding herself from the unforgiving sun and the gaze of soldiers who might see her as prey. She moves quickly, her steps calculated, her senses on high alert. Every shadow, every noise, sends a jolt of adrenaline through her, but she cannot afford to turn back. The thought of returning empty-handed to her starving children is more terrifying than any bullet.

At the market, a chaotic scene unfolds. Women, men, and children all desperate, jostle and push, their eyes wide with panic as they scramble for whatever scraps they can find. Amina edges her way through the crowd, her heart pounding in her chest. She spots a small sack of millet, the price scrawled in chalk on a wooden board—500 Sudanese pounds, an unimaginable sum. Her hands shake as she reaches into her pocket, feeling the meager coins she has managed to scrape together. It's not enough. Not nearly enough.

She begs the vendor, her voice cracking with desperation, but he shakes his head. There is no mercy here, not when everyone is fighting to survive. Tears blur her vision as she clutches her children's hands tighter, pulling them away before the crowd can turn violent.

What is it like to starve to death?

On the way home, Amina's thoughts are a tumult of fear and despair. How can she feed her children? How can she protect them when the world around her is collapsing? As they approach their makeshift shelter, a dilapidated building that barely stands, she is acutely aware of the dangers that lie ahead—starvation, disease, violence. But she has no answers, no solutions, only the fierce, unwavering determination to keep her children alive for one more day.

Inside the dark, stifling room, Amina kneels beside her children, who have grown quiet from exhaustion. She takes the small ration she managed to obtain—a meager handful of grains—and divides it between them, her hands trembling with the enormity of the task. The grains barely fill their mouths, but she forces a smile, hiding the crushing weight of her despair. She cannot let them see her fear, cannot let them know that tomorrow, she might have nothing at all to give.

Making the children suffer trauma after trauma. The seeds of madness.

As night falls and the sounds of war echo in the distance, Amina holds her children close, whispering lullabies she learned as a child. Her voice is soft, soothing, a fragile thread of comfort in a world that has lost all reason. 

In this moment, there is nothing but the love of a mother for her children, a love that endures even in the face of unimaginable hardship.

But deep down, Amina knows the truth—that love alone will not be enough to sustain them. That in this broken world, survival is a brutal, unforgiving struggle. And as the darkness closes in, she prays for strength, for hope, and for a miracle that will carry them through another day.

A Mother's Struggle in Sudan: A Warning to the World

In the war-torn streets of Sudan, a mother named Amina kneels beside her two children in a dark, stifling room. With trembling hands, she divides a meager handful of grains between them, forcing a smile to hide the crushing weight of her despair. The story of Amina and her children may seem far removed from the everyday lives of families in the United States, but the harsh reality she faces is a grim reminder of how quickly stability can crumble. History has shown that even the most prosperous and secure societies are not immune to the devastation of famine, war, and social chaos.

Sudan’s Struggles: A Mirror of Vulnerability

Sudan’s ongoing conflict has plunged the nation into a humanitarian crisis, with millions displaced and basic necessities like food and clean water in perilously short supply. Amina's struggle to feed her children is not just a story of individual hardship; it is a microcosm of what happens when the social fabric of a nation unravels. The war in Sudan has turned once-thriving communities into desolate landscapes, where the fight for survival overshadows all else. The soaring cost of food, widespread scarcity, and constant danger faced by Amina are not unique to Sudan—they are warning signs of what can occur anywhere when a society falls apart.

The Mirror of Vulnerability

Historical Parallels: When Stability Disappears

Throughout history, there have been numerous examples of societies that believed they were immune to the horrors of famine, war, and social breakdown, only to find themselves in the grip of such disasters.

The Irish Potato Famine

The Irish Potato Famine (1845-1852) 
In mid-19th century Ireland, few could have predicted the devastating famine that would claim over a million lives. The Irish Potato Famine was precipitated by thegfailure of the potato crop, a staple food for the poor. Despite warnings and early signs of trouble, the British government, confident in the stability of its empire, was slow to respond. The famine led to widespread starvation, disease, and mass emigration, shattering the notion that such a disaster could not happen within the borders of a wealthy nation.

The Siege of Leningrad

The Siege of Leningrad (1941-1944) 
During World War II, the city of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) in the Soviet Union was besieged by Nazi forces for nearly 900 days. The residents of Leningrad, once secure in their urban life, faced unimaginable horrors as food supplies dwindled to nothing. 
Imagine what it was like.

The population resorted to eating anything they could find—rats, pets, even wallpaper paste—to survive. The siege resulted in the deaths of over a million people, most from starvation. The story of Leningrad is a stark reminder that even modern, industrialized cities can become epicenters of famine and suffering under the right conditions.

The Great Chinese Famine

The Great Chinese Famine (1959-1961) In the late 1950s, China’s government embarked on an ambitious plan known as the Great Leap Forward, aimed at rapidly transforming the country from an agrarian society into a socialist industrial superpower. However, poor planning, political zeal, and natural disasters combined to create one of the worst famines in human history. An estimated 15 to 45 million people died from starvation and related causes. The Great Chinese Famine stands as a sobering example of how political and economic policies, no matter how well-intentioned, can lead to catastrophic outcomes when they are disconnected from the realities of food production and distribution.

The Collapse of Venezuela

The Collapse of Venezuela 
In more recent times, Venezuela’s descent into economic and social chaos provides a modern example of how quickly stability can evaporate. Once one of the wealthiest countries in Latin America, Venezuela’s economy collapsed due to a combination of government mismanagement, falling oil prices, and corruption. Today, the country faces hyperinflation, extreme food shortages, and widespread hunger. Venezuelans, who once enjoyed a standard of living comparable to many in the United States, now struggle to find basic necessities, and millions have fled the country in search of a better life.

The Fragility of Stability: A Global Perspective

Amina’s struggle in Sudan is a stark reminder that no society is immune to the forces of instability. 

The comforts and conveniences of modern life can create a false sense of security, leading people to believe that such hardships could never touch them. 

Amina's struggle in Sudan? Survival. Plain and simple.

However, the examples from history and current events illustrate that when the delicate balance of society is disrupted—whether by war, economic collapse, or environmental disaster—the consequences can be devastating.

The world today faces a host of challenges that could tip the scales towards such disruptions: climate change, political polarization, economic inequality, and the ongoing threat of pandemics. 

In the United States, rising food prices, supply chain disruptions, and increasing social unrest are warning signs that should not be ignored. The struggles of Amina and millions like her in Sudan are not just distant tragedies; they are potential futures for any nation that fails to recognize and address the vulnerabilities within its own borders.

The global challenges of today, with visual elements that capture climate change, political polarization, economic inequality, and pandemics.

Conclusion: A Call to Awareness and Action

Amina’s story is a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable adversity. Yet, it is also a warning. The hardships faced by people in war-torn regions like Sudan are not as distant as they may seem. History teaches us that when complacency sets in, and societies take their stability for granted, they become vulnerable to the same forces that have brought other nations to their knees.

It is imperative that we recognize the fragility of our world and take proactive steps to address the root causes of instability. Whether through better governance, more equitable economic policies, or increased investment in food security and disaster preparedness, the time to act is now—before the story of Amina becomes the story of countless others across the globe.

Money you give to people you trust to use the money to help people who need help.

Here are the links to make donations to the listed aid agencies working in Sudan:

  1. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

  2. Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders)

  3. World Food Programme (WFP)


  5. Save the Children

  6. Oxfam

  7. CARE International

  8. International Rescue Committee (IRC)

These links will direct you to the respective donation pages for each organization.

Get the book.

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As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that when you click on links to products on this site and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Your support helps maintain the website and create more valuable content.

For those preparing for survival scenarios, Amazon offers a wide range of top-selling gear and equipment. Some of the most popular products include:

Leatherman Wave Plus - A versatile multi-tool perfect for camping and emergencies.

Wolf and Grizzly Fire Starter - A reliable tool for igniting fires in harsh conditions.

OmniBlade Machete - A heavy-duty multitool combining a machete, hatchet, and saw.

MSR WindBurner Stove - A windproof stove ideal for quick boiling in the backcountry.

LifeStraw Personal Water Filter - for camping, hiking, emergency preparedness.

About this item

  • Award-winning LifeStraw water filter is a must-carry tool for hiking, camping, travel, and emergencies; no disaster kit is complete without it
  • Filters up to 1,000 gallons (4,000 liters) of contaminated water without iodine, chlorine, or other chemicals; does not require batteries and has no moving parts
  • Removes minimum 99.9999% of waterborne bacteria, 99.9% of waterborne protozoan parasites, and filters to 0.2 microns; surpasses EPA filter standards. BPA Free materials
  • An alternative to iodine tablets and bulky purifiers, it weighs 2oz for ultralight portability, and has a high flow rate for drinking from the source
  • Comes in a sealed bag, perfect for storing in a bugout bag or other prepper gear supply kit; measures 9 x 1 x 1 inches

More robust preparedness gear.

72 HRS Deluxe Emergency Survival Kit - Heavy Duty 72 Hour Bug Out Bag Survival Kit for Earthquake, Hurricane, Tsunami, Winter, Blackout.

  • COMPLETE EMERGENCY BAG SURVIVAL KIT - These disaster survival kits contain all the emergency kit supplies you need like a NOAA weather radio, LED flashlight, emergency blanket, poncho, whistle, first aid kit, mask, tissue pack, emergency food and water emergency pouches. Simply put, the included hurricane preparedness items covers all your needs for shelter, lighting and communication, first aid, search and rescue, sanitation and storage.

READYWISE - Emergency Food Supply, 720 Servings

  • 25-year shelf life.
  • FLEXIBLE SUPPLY OPTIONS: Choose from our 1-month and 3-month supplies to cater to your specific needs. For long term survival requirements, simply order as many packages as you need. Reach out to the company to get some realistic quotes on long term survival packages. Tell them how many years and how many people you want to ensure for food security.

MobileAid Emergency Response Station - Mass Casualty Trauma First Aid

Affiliate Disclosure:

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that when you click on links to products on this site and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Your support helps maintain the website and create more valuable content.

Here are free links to some of the reports in this series. Just click the link and you will get immediate access.

Get the report now.

The Fragility of Stability

In a survival scenario lasting 12 weeks for a family of four, without electricity, cell phones, or internet in the aftermath of a large-scale disaster, the following top ten "must-have" items are essential for basic survival and security:

1. Water Supply (or Filtration System)

  • Minimum water storage: 1 gallon of water per person per day (for drinking, cooking, and basic hygiene), equating to at least 336 gallons for 12 weeks.
  • Water purification method: A high-quality portable water filter (e.g., LifeStraw or Sawyer), purification tablets, or a gravity-fed water filtration system.

2. Food Supply

  • Non-perishable food: Shelf-stable foods with a long shelf life, such as freeze-dried meals, canned goods, rice, beans, pasta, oats, and powdered milk.
  • Caloric needs: Aim for at least 1,500–2,000 calories per person per day.
  • Cooking equipment: Portable stoves with ample fuel, solar ovens, or cooking gear suited for wood fires.

3. Shelter and Warmth

  • Tent/tarp: For additional protection from elements if your home is compromised.
  • Sleeping bags/blankets: Insulated, weather-resistant sleeping gear.
  • Warm clothing: Thermal layers, hats, gloves, and waterproof jackets.
  • Fire-starting tools: Waterproof matches, lighters, firesteel, and tinder kits.

4. First Aid and Medical Supplies

  • First aid kit: Comprehensive kit with bandages, antiseptic, pain relievers, burn treatments, gauze, tweezers, and trauma supplies.
  • Medications: A 12-week supply of prescription medications for family members.
  • Additional hygiene supplies: Hand sanitizers, soap, feminine hygiene products, and multi-use wipes.

5. Hygiene and Sanitation

  • Portable toilet system: Bucket with heavy-duty trash bags and a supply of lime or chemicals to reduce odor.
  • Toilet paper and wet wipes: For hygiene needs.
  • Shovel: For digging latrines if needed.
  • Water for hygiene: Ensure extra water is reserved for basic washing.

6. Lighting and Power Alternatives

  • Hand-crank or solar-powered lanterns and flashlights: Lighting that doesn’t rely on batteries.
  • Backup batteries or solar chargers: For small electronics like radios or GPS devices.
  • Candles: Long-lasting emergency candles with fireproof holders.

7. Communication Tools

  • Hand-crank or solar-powered emergency radio: To receive weather reports, emergency broadcasts, and updates on the situation.
  • Whistle and signal mirror: To attract attention if needed.

8. Tools and Equipment

  • Multi-tool or Swiss Army knife: A versatile tool for cutting, sawing, opening cans, etc.
  • Hatchet or axe: For firewood or potential shelter-building.
  • Duct tape and rope/paracord: Useful for repairs, building shelter, or securing items.
  • Plastic sheeting: For temporary repairs or to create a barrier against the elements.

9. Defensive and Self-Protection Equipment

  • Firearms or other self-defense tools: Depending on local laws and personal preparedness, consider self-defense tools for protection from potential looters or wildlife.
  • Training: Ensure the family knows how to use these tools safely.

10. Mental and Emotional Preparedness

  • Books, games, or entertainment: To maintain morale and reduce stress during downtime.
  • Survival manuals: Guides on foraging, basic medical care, or building.
  • Stress-relief techniques: Keep tools or materials handy to manage mental health under challenging conditions.

Each of these items addresses a critical aspect of survival: hydration, nutrition, shelter, health, safety, and psychological well-being.


I'd like to be all fuzzy and gentle about your precious existence. The importance of your comfort and security. How valued you are by your creator. And that you have a divine right to dominion over this planet you live on.

Maybe you are into this way of being in my garden. That you have the ability to manifest directly from pure consciousness into the physical. You think you can do this, or at least that you should be able to.

That you can become one with The Law of Attraction. That one part of this law states that you draw unto you that which you resist. That thoughts are things. That your negative emotions reveal what you do not want and you can pivot from that to what you do want.

You believe and know that there is no limit to how far you can go---IF you put your mind to it. You can be anything you want to be. You just have to want it the right way.


You are entitled to the billionaire lifestyle. You deserve it.

Maybe you are into that way of being.

Who is more important? You or the mosquito?

At the very least, you probably consider yourself to be more important than a mosquito. 

Well, what does the mosquito think? Does the mosquito think you are more important?

My creation and the garden I care for is made for you to enjoy the best of lifestyles. It is designed to be an old-fashioned version of something you have come to call permaculture.

Part of this includes a well-stocked pantry. A natural supply of natural food. Food you can eat that is really good for you to eat. From my garden.

This type of food comprises what some humans call The Genesis Diet.

Another day in my garden. 

Core Principles of the Genesis Diet

The diet is predominantly plant-based, emphasizing raw, natural, and unprocessed foods as described in Genesis 1:29 (NIV): "Then God said, 'I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.'”

I was there when God said what God said. God was a bit more comical. What is missing is the part about how you had to take care not to clear-cut the garden to make way for your roads and shopping malls.

Key Components of the Genesis Diet:

  1. Fruits

    • Examples: Apples, oranges, bananas, berries, grapes, avocados, and melons.
    • Fruits are a cornerstone of the Genesis Diet, providing essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
  2. Vegetables

    • Examples: Leafy greens (spinach, kale), cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower), root vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes), and squashes.
    • Vegetables offer a wide variety of nutrients and are an important part of the plant-based eating plan.
  3. Nuts and Seeds

    • Examples: Almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, and pumpkin seeds.
    • These are rich in healthy fats, protein, and essential omega-3 fatty acids.
  4. Grains

    • Examples: Whole grains like quinoa, oats, barley, millet, and whole wheat.
    • Grains provide fiber, complex carbohydrates, and sustained energy throughout the day.
  5. Legumes

    • Examples: Lentils, chickpeas, black beans, kidney beans, and peas.
    • Legumes are a good source of plant-based protein and fiber.
  6. Herbs and Spices

    • Examples: Basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary, cinnamon, turmeric, and garlic.
    • Herbs and spices are used for flavoring foods naturally without the need for processed seasonings.
  7. Water

    • Hydration is an essential part of the Genesis Diet, emphasizing pure water as the primary beverage, avoiding sugary or processed drinks.

Variations of the Genesis Diet

Some interpretations of the diet allow for minimal animal products, drawing from later biblical texts where animals are given for food (after the flood, in Genesis 9:3). This could include:

  • Fish: Only certain clean fish (e.g., salmon, tilapia).
  • Lean meats: Occasionally, small portions of clean meats like chicken or beef may be allowed, but this is generally minimal.
  • Dairy: Some variations may allow raw or minimally processed dairy products.

Sample Meal Plan on the Genesis Diet:


  • Smoothie made with spinach, bananas, blueberries, almond milk, and flaxseeds.
  • Handful of almonds and a piece of fresh fruit (e.g., apple or pear).


  • Large salad with mixed greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, avocados, and sunflower seeds, drizzled with olive oil and lemon.
  • A bowl of lentil soup or a quinoa salad with vegetables.


  • Stir-fried vegetables (broccoli, bell peppers, carrots) with a side of brown rice or quinoa.
  • A handful of mixed nuts for a snack.


  • Fresh fruit, like a handful of berries or a sliced peach.
  • Hummus with raw vegetables (carrot sticks, celery, cucumber).

Health Benefits:

  • Improved digestion: High in fiber from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Weight management: Due to its plant-based, whole-food focus.
  • Reduced risk of chronic diseases: May lower risks of heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure due to its focus on nutrient-rich, minimally processed foods.

The Genesis Diet emphasizes simplicity, balance, and a return to natural, unprocessed eating.

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