
Gifts of the Spirit

The God Consciousness Project

Gifts of the Spirit
Robert Farmilo

I want to write this to you...passionately.
The idea I want to express to the contrast between living your life by trying to get your own way all the time...AND living your life a different way.

The different way is described in the book, “God Consciousness,” written directly by God.

This different way is found by deliberately being in conscious, two-way, telepathic communication with God.

This different way includes joining your free will with God's free will...and essentially living God's way.

Here is an example of the life you will make by always trying to get your own way all the time:

  • Ugly parodies of community
  • Addictions run amok
  • Mean-spirited habit of depersonalizing everyone else as your rival
  • Misshaped and small-minded pursuits
  • Divided homes and divided lives
  • Incapable to love, or to be loved
  • A vicious temper
  • Insatiable, all consuming, never-satisfied wants
  • Ruthless competition
  • Paranoid loneliness
  • Magic show religion
  • Trinket gods
  • Ceaseless, fevered grabbing at happiness
  • Fetid, rancid build-up of mind and emotion baggage
  • loveless, repetitive, cheap sex

And here is the contrast...when you decide you want to place your free will in the direct control of God, and to follow God's begin to attract these attributes:
  • Serenity
  • Growing willingness to stick to things
  • Exuberant enthusiasm for life
  • Heartfelt compassion
  • Conviction that a simple holiness infuses people and things
  • Find yourself involved in loyal commitments
  • Genuine affection for other people
  • Ability to mobilize and direct your energy wisely

You cannot legislate these attributes into human made law can enforce these fruits of being in guidance with God. These are gifts freely given to you. If you do try to force people to behave this way, it only gets in the way of it ever happening.

If you belong to God because you have decided that is what you want to do, all the bit and pieces enmeshed in trying to get your own way, and the mindless response to the desire to acquire what most people think of as the necessities...that restless, driving force that is NEVER quite satisfied for long...all that is burned up and, for a truly new life.

Oh, sure...there will still be times when it all seems to suck big chunks. But within that context, even inside the worst of it, comes the further growth, refinement, and gathering brilliance. So what can seem like a set-back is part of the step-by-step tutorial and mentoring that God ALWAYS has going on...for YOU.

I highly recommend you get the book, “God Consciousness,” and read it carefully, and begin to use the simple instructions contained within the book.

The book is a how-to manual, and also a precious set of insights into what God thinks about a wide variety of subjects. The book is written in a personal someone is talking directly to you, in a mostly normal style...EXCEPT that the ideas are often quite...well, deep.

Click on the link, and get the book.

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