
Death and Life (Together, Again)

God Consciousness
Chapter 32

Video of Chapter 32

Sample Excerpt from Chapter 32:

In times of stress, your body and mind can literally feel like they are making the quick transition from being alive to being dead.

You can literally feel like you are dying! And sometimes when life is going not very well, you can feel and think that you would very much prefer NOT to be alive any more!

This is true, is it not? We both know about suffering and in very intimate terms, for we have both known the pain and pleasure of living and dying and also being born, again.

In my case it is true that I understand living and dying from a much larger perspective than you do right now.

I have the added special feature of being everywhere, all the time, in what you think of as past, present and future, which, as you know, has already happened, is happening and will happen. This can be quite confusing to most of you who are currently dealing with the realities of day-to-day living (and dying).

But what is easily understood by all of you, and you all know this, is that you are all going to die! There is no other way out of the life you are currently living but through this freaky gateway of death. But death and life are very much the same thing, of the same continuum, the same force (if you like) that pushes and pulls your experience along the road of existence. It is in death that great progress is made in understanding where you actually come from: The source of your coming into being. Let me put it this way: Some years ago, the human father of this scribe who is writing my dictation answered a question asked of him by his son, this scribe I am using.

The boy asked his father about the origin of souls and if souls were made fresh each time for each life, or if souls had to be around for a very long time, or what exactly the deal was. The scribe's father told the boy that it was possible for a new soul to be made but that certainly old souls existed, too. The boy (my current scribe) wanted to know that he (my scribe) was a new soul and not some old soul. For some reason this was important to him. Is it important? Are you a new, new soul, just made fresh out of my soul-oven?

Or are you a very, very old soul, one that has been around for ages and ages? You know you want to know about reincarnation and merit and karma and how that sort of thing works.

And I will tell you everything there is to know about how it all works.
This is one of the most exciting chapters in the entire book on god consciousness because it deals with some of the most controversial images that you have in your human consciousness.

It has been said and written that I am an invention of the human mind: That your species HAD to create me as an idea, partly for the purpose of explanation and also because you need to have a sense of order and rules of conduct, and what better source than some sort of omni-potent, omniscient being who made-up the whole she-bang in the first place! I am glad that you are curious enough to read this far! I know that you will go away from this book with more questions than answers, too! For some of you it will be that you are NOT certain that this is an authentic burn, THE TRUTH, directly from GOD! I know it is hard to take! Believe me, I know! And that knowing is in part because I can really, really get into where you are at in the development of your own god consciousness. I know how small your perception of me can be, how little you are aware of me, and the degree to which you are cut-off from THE TRUTH! And as you know, the truth becomes highly flexible and very, very relative quite quickly. And this is highly dependent on your own state of consciousness that you are currently entertaining, that you are experiencing, and that is experiencing you ! You can think and feel about your consciousness in this way: That you are entertaining your consciousness, like a guest, inside your awareness, and that the kind of consciousness you invite into your awareness is as much your choice as it is not your choice. You see, sometimes I will send you a guest who will enter into your consciousness, into your awareness, and the guest comes as a new addition to your consciousness. That is one way I can put it. Perhaps I have another way I can describe to you what I mean.

There are times when I will actually come to you and knock on your consciousness, knock on your awareness. This can come as me in the form of one single thought: 'god'. And this thought may repeat, over and over, again and again, in an attempt to get your attention, to get the attention of your awareness.

At times like these it will most definitely feel to you that YOU are not thinking this thought, and it will come NOT in tempo with your pulse, but like a pulse, but at it's own tempo. Most often this tempo will NOT be in time with the pulse of your heart.

Another way I can put this is that it may or will seem like an impulse of thought coming into your awareness of thought, of your own thinking of thoughts, but it will seem as if it (the impulse) is independent of your own thinking of thoughts. And this impulse of thought will often come as one word, and that one word is the word god (or God, or GOD, or gOd, or GoD, or goD, or GOd, or gOD, or…).

When I come calling, this is a most auspicious time in y(our) life. It is the revolution.

This word, 'revolution', literally means to start at the beginning, again.


When I come to you, when I come knocking on the door of your mental awareness, when I come into your mind in the form of a repeating thought-word, this is the time to pause and let me be with you. Many of you might think that you are going crazy. Believe me, this is quite a normal reaction to such a strange occurrence.

But you are NOT going crazy unless the accompanying thoughts are self-destructive either to you or to other selves, for example members of your family, friends or co-workers. Even then, it is important to distinguish the difference between thoughts that are not coming from me and this me-thought that is coming from me. These two thought-constructs can go on at the same time. Why is this? It is because parts of you are in objection to this union of me and you and you and me. They may be parts of you that you know very little (or nothing) about. These parts of you you may be entirely unaware of on a conscious level of cognition.

Furthermore, these parts of you that are in objection to union with me may even originate with a self that is NOT you at all, but comes from outside of you as you understand you to be. The main point here is that you understand that you can have awareness of me AND also have other seemingly conflicting and confusing thoughts and feelings going on at the same time. This is why it is important to focus on the positive aspect of the exchange, NOT the negative and destructive and doubting and so forth parts of a mixed transmission and cognition of me repeating my presence in the form of a word-thought-impulse like, 'god...god...god...'. In death there is life, and in life there is death. Are they one and the same thing or process or experience?

In this answer to this question we have a similarity of experience.
There is much about the answer that is perplexing because of the very dynamic of your current experience of awareness. You can only hold so much conscious awareness and most of the rest of it is being experienced in parts of you that you do not actually consciously experience.

This is the part that can throw so many of you out with the bath water, so to speak (or write). Because of the inconsistency of the statement, you can logically reject it as a cop-out, as an excuse or explanation that is theological in make-up and NOT an actual explanation grounded in ultimate truth. It is too easy to skip the rest of the revelations because of the rejection of the idea by your conscious mind. But you cannot get inside this any other way.

Even though most of what you experience is NOT on the level of your conscious mind, what we are doing is expanding your capacity to be in communion with this strange dynamic of expanded awareness. And knowing about how life and death are so intimately combined and inseparable from each other is certainly a part of knowing me as you and you as me, at least on the level of feeling. Life and death, or death and life has a way of seeming to be separate from each other, just as, for example, being awake and being asleep seem to be so very different from each other.

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