
Even My Conditions Have Conditions

Robert Farmilo
(AKA God)

OR: How to Get High and Mighty High

Click this: Get the Book, NOW!

At the end of the day there are few discrepancies more noticeable to “us” than when we start to get delusions of grandeur.

Believe me, nothing will get you knocked off your ivory tower faster than starting to think you are all that and a bag of chips...above the mouldering crowd below you.

All these people...where do they come from? Each one with a set of complete thudding opinions. Man-oh-man, the density of individual perceptions based on beliefs that are ingrained I don't know what.

How does God do it?

Well, you ought to know, because apparently YOU are God!

I know, I're particular version of reality may not currently support this...concept. And as a working proposition that blends the high beams and the low beams of your neck of the woods, well, forget about it!

Me, God? Are you kidding? And that YOU are God? (I mean me, the guy who is writing this article) could you be God?

Here's the thing...the universe is a big “thing.” Really quite enormous. And that's based on what “we” know through our current version of science...observation and verification over time.

And that has changed, too.

If you do a historical survey of what we thought the universe was, and compare it to “our” current view of what the universe is...well, you'll see that “things” have changed. The view point of what the universe is like, and how big it is, and so on...has changed.

Here's the thing: The universe did not change. Just our relative understanding based on our observations and layered knowledge.

And IF we survive as a going concern, as a species...who knows what “we” will know in ten years, 20 years, 40 years, 100 years...and counting.

I know that dialing it back to even 80 years ago, the first fumbling around about the existence of galaxies outside of our own Milky Way galaxy...was just getting some traction.

Yes, it's true.

You don't have to go too far back in the Way-Back Machine to get lumped in with some pretty solid mythology using turtles and ducks to carry the world around the bright shiny things glowing in the night sky.

To accurately pierce the flask of brandy, and journey through the universe with consciousness as your space vehicle is a great gift of the throbbing oneness...AKA God Consciousness.

To become one with the physicality and experience the connection of you-you-you with everything else...this is also a GREAT gift of the focus of your self-awareness with, onto, into (and so on) God.

What about the conditions my conditions have?

I am glad you reminded me of the theme of this article. My preamble is wonderful...but now down to the main business at hand.

One of my conditions that my conditions has is the idea that somehow other people should notice me and love me and adore me and so on.

It just isn't going to happen. Other people are too busy wanting the same thing to deliver me my deluxe, all-dressed pizza.

When you run into that desire, know this: To get what you want, you first of all have to consistently give what you want. And you have to do it without any expectation of a result.

Why the no expectation part?

Because you may not get it from the person you do it to...and you don't want to build up a crust of disappointment and resentment and so on. That gets in the way of the cause and effect.


Because it builds up another kind of cause and the subtle level.


Because everything you a power tool being used to create an energy deposit...a vibration...that goes “out” into the great, big world, and comes back to you as a direct manifestation.

Oh, I've heard it all before...this MUCK about my thoughts being “things.” And I get the big YAWN coursing through your awareness as you take this New Age drivel in.

Yeah, I can hear some of you thinking, “He's just another poser...spewing the same old wanna-be mumbo-jumbo...”

Dude, I get your...frustration.

There is so much of this stuff being said and written about. And the Big Time notables have said it all, right?

Deepak and Wayne and Erhart and Ophra and Maharishi and Abraham and Dalai Lama and...the list goes on.

And the message is much the same, with their own branding attached...with the same old offers to get you “there.” All you have to do is order this book, or sign-up for that video series, or come and attend this residence course, or...act now, because we have limited space available.


(Oh, by the way...IF you haven't read the book, you better get started, because this really is written directly by God. Click this link:

But it is true, by the way. 
And it is the only game in town.

IF we could just put all the stuff those people have written and spoken and put it in a pill and give you that pill and you could take that pill and KNOW, really a fundamental level of your being...and absorb that KNOWINGNESS into a practical, moment-by-moment state of reality...well, I bet we'd sell a whole lot of those pills.

Thing is, there really is only one way inside the palace. You have to do it yourself. You have to want to get inside the Kingdom of Heaven Within...and all else will be added unto you.

This is NOT a false promise.

And you pay me now, or you pay me later...but pay me you will.

And the power tool that you are going to use to do all this with is your self-awareness.

That's the magic carpet...that's the Genie's lamp that you are going to rub. are the Genie inside the lamp.

How much do you think God Consciousness is worth? If we tried to put a monetary value on it. Add up all the blood, sweat and tears...the time...the focus...the learning of all the lessons...figuring out the conditions of your conditions, and every little bit of the shivering immensity of...“it.”

How much would it cost on the open market...dollar wise? Give me a figure. IF I could put it in a bottle, or make a pill...a lotion...whatever, and you could take it, and you are solidly established in permanent, unflinchingly, verified, certified Gold Seal stamped God much is that worth?

All the work is done for you, all you have to do is click the mouse once, and you are online.

What's the price?

What IF the guru touches you with the magic peacock feather, and the shakti is automatically transmitted into you, and NOW you are permanently established in God Consciousness?

What IF the guru thumps you on the chest and you are immediately invigorated into God Consciousness?

What IF?

Would you line up for that? Would you?

Well, many people do.

And no diss on any of that. It's all part of the deal. And whatever you do, it's the conditions of the conditions chasing themselves.

I can tell you that it is God chasing God to be God...again.


The answer is maybe going to annoy you, and I get why it would...I really do. And it is the first part of the answer, too.

And to find the answer, I am going to ask you to come back tomorrow to the next article. I will tell you then.

Yes, this is a cheap ploy to get you to come back...and I know it seems sleazy to do it. But that's the way of this seduction of you, by me, to read this information, and come deeper into the palace where the party is ongoing.

You are me talking to yourself...writing to yourself. Consider this idea: You have read this far for a reason...and it is all part of your own journey to knowing...truly knowing...being God...right now, here and now.

This happens by continually applying your self-awareness, over and over, back to the worship of yourself...God.

And sometimes God is going to seem very much NOT you, at all. And God is going to talk to you from outside of you...or so it will seem. And sometimes you are going to get connected to your self and it will include much more than your current ego state of you-you-you.

And sometimes there is going to be an expansion of awareness that includes a bit of the intellect and much more of something else that links you, connects you, includes you, is part of you...that extends into the physicality...the manifestation of a knowingness by you...of being the lamp post, the toaster oven, the car, the tree, the lump of shit...and so on.

It gets really interesting when you are presented with the FACT that the person you are in conflict with is actually you, too. That they are ALSO God, too. And that it isn't just an intellectual exercise...but is...REALITY.

Now that is a head-spinner.


It changes...everything.

So your conditions begin to develop new conditions. Conditional conditions get reconditioned...and some of the previous conditions change...and some just...drop...away.

Oh, it's true. This is real. Reality gets...bent.

And just like our understanding of the universe changes...I mean the physical universe (the kind you gaze at through the know, stars, planets, galaxies...that universe)...the trajectory of your own dynamic focus of self-awareness with God...leads you ever deeper into God Consciousness.

Oh, yes...there are set-backs.
And I will tell you about some of those in the next article...along with the answer as to why God bothers with the whole shtick in the first place.

Until then,
All the Best!
Robert Farmilo
Translator, TGCP
PS-Here's another video for you:
==> Earth In Orbit

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