
Madame, I Am Paris

Robert Farmilo
(This holy man was 80 years old when this photograph was taken)
OR: Why Does God Bother With All This Silliness?
Link to Chapter One of the book:

I promised you in the last article I would tell you why God wants you to know who you are...that you are God. And I told you that the answer might annoy you.

It is one of those answers that somehow just sounds stupid and dumb.
Until you get “it.”
Then comes the laughter...and maybe the tears, too.

The answer is a bit of an insider's joke. It's definitely a teaser.

But first, here is a riddle for you: What lies on the bottom of the ocean and twitches?
(The answer is at the end of this article.)

And now the answer to the question: Why does God do all this...stuff?
God does it so God can experience you (and you are God) coming into knowing that you are God. God does all this so God can be with you as you come into God Consciousness. That's it...that's all.

God wants you to be with God because you are God, and God wants you to know who you really are. And God delights in you finding your way through all the crazy stuff of your current find God.

The fact that you are reading this article reveals the journey you are have started to be ready to know you are God.

Even if you are laughing at the idea...and ridiculing the is enough that you are reading these words. The action of taking in the idea is enough to settle the entire affair, once and for all.

You need this knowledge that you are God stated to you in clear and simple terms. It is important for you to read this idea, and begin to think about it. The method for getting this God Consciousness can be approached from several angles...methods...applications of your self-awareness.

Regular practice of a good meditation technique will help you. Coming into conscious contact with the simple state of awareness, and experiencing quietness and silence inside your self-awareness is very good.

Another angle is the use of your self-awareness to experience the presence of different parts of your body. This skill of vital life force energy is also very useful...and is closely allied to a good meditation practice.

Reading scripture on a regular basis is also very good. The tradition you choose is your own business. The knowledge that you soak up helps to point the mind in the direction of the divine. And this is good.

But maybe the best way of all is to think about God all the time.
Yes, you have read correctly.
Think God all the time.

Now don't get worried. You won't be able to do this all the time. Your mind will most certainly be absorbed by other ideas and thoughts. And when you become aware that you are no longer with the thought, “I am God,” you just quietly come back to it.

You can think the word, “God,” in a gentle and simple way. Take it easy with this. Be natural with yourself. Don't strain.

If someone is talking to you...listen with your full attention to what they are saying. Ask God for guidance when you need to answer. Let God do your talking for you.

I know this all sounds CRAZY. And for that reason...I suggest that you get the book and read it.

In the book, God explains in detail how to have telepathic contact with God. And it is simple.

Click here ==> Get the Book, Now!

About The Setbacks:

In the last article, I told you I would write about some of the setbacks that can happen in the process of getting this God Consciousness.

And I ought to know about them!

This is NOT always going to go smoothly. You are going to run smack-dab into your ego fighting back.

Your belief system is going to try and disable this divine progression to your God Consciousness. One of the first beliefs you are going to encounter is that you don't believe that you are God.

The way through this is to return to the process and rinse and repeat. It doesn't matter if you don't believe that you are God.

It's like not believing that the Earth is not flat.
(Yes, I used a double negative.)
Your belief that the Earth is flat doesn't change the fact that the Earth is not flat.

Another obstacle to your divine progression is getting a big, fat head when you do get some God Consciousness...when you start to get some experiences.

Maybe you start to have some specific new skills or being able to see into the future...or some such ability.

This can lead you into getting pretty high on yourself. And it can become a trap for you, too. So be careful to refer all gifts back to God. And let God teach you. Ask God what to do, and listen carefully, and follow God's advice.

This will help you to avoid many pitfalls along the way of divine progression.

You see, you always have your free will, and even when you turn this over to God, you can step in and use your free will any time you want.

I know it sounds a bit confusing, but that's part of the journey. Getting to know the subtle nature of transformation is a game of patience and trial and error.

To avoid much of the suffering that is yet to come, it is good to ask God for help at every turn. This is simple to do: Just ask.

The setbacks can be repeats of patterns and tendencies that you may have thought you have laid to rest. And now you find yourself back inside some hole you made the past, that you thought you'd never fall into again.

Insert laugh track, please.

So there are lessons in that hole you need to finish learning. And what better way than to ask God to help you? And let God do the work for you, too.

This doesn't mean you won't have to maybe do something an action or set of actions to perform that will transform the situation of the hole you have fallen back into.

I want you to know that you are NOT alone in all this. There is a large community of fellow travelers who are more or less on the same path of divine progression.

Now some of these people are truly fruit caked whack-ohs. Just so you know. The niche of people actively pursuing God Consciousness includes people who are mentally ill.

Let me be quite clear on this point...I mean really and seriously nuts. They are NOT stable in God Consciousness...and are really koo-koo.

By definition, when you say that you have telepathic contact with God, you are crazy. Just so you know.

But there is a difference between the real-deal and the person who is schizophrenic.

How do you figure out the difference?
The fruit of their actions will be a good place to start.

I will write about this in my next article.

Now about the main theme of this article...why God does all this crazy stuff? And why doesn't God just wave a magic feather and make everyone God Conscious---poof!---

God is the same is men who make him different.”
---Tat Wale Baba

I am reminded of a great saint from India: Tat Wale Baba. He lived in a cave near Rishikesh in India.

One day some people came to visit him in his cave to get some saint vibes. And one lady asked him, “Tat Wale Baba, have you ever been to Paris?”

And with his beautiful eyes, this great saint looked at the lady and said, “...Madame, I am Paris.”

I sincerely hope you understand the beautiful humour and great truth held in the saint's simple and truthful answer. For if it is true of him, it is also true of you, too.

You are also Paris.

This is very important for you to read. And it may make you think that you are most definitely NOT Paris...but it does not change the FACT that you are Paris.

I mean the city, Paris, France.

And taking this further, it also means that you are France, too. Which is a country. But that country is not even real, is it? I mean it is a construct of idea, not based in any true reality, as such.

Just like say, not real. It is an idea. But a rock is real.

Let's ponder all this later. (That's if there is anything remotely later, and not just another version of now-now-now.)

When you start to bend the constructs, you get into some interesting territory. This shows up the relative nature of existence. Up is someone else's down. That kind of thing...or...that thing of kind.

I know many people will just be annoyed by this, and like to deal in straightforward reality, like the practical details that need doing so you can have enough to eat, and a place to sleep, and clothes to wear, and so on.

For most people this means you have to go to work and earn a living. And you need to be practical about daily living.

It's all well and good to preach about abstract concepts...but the dishes still need to be washed, and the meals prepared...and so on.

Ah, the allure of fortune and wealth...wanting something for one's self. This can also be a stumbling block, too. And it can also be a great booster to abundance and prosperity that is free and clear of the grasping, fear-based, greedy assault on the Earth and people, creatures, places and get what you want.

I have included a link to a video about Tat Wale Baba. Give it a watch and take in a man who was in a stable state of God Consciousness.


This is a journey of patience and perhaps gradual self-awareness...self-knowledge. It doesn't mean it is impossible or only for the foolish psychopath.

It is most definitely for the “average” person. You don't need any qualification or permission to be on this divine path. And it can come quickly, too.

Okay, enough for now.
Make sure you get the book:

All the Best,
Robert Farmilo
Translator, TGCP
PS-Here's the link to this articles video:
==> The Power of God
PPS-The answer to the riddle is:
"A Nervous Wreck."

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