
The Day God Came Knocking On My Door

Robert Farmilo

OR: You Can't Hide Forever Now

IMPORTANT NOTE: At the end of this article there is a text excerpt from a talk given by Tat Wale Baba.

Click this link:

I told you I would tell you about the day I was God-smacked.

Yeah, like I wrote in previous articles, I sure wasn't looking for “it” when “it” happened.

In fact, I was heading in the opposite direction. I think God had had enough of my bleeping around, and decided enough was enough...and let's get this party started.

I'd had one experience prior to the one I am about to tell you about...of what I consider to be conscious and genuine telepathic communication from...where? What?

In and around February, 1983, one evening I was standing on the fire lane at the Ideal Village Coop in Orleans, Ontario. It was winter. And I was outside.

I was seriously thinking about doing something I hadn't done in about ten years, and it was a big decision for me, at the time.

I'd been meditating regularly for about ten years. And I was an Executive Governor of the Age of Enlightenment. So...a teacher of Transcendental Meditation and the Science of Creative Intelligence.

I was 27 years old.

I had two kids, and was married.

And I was thinking about smoking some cannabis. A guy I knew through work had some first class weed, and he'd offered me some for free (he grew it himself), and I was sorely tempted to try some.

So...what happened was...I am standing in the fire lane, and it's evening...and as I am contemplating smoking some dope...into my consciousness comes this...presence.

And I immediately recognize this presence as Swami Brahmananda Saraswati...the teacher of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Only thing was, Maharishi's teacher had been dead since 1953.

Think what you want, to me it was so clear...that it was him speaking directly into my mind, into my thoughts. It was so obvious, so distinct...from anything I'd ever experienced before in my life.

I want you to understand this. IF you've never had this happen to is certainly difficult to comprehend what this is like...when the clear and direct thought transmission comes into you from outside of...your own consciousness.

Anyway, he told me, “Robert, you don't have to do this. You have already done this. And you know everything you need to know from doing this before. You do not need to do this again.”

It was a very clear warning, by the way. I was being given the chance to avoid the suffering which was yet to come.

This direct intercession by the guru (dispeller of darkness) is not uncommon. I think there are many people who can tell you similar stories.

Okay, so let's roll the time conveyor belt forward to 1985...Sunday morning, Labour Day Weekend. It was around 9 a.m., and I'd been having a lost weekend with my friend Ray Forget.

My plans for that day did not include having my first bout of direct God Consciousness.

It started with this thought coming into my mind. Just one word: God.

Yes, that's right...just one word: God.

And it kept coming.


And then there was a pause.

And then: God.

The pause was out of sync with my breathing, by the way.

And the one word came into my head: God.

Just like that.
And I wasn't thinking it.

In fact, I tried to stop it. But it kept coming...not linked to my breathing...and independent of anything I was doing, too.

It just kept coming...with this pause in between that was steady and consistent.

Well, I didn't say anything about what was happening. And my friend and I went out and went over to another place where some lost weekend friends were hanging out, doing lost weekend stuff.

And all the time I was there...into my mind came this one word: God.

It wasn't really loud. And I didn't hear it with my ears. It was coming from outside of my own mind, too. That's the way it felt. And that quality of coming from outside of me was really obvious, distinct, and very clear.

I want you to understand this aspect of my experience. I am not making this up. I am not adding this “touch” to my story, to try and give credibility to what happened to me, or my version of my experience.

Anyway, I didn't stay long at the lost weekend place, and said goodbye, and left.

I had to leave so I could be on my own. What was happening to me was so real...I just had to be alone.

So I got in my car and drove away.

The one word kept coming into my mind.




I got on the Queensway (a free way in Ottawa), and after a few minutes, I started talking out loud, and cried out, “What the bleep is going on, here? Am I going crazy? Is this really happening to me? Is this really God?”

And that's when the dam broke, and this...very clear and powerful and direct and telepathic communication came into me from outside of the form of specific, fully formed thoughts...just like someone was talking to me, but in my mind...and it wasn't me talking to myself in my own head.


It was God.

Oh, I know how crazy this sounds. Boy, do I know. But it really was God, and it really did happen to me.

During this process I was given a very clear experience of God's unconditional love...and it was infinite, eternal and the source of all.

Oh, there was a lot more that happened, too. And maybe I will write about some of that stuff in future articles.

But what I really want to share with you is that my life did change. I could never be the same again.

But...and this is really stupid...I kept bleeping up many, many things through my own choices that I made over the coming years, and decades.

I want you to really pay attention to this, because you don't have to do what I did. It doesn't have to be that way for you. That is the value of having someone like me writing this stuff for you.

IF you are wise enough to latch on to this information and really get your teeth into it, you can cut out so much suffering and stupid, horrible errors of choice mistakes...that eat up so much of your life...and hurt other people, creatures, places and things...along your merry way.

Along this merry way of my own life, I have had the great honour of being told by God not to do...not to perform...not to choose certain choices.

Very clear...warnings: “Don't do it.”

And yet I went right ahead and did whatever “it” was. And yes, disaster followed. I caused harm and hurt to myself and other people, creatures, places and things.

And there were consequences that I did not like. And I suffered. Man, did I ever suffer.

But on I went.

This is...foolish and stupid. It does NOT help you, at all.

My strong advice is follow the guidance and do NOT do the choices that you get a clear, divine warning NOT to do.

Go for the highest first. This is a very good principle of Cosmic Law.

Okay, that's enough from me.
All the Best!
Robert Farmilo,
Translator, TGCP
PS-Here is a link to an amazing video of a holy man:

Now here is a sample of a text from a talk that Tat Wale Baba gave in 1969:

What is the aim of all the beings? It is the attainment of infinite happiness. A life free from suffering, and the attainment of eternal happiness is what we want.

Now, we should discriminate and analyse if there is anything in the world which can give us permanent, eternal happiness. From the ant up to the giant of the Creator, all are in the field of change, that is, relative values.

Infinite happiness can only come from something which could be immortal, non-changing, eternal.

This which is the goal of everything, this infinite, is our own Self. And in order to experience that Self which is the basis of all, we don’t have to seek, we don’t have to search, we don’t have to make efforts. It’s there, present everywhere.

Wherever you are, in whatever reign of time or place, that Self is there - wherever we are in whatever time. Only, we have to take our awareness to that level and that is it.

Having forgotten that level of life, we are seeking for that eternal happiness. That Self is. It is being and it is blissful. Having forgotten that, we now are seeking for it. We have forgotten what we ourselves are and we’re trying to find that in the world. As long as we don’t enter into that area which is infinite happiness, free from suffering, so long we will not be free from suffering and we will not get into that eternal happiness. There is no happiness of significant nature in the world; the child is gone, and the youth is gone, and the man is old, and even then he is not fulfilled in the world. When he gets established in the Self, then automatically freedom from suffering and attainment of bliss will be there.

That which is omnipresent doesn’t have to be sought. It’s there already. Start to be. That which is omnipresent is not to be sought; only our awareness has to be brought to that level and that bliss is there. You don’t have to seek it. Understand? Unless we get into that omnipresent bliss, satisfaction is not going to come. If it were to come, it would have come by now through so many avenues in the world. But, it has not.

Therefore, that which is the Self is your own being. You don’t have to look in the outside. And, it is irrespective of any religious faiths or beliefs; Christians or Mormons or Hindus. That being is the knowledge itself. Only, you have to know. All these various manifestations of happiness that we experience in the world, they also are the manifestations of the same eternal being which is our own Self. If we are aware of the Self, if we know it, fine.

Otherwise, we have to be. And, therefore, it is necessary to bring our awareness deep within ourselves. As deeply as we can bring our awareness to the Self, so intensely we can inherit that which is omnipresent in our day to day life. Having known that Self we will be eternally contented; remaining in the world we will live contentment. And, it’s not a matter of detaching ourselves from the world. Only, we have to know It, and having known It, then, all different manifestations in the world will be experienced as manifestations of That. We don’t have to detach ourselves. It is just a matter of bringing the awareness to that area, and be, and live It.

Having gained this beautiful, perfect human nervous system, if we have known that element of the Self, then we have really used this wonderful diamond-like gift, this diamond-like nervous system which is capable of giving that eternal bliss. If it is not experienced, then we have wasted that gift of diamond. We have taken upon ourselves this human nervous system, not for the sake of petty enjoyment of changing nature in this relative field of change, but to live and be that infinite bliss. And, we will have to attain that thing whether we attain it in this life, or in the next, or in the next. We just can’t forego that. Therefore, with the assistance of the guru and the scriptures, better to attain it quickly. Why postpone?

All this world is in a state of pure Consciousness, and it is through That that we experience everything.

Pure Consciousness,or Transcendental Consciousness is nothing that we experience. Through That we are experiencing everything. That is the basis of all experience, and experiencing. So enjoy that state.

Here is a link to the original article:

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