
How to Be A Fallen Yogi

Robert Farmilo

OR: First of All You Have To Be A Yogi
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I'd like to pretend that I am a fallen yogi...just because it sounds so cool.

Small technical difficulty would be that I'd have to have been a yogi before I could get the status of being a fallen yogi.

I suppose in some small way I was a kind of a yogi. I mean, I did learn the TM-Siddhi program, and that included learning the sutra for levitation.

And I did practice levitation, AKA “The Flying Siddhi.”

In case you don't know what a siddhi, means power. So...super-normal powers like being able to make your self as small as an atom...and dwell inside a star...and navigate through the universe...and be in more than one place at once.
Yeah, this is really kooky stuff...I get that. And when I first heard that I could learn how to really grabbed my attention. I really wanted to learn how to do that.

So I did.

What is a yogi? What qualifies a person to be considered a real yogi?

IF you examine some of the strictures laid out by Master of the Yoga Sutras (literally means “Stitches of Union”), you will quickly see that the code of behaviour is...daunting.

Let's take a brief look at some of the highlights as outlined in The Yamas:

  1. Ahimsa: Nonviolence, not harming other living beings;
  2. Satva: No falsehood, no lying...truthfulness;
  3. Asteva: Do not steal, non-stealing;
  4. Brahmacharya: Celibacy, and-or not cheating on your partner, no infidelity;
  5. Aparigraha: Non-avarice, not wanting to possess for yourself, not being greedy;
No order to be able to even begin to manifest correct practice of the super-normal have to be stable within the context of each of the yamas (outlined above).

Oh, is there more?

As it happens, there is another set of specific codicils to the will of the yogi...and they are also strict, and very not-easy to maintain in a steady, non-wavering state of action.

Welcome to the Niyamas:

  1. Sauca: Purity of and clearness of mind, speech and body;
  2. Santosa: Acceptance of others, contentment, acceptance of one's circumstances as they are in order to change them or get past them, and optimism for your self;
  3. Tapas: Austerity, perseverance, and persistence;
  4. Svadhyaya: Study of self, self-awareness, self-reflection, and study of the Vedas;
  5. Isvarapranidhana: Thinking about God, your true self, and contemplation of God, unchanging reality;

Please insert impossible laugh track.

Are you beginning to see why I did not consider myself a yogi? Sure, I studied these...ideals...and sweated it out at the bottom of this mountain.

And in my own modest way, I tried to follow some of these strictures. But I can't pretend that I got very far with these codes and strictures. I was never stable in performing action from these beautiful but tough states of body, mind and spirit.

How about you?

Anyway, there's lots more to the Yoga Sutras...and I may write more about this stuff in articles to come. It is inspiring and useful, and can help to accelerate your journey as a spirit being.

What About God Consciousness?

Okay,'s the thing: When you come on board this deal, you get as your immediate guru (dispeller of darkness) the capa d'capa of guru's...the guru of gurus...the Big Boss...the ultimate one...and it's not just in the relative, changing realms of creation. No sir, no ma'am. You get the absolute, non-changing, eternal, infinite your guru.

This is the direct edition, straight into your consciousness...which is your nature...and is your source, at the same time. This is the moment when most of us fade, and lose the plot...because to conceive of this enormity...and what it beyond the capacity of the limited self-awareness we carry around with us.

Direct perception of God, and all that become the cosmic mind...and realize your true nature...and maintain this as a steady state of permanent awareness, will definitely change you.

Understand is possible to be given the gift of being God Consciousness...and then have this fluctuate, and end up with you being returned back into your you-you-you, ego-based, human identity.

Believe me, you will never be the same again...but you may have plenty of mistakes left to make...choices that you get wrong...and more suffering to cause yourself and other people, creatures, places and things.

Having great spiritual experiences is one thing, but getting straight with yourself is quite another. It ain't easy, Babe.

You've got to do battle with those latent impressions...and they are deeply ingrained. You've been carrying most of this baggage for a long time, in different guises, and they are heavily defended against being eliminated...removed...cleansed...put out of business.

Consider these latent impressions all the qualities represented by the presence of what you'd consider perfectly normal human lust, greed, anger, lying, and stealing.

Now let's add in the idea of being with your self-awareness in a steady state of positive mental activity. Stir in a devotion to study of scriptures, and the attainment of contentment regardless of your circumstances. Add a healthy dose of austerity, and top it off with continuous absorption in God Consciousness.

Oh, and there is more to do, too.

So you can see why I just can't lay claim to having been a fallen yogi because I was never really a proper yogi to begin with. I am not even sure if I was a faux yogi.

Mind you, I had a good but brief stretch there where I really did have some of all this stuff going on. And it was fascinating to get that close to the bottom of the mountain.

Well, I'm glad you asked.
I've been very lucky...blessed with a boon from God. And I get to write these articles and offer my temporary insights to you. Plus...very soon, I will be helping God by teaching some of the core courses that bring the world of us humans this strange idea of God Consciousness.

Hey, don't get me wrong...I am NOT the Groovy Guru. Not even close. I just follow the specific instructions I get from God. Close as I I decipher best as my limited self-awareness can handle.

There are other teachers who are way more advanced than I am. And great beings who live here on this planet who you can go and learn from. And...let's face it, you can ask God to teach you directly.

Having God as your personal guru is NOT a complicated process: JUST ASK.

Is it that simple?

And about the title of this article...if you want to be a fallen yogi...all you have to do is become a yogi, and then bleep it up by resorting to behaviour that entrenches those drives that you thought you'd dealt being a greedy bleep, and corrupting people who look up to you, and, well, you get the idea.

You know, I think I want to write about one of my great the next article. In fact, I think for some of a few of the coming articles...I'd like to introduce you to some anomalies in the form of some personalities who have walked this planet in the last hundred years or so.

Until then...why don't you try out just one of the yamas, and just one of the niyamas...for just one day. See how that works out for you.

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All the Best,
Robert Farmilo,
Translator, TGCP
PS-Here's a video for you-you-you:

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