
How to Materialize Instantaneously, Part Two

Robert Farmilo
OR: Wow! How Did He Do That?

Have you ever watched a magic trick...and something appeared out of thin air?

I learned how to do this magic trick where I started with one red ball, about the size of a ping-pong ball, and I would “make” a series of identical balls appear from thin air.

I used the fingers of one hand to make this happen. And it was so...magical. IF you didn't know how I did it, you would swear that I made something appear from thin air that wasn't there before...just like I was making a ball appear from nowhere.

And I make three balls appear from the one ball that I started with.

I learned some other magic tricks, too. Where I could make something appear where there appeared to be nothing (to start with) and then, presto-pow!---there was the materialization...and an object seemed to mysteriously pop into existence.

But I had to use something to briefly screen the see.

In this article...I am going to write about the real, instantaneous materialization of something right before your eyes. And it isn't a magic trick...or even magic.

This is the act of your intention, fully supported by the cosmic laws of creative intelligence...and it is as spectacular as anything that is solid and real and is something that comes directly from nothing.

So...yes, poof!---real materialization from nothingness. Whatever it is that appears wasn't there in front of you (or beside you, or behind you) and now, suddenly---just like that---it NOW!

I know this reads like crazy writing. I get that.

But this is what this article is about.

And it is not about fake trickery to dupe seekers, and the fraudulent fakers who perpetrate this tricks:

I want to clearly explain to you the real thing, the whole thing. And sometimes I am going to be blunt about exposing the fakes and the frauds...even if it means alienating devotees of supposed great holy men.

Sorry about that?
No...I am not...sorry.

Being sorry is such a strange...statement, isn't it. I think it comes from the word “sore.”
As in being sore...or having a sore. And so...being sorry about something because it having a sore.

Part of the journey to get to the place where you can instantaneously material something from nothing...has to do with becoming truly sorry for your trespasses, errors, mean-spirited actions, and so on.

It means really feeling the depth of sorrow for the bad shit that you've done...your actions...even IF they were part of a chain of cause and effect that you were a part of.

It's that true sense of remorse...and the heavy debt that carries with it. This is part of the journey of becoming a mature spirit dwelling as a human being, in a human body.

It also means taking the necessary steps to make proper amends for your actions. This requires careful thought and planning...not to just be done to make you “feel” better about yourself.

This is important...because you don't want to make “things” you?

Here is a link to an article that will help to get you into the spirit of understanding the fruits of past action:
So...being sorry is an important step...and it must come from a genuine empathy and compassion arising from inside yourself...and NOT just because you think it's a good say, “Oh, gee, I am sorry.”

And then you can say, “Hey, I said I was sorry! I don't know why they're still upset....”

Along this line comes this very familiar saying, “I don't know how many times I can say I am sorry for what I've doesn't seem to make any difference to you, at all.”

Hey, I get this.
I really do.

Part of the, “I am sorry deal” includes asking to be forgiven, too. And that can be very...sensitive, can't it?

Anyway, all this stuff includes a well-developed sense of timing and delicacy, right?

Essentially, this is not all about you.

And, by the way, I am sorry that I've gone on so long about this being sorry business.

I probably owe you an amends:

Moving On...Let's Get Materializing

To get into the dynamic of real are going to have to change your mind-set.

That's a given.

Here is an example of how to get into this fascinating transformation process:
==> Click me 1000 times!
In the last article, I wrote about the process of entering into a state of awareness that is a stable state of God Consciousness.

It is from this state of consciousness that you can directly materialize into this physical world.

This is the same state of being that Jesus Christ embodied. And it is how he was able to turn water into wine.

I want you to think about this...and not be offended...because Jesus did say that you would do greater works than he ever did.

From the Holy Bible: New International Version
John 14:12
Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”

It is clear that believing in God is part of the deal of being able to manifest a real and true materialization into this physical realm.

This MUST be accompanied by a steady state of awareness within God Consciousness. This is a quiet state of being, dynamically focused with one-pointed clarity...held within the unbounded, infinite state of no conditions...pure essence of being...without expectations or anticipation of a result.

It is this that is so very crucial...and is so very much misunderstood. Much of the current teaching around manifestation of desire is to have a very strong sense of positive expectation and anticipation of a swift result...the result you desire.

This is not going to cut it when it comes to instantaneous materialization into this physical realm.

It is best done in a state of pure innocence...with no expectation, and no anticipation of anything at all. The moment you introduce any flicker of you-you-you...there is an immediate disruption within the state of pure consciousness...and the instantaneous materialization is...immediately bleeped up. instantaneously materialize a briefcase full of dead presidents...and I mean of legitimate paper money...including the actual, real, physical, working have to introduce the exact, precise vision of this while in the deep state of unbridled dispassionate embrace of pure God Consciousness.

You are no longer bound to your identity...your human body, name and form, your mind...or your physical world...people, creatures, places or things.

Strangely...this means that attachment, fear and loathing...and desire...are accepted by you-you-you...but the you-you-you has been dropped. This is the hardest thing you will ever do...and the easiest, too.

So, once again, face-to-face with the coexistence of opposite values. This brilliance of being no longer attached to your human identity is not a mood-making charade. You can't pretend to it...or “make” it happen.

By now I hope you are really thirsty for this...and are hungry to practice the way to this cosmic freedom.

Here's the won't be able to instantaneously manifest ANYTHING...if it is for your own personal gain...for greed...or for lust...or for anger...or for revenge. Oh, you can embrace the dark-side...and the power of deliberate evil...and twist the laws of nature to your own ends.

For a time.

But it is not something I recommend that you do. It is a way that is fraught with great suffering...and well into the life after this one.

For such meager gains...why pay such a hefty, hefty price?

You can use your true powers for good...only for good. And then you will be supported by the source of nature.

Yes, you can enjoy and play within the natural constructs...and have such bliss and pleasure, it is hard to understand such cosmic joy.

Any artist who imbibes the cosmic juice is given to sheer rhapsody...and swirling vortexes of!

There is nothing funnier than getting one of God's jokes. You will laugh and laugh for a long time. Just getting the angle of the joke, and seeing how it all lines up...and such an enlightenment. And the laughter joins the cosmic laughter...and you are drawn ever closer to this unfolding, great truthfulness of God. instantaneously materialize an object into this physical realm requires that you practice...regularly...the teachings of your God, and apply yourself rigorously to purifying the latent tendencies that you have.

Consider latent tendencies to be the unpacked baggage that you've been carrying around. Once you unpack that stuff, you can give it a good washing, and cleaning, and then...?

Well, you'll have a deeper understanding, and ever greater freedom from the influence of smelly baggage. And your bags will be lighter, too. So, less to carry around with you.

And you'll replace the old stuff with simplified, very clean and neat stuff. And this new stuff will help you get even cleaner and neater stuff...that is even more simplified.

This is the evolution of you-you-you...and the going beyond the current human ego you've been lugging around.

Yes, it is very important to have a name and identity and attitudes and opinions and fears and loathings and resentments and judgments, and, and, and...feelings: the good, the bad, and the ugly...of feelings.

But if you want to instantaneously materialize an object directly into this physical, anything you can imagine...and I mean an entire, working are going to have to work through all the shit.

You are going to become fully who you are...anyway.


This is a big deal, right?

That's why this is called God Consciousness.
We're not fooling around, here.

Hey, of all the people kicking around this planet, at this particular time...I get how...krazy, koo-koo ma-goo-goo this all...sounds.

I am writing this all down, and wondering how anyone can seriously think for a single moment they can instantaneously materialize...well...something simple, like a button, or a piece of chalk, or...maybe a...what? How about some ash? Just some simple...ash. Like the kind you get when you burn wood.

But an entire working universe?
Come on...that's really going too far with all this instantaneous materialization fantasy.


Well, no. It's not. You already did create an entire working universe. Only thing is, you don't know that it was you that did it.

You think it was God. Or...maybe not even God...but...what? Nature? Or...what? Maybe something imponderable.

Here is a link to a video that gives a visual sense of the possible beginning of this universe that you created:

This is all very sort of academic...I mean me writing to you about how you created this working universe. And I get that.

But that's where you are heading...whether you like it or not. Eventually you are going to...ah, evolve...into your true, full nature. And this means you arrive back where you started, as The Creator.

You will be bound back to your own source...the source you the first place. See, here is the teaching of God Consciousness...the most basic concept you need to be told: You ARE God.

This does not mean you can do whatever you want...right now. Sorry. Not going to happen.

You have to do whatever God wants you to do. Oh, can do whatever you want to do...within the limited powers that you currently have.

So...IF you want to deliberately hurt a mean person...exercise your harming potentialities...and be willfully can do so. You have free called free will.

But like it God says in the book God wrote, “How free is your free will?”

If you are a slave to your own bad tendencies...that's not very free, is it? careful what you wish just might get it.

The idea of deserving before you desire is...crucial. And I will be explaining more about this most important the next article.

In the is another video for you to watch. This one is only a few minutes long. You need to watch this video...and get a sense of the scale of your creation:

Okay, you need some concrete techniques to develop some skill with this self-absorbed awareness you-you-you are lugging around with you.

I have prepared some useful instructional videos for you. And yes, they are long, and detailed, step-by-step...and it means you have to sit and study, and follow along.

Sorry. That's just the way it is. IF you want something bad enough, you'll be good enough to deserve it. And that means you have to practice. Sorry. I mean...gee...I am so sorry! Really...I am.

Here's the link for the training:

All the Best!
Robert Farmilo,
Translator, TGCP
PS-Get the fricking book, will you?

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