Robert Farmilo
I am all Vortexed know?
There's this whole thing about being in "The Vortex."
And for some of you...this reeks of the entire New Age package.
Get your thoughts and feelings in line with the real you-you-you...the inner most truth of what it is that you are wanting to have, to feel and to be...and all of that held on the triad of joy, freedom and growth.
Whatever it is you are wanting...put through the filter of---does it make me feel a sense of joy, freedom and growth?
When you contemplate doing it---whatever it is---does it come with the basic three ingredients...does it inspire that arising growth.
So...the next time you are wanting something for be, to do, to it through the three filters of your inner self.
The idea is that by being in tune with what brings you a sense growth...YOU are going to be that much closer to being in tune with your Inner Being...and this Inner Being is the part of you-you-you that is...the transcendental, immortal, eternal essence of consciousness.
Something like that.
Okay, what about today's lesson of the day?
Well, I am glad you asked.
Thing is...I was sitting around in my grumpy pile of poo-poo, and contemplating my ego, when the instruction came in..."Ask me for what you want."
Yeah, that was the teaching I received.
"Ask me for what you want."'s the thing---lately I've been working with The Holy Spirit...and this is don't fade on me here...and what's been going on is I've been assigning specific tasks and duties and responsibilities to...The Holy Spirit.
Hey, I don't ask in a snotty, imperious way.
It's...a lot more simple and straight forward. I bumble along with this stuff...what happens is I get the clear and gentle urging to make the assignment as clear and as simple as possible.
So...definitely NOT all complicated and ambiguous and clever.
And I am working on small things...actions...and so on. Building up my skill to speak.
Now...I will write more about this process in future articles, so don't get all caught up in the how-to part. Besides, I've got this sneaky feeling that if you've read this far, and are actually paying true are onto this stuff, and can tell me your own experiences with this highly intriguing stuff.
And why don't you?
That'd be very cool.
Just pop some comments in at the bottom of this article.
And...let's go really crazy...why don't you write an article...and I'll post it on this blog.
Back to this lesson.
Just ask for what you want...and do it in the simplest terms, very clear terms...exact instructions...not super complicated.
Just ask.
Inside the quietness of your own your awareness and thinking meet---that's the place to construct your ask.
Hey! The worst thing that can happen is they say, "No."
So, here's a starting point.
I am going to ask you for something, okay?
Here it is: "What is it that you want?"
Now, you fill in your answer.
Make it as concise and precise as you can.
More about all this...later.
All the Best!
Robert Farmilo,
Translator, TGCP
PS-Get the on the link:
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