
Telepathic Communication With God? Are You Kidding Me?

Robert Farmilo
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OR: "What it'll be like when everyone is actively and consciously telepathically having two way telepathic communication with God."

And "it" will be the SAME God. Not a bunch of different Gods for each person on Earth.
How can I dare write such a thing?
God says, "For those who want God Consciousness, all they must do is simply ask me to have this God Consciousness."

And so the question has to come up, right?
What is this preposterous term, "God Consciousness?"

God answers, "There is a state of awareness where the aspirant asks God for conscious, two-way, personal, ever present, telepathic, private, conscious, experienced directly---between me as I am needed to be for the mortal who has genuinely asked me for this unique love affair to be taken to the next level."

The Next Level?
What does that mean?

God does answer.
"There is no greater blessing for a mortal than to serve the need of the other Earthly pleasures that divert attention from the spirit to the world of mortals. You must be compelled to serve a cycle of social winnowing that eventually persuades some of you mortals to compare the elongation of life in total comfort, with social security and pensions, and wise investments over time---and great medical coverage until've won the life carefully lived when it comes to all the creature comforts, you've got them over the teaming masses of other mortals who crowd the sweaty cauldrons of discontent and bad pollution...I tell you all, mortals---that you have tampered without consultation with me for far too long. So, consider this my personal appeal to you---ASK me for this two-way, TELEPATHIC communication to begin, NOW!"

God went on to say, "Form your own, EXACT ask."
(Ask: means your specific request---example: "God, please communicate with me, directly, personally, telepathically, two-way communication, God. Please do this now.")

What are the implications of a vast, global, shift in human consciousness---to where every human on the planet experienced clear, conscious, two-way communication with God...telepathic communication, private, and unique.

This new age does not guarantee unity.
Don't think that for one single moment, oh dear fellow mortal.
For to God, that's what you are.
Do you think God thinks the same way to each and every person...when the new age dawns.

And is it actually ever going to get happening, this new age?
The new age when God Consciousness blossoms, and people put down their false gods
and exclusion of altered states of consciousness and paranormal abilities as being the norm,
and not some sort of weird and too-freaky cult of new agers who are after special powers.

Think of what it will be like when you can levitate.
The way life will feel like when there is deep spiritual satisfaction, and it is planet wide.
What would it be like if in school they taught kids how to leave their bodies, and how to get around safely...and find your way back home in time for dinner.

This is the way of the future fueled by a simple shift in global consciousness---to the unique, personal telepathic consciousness---private and two-way WITH GOD.

This isn't about who this God is going to be, either.
Is it?
What does God have to say on this?
"I feel very strongly that the different factions who make each slaves to a mortal story teller's concoction of grief in belief in straight-jackets and uptightness and ugly moral superiority, and the free and easy license to kill and enslave, and order people about, and torture and execute---all this in my name, too...that these said same rascals who wrap evil in a fakery of good, they are to be themselves exalted with rank and prestige and power and sway of this and serve whatever mortal aim exerts it's passions across their well-fed backs. I am aghast at the waste that is put to serve the needs of mortals. But it is a legitimate compulsion you exert on your own behalf, and that is to serve the fulfillment of your needs. You are not yet at the level of instantaneous creation...where you can have an object materialize from nothing. As in a working, unique, exact copy of whatever it was that you were looking at in, say an online sales page. Or a real-estate listing page. Think of what it will be like when money doesn't really exist anymore because everyone is a billionaire ten times over---there is so much prosperity that janitors in Bangalore earn millions of fully valued American Dollars every year. This is one of the side effects of the coming Age of God Consciousness."

And with that began the great blessing of God.
God told me to tell you that God was going to inaugurate the coming of
...The Age of God Consciousness.

When, oh when---will this great and noble age...begin?

All the Best,
Robert Farmilo,
Translator, TGCP
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