
The Moment

What Comes After The Moment?

Robert Farmilo

New day, new style---new side-burns, so perfect time to fit in a new font. Just fine.
NOW to business.
AS you know, I write from the basic level of pure brute Mongo spirituality---I believe in God who revels in all manner of horrors and frauds and betrayals and slaughters...and I know this because God explained it to me one day, while I was driving to work.

Do you notice the casual way I include this idea that I can drive a car. I am an okay driver.

AND I can drive a car while God thinks into my thoughts, and OFTEN because I've been asking for some answers to something or other.
NOW I know this is just too improbable for most people. And for many I know that there is a strong sense of doubt about how you can know for sure that it is God. AND it's either you just imagining it all on your own...OR it's NOT God...but something else that isn't you and isn't God, either.

NOW I know that for many of you, the idea that there are malevolent beings is utterly silly. And some of you maybe of the Vortexian Faith...this would include people who are inclined toward The Vortex idea, The Hicks-Abraham invasion of consciousness. The All-That-Is brings havoc to all humanity. The mortal souls are in contest, and most New Agers are dupes for the demi-swami, and the incomplete guru,the ones who pander to the Law of Attraction, and do NOT come with open arms to seriously study the facts of how the Law of Negative Energy can be transformed into The Shining Portal of Pure Will Power.

Connected at the helm, Pilgrim.

You will be impervious to the negative vibrations...and you will feed on all negative vibrations. There is no evil you cannot eat and digest. There is NOTHING you have NOT already done, and not one bit of it can EVER be UNDONE.
OR can it?

What if I can show you away to change the past by changing your right now? How about if I can give you, for free, The Great Secrets of SUPER WILL POWER?

I mean you are going to be given secrets that can bring you the high-pressure spring of Super Will Power. This can run very quietly, BUT with consistent powerful flow---fueling the reaction that started inside YOU.
AND it all comes back to that...MOMENT.

The Moment. THAT moment.

You can have one of those moments right now.
IT can be yours...let it slip through the filters...just for a moment. Use this to shift your moment into The Moment.

Here's the most powerful question you can ever ask?

Is it, "Why Am I Here?"

How about..."What are you pretending not to know?"
Good one. Not there yet, though.

"What am I Grateful For?"
Not even that one.

"What IF?"
This one you've got to fill in the blank. You've got to add in the idea, like..."What IF I do write this article?" 

And you can take this idea right to the END and BACK again of imagination and POSITIVE, highly desirable FANTASTY FANTASY.

And that's great, and there's a lot to this question that can fuel your Will Power Portable Booster Pack.

So here is a good candidate for NUMBER ONE QUESTION:

"What Do I ABSOLUTELY Love in Life?"

No surprise that I nominate this next question:

"Tell me what you think, Oh Lord."

The Moment comes, and realization, revelation, inspiration, the decision, the choice involved, taken, inner-burning-committment, sealed with immediate action, applied consistently over time...

And you need the Positive Inputs, and the HARD LOOK, to keep you going...going...going.

This next LINK TO POWERFUL, FREE resource...
...Got nothing to do with me, okay?

Just really good stuff, okay?
Includes 25 Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself:

I know what it's like to get going on the quest only to have the inevitable complete failure. Whatever "it" was, "it" NEVER, EVER happens, gets done, or anything remotely close to success. Just doesn't, can't, won't, will NEVER amount to NOTHING, ever. See?

Have you got that meta-script running somewhere in the backfrown, forefrown, or the sidefrown?

When you take this special training, you are going to say goodbye to relapse and faking it until you make it. 
Because DESPAIR will be your friend, and you eat your friends, don't you? Because you are going to use all this failure and aptitude for never being able to do anything, ever...and use it as special fuel to power your Free Will Portable Power Pack. does this really work?

You get so free-king fed up with whatever it is that has led you up to your own specific "The Moment," that the clarity of the solution is stark, naked, and usually put in few words. 

The few words will often be power-packed for you. Maybe nobody else, but for sure some of you are going to be ABSOLUTELY vibrating as you go through your own "That Moment." got super exploded by being super stuck about something. 

The time ticked by...and the body-mind-spirit tectonic plates of YOU---a seismic event of your soul.
And this is focusing your attention on what needs to change.
And this is the moment in time when it really is going to happen.

You make a choice based on a decision. And the decision enters another realm---choice burning up failure, and the decision in a full-on chain reaction.

I am a great believer in "The Moment" when it comes to God Consciousness. 
And I want you to come forward to the altar rail, and just ask God to come on in, and ask God for "The Moment," when you can ask God what God thinks, and get a clear answer in the privacy of your own self. 

What's holding you back from getting this really happening?

I think maybe YOU are already doing this
OR you aren't.
And that's about all the wisdom I am going to flare.
Now, for the rest of the story about, "The Moment," and the mystical powers that are contained within the subluxation moment, when the penny drops---and you see "it" clearly.
AND sometimes it can seem like you really knew whatever "it" knew "it" all along.


S. Bob
===> The Book,FREE <===

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