
What does God want of me-What Does God Think of Me?

What THEY Don't Teach YOU in Church!

Robert Farmilo

Stay with me here, 'cuz at the beginning I might seem to NOT be on target with the keywords I am targetting for this article.

I am affected deeply by nothing much when it comes to the Modern Protestant Church being able to actively demonstrate widespread telepathy within the congregation.

I don't mean the empathy-deep-feeling-intuition, including the sometimes gentle, sometimes firm NUDGING that The Holy Ghost can give you—-or your Spidey Senses are tingling...when you're with someone, say at church, or at home...or on the job.

And you can see the pain in their faces, or the joy...and maybe just see something isn't quite right for that person. Some burden or beast is getting a FREE RIDE...taking up the energy field---and shaping the future for what will be more of the same and worse off more each time.

The cycle of getting by...can get subsumed by fortune and chance---so it seems, sometimes. The choice to be poor, living from paycheque-to-paycheque, and staying stuck that way...compared to a big achiever, maybe someone who had to create a NEW PERSON from the broken, abused, poverty stricken, wretch---The Dregs of Society gave birth to this person. They went bad until that moment.

You know that moment.

Maybe you've heard about it somewhere.
Or read accounts of, “The Moment.”

Perhaps you've taken the seminar---done the six week intensive of “Being The Moment.”

Survivors of the first legendary three seminars have a ongoing meeting to help those who are in and out of the alternate realms. The Survivors teach the Newcomers how to adapt to living in different realities at the same time.

For the rest of this article, please come on over and visit the website where the article is waiting for you. 
PLUS you will be given an interesting and immediate boon.
See you there!
Swami Bob
a.k.a. R. Farmilo

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