
An Alternative Cleanse --- 24 Hour Behaviour and Thought Challenge

24 Hour Behaviour and Thinking Cleanse
Is This THE Most Difficult Thing
YOU Will Ever Attempt?

Robert Farmilo
(with help from Swami Bob)

You ever get to a point in your life where you realize that you've just had...enough?

A Practical Example From the Real World
Have you ever been tooned  by your Significant Other about something like dirty dishes being in the sink? And why didn't you have the decency to clean them so he/she didn't have to?

And how that is so unfair because you are at work and the circumstances of why there are dirty dishes in the first place are not even being considered by him/her?

Because there is a chain of events that took place to explain why the dirty dishes are there...why you didn't clean them --- and as you try and tell him/her the story, what you say is just brushed aside, and she/he just keeps on bitch slapping you.

And you counter with some further attempts to explain why the dishes didn't get done...but he/she isn't interested, and keeps going, raising their voice, adding some extra sauce, like, "...and you're just messy, all the time...and I have to live in your mess...."
Which is NOT true, by the way. In fact, you often are the one who cooks meals AND does the dishes, too. OFTEN. As in most of the time.

And also, you are actually quite neat and tidy...and go out of your way to keep your personal stuff out of the way because you know that he/she is QUITE critical about that kind of thing.

But even if this is NOT the case, and you are a complete slob...(though you are not), what is the deal going on here? 

Should you just take this kind of shit from him/her? Or should you escalate and go for it. Just get your own blame-thrower out and blame-broil them? With gusto?

Or not?

Oh, how about you just zip-it, and say nothing at all?
Or you could try this one, "What's wrong with their being dirty dishes in the sink?"

And then just listen to the answer.
And not say another word, because you won't be able to...'cuz they are going to explode into a diatribe.

Here's another one you could try, "So, there are dirty dishes in the sink? How do you feel about that?"

And once again, just sit back and listen to the venting. You will get an earful.

Or, it might be time to just pull the pin in the grenade and let the explosion happen, you know the one, when you say, "That is the final straw. I am done. I am leaving you. We are finished. Go find some other sucker. I am getting a divorce from you. Bye-bye."

And then you get up and pack your stuff and leave.
Or not.
Because you know that he/she will try and physically stop you from leaving and make a scene right out of some very bad movie.
Or you can't leave because you have nowhere to go, no money to go to the place that you don't have to go to, and...well, you get the idea.

So you are...fricking stuck.

Or are you?
What if there is another way?
A way that involves a truly difficult and not very easy method?
But this way will give you something you currently do not have...inside yourself. A resource that YOU can start creating, right now, even though you are in a situation that really does suck, with a person who can push your buttons and get you to become very upset.

Are you ready to give this alternative method a try?


The Good News Is That All You Have to Do IS Do this For 24 Hours
The BAD News Is That It IS Really, Really, Really NOT EASY


What to Give Up For Summer

Your Work In Progress


Have you ever said, “I give up!” and it was about some situation you were in that was not fun or nice?

Here is an alternative way of giving up. And this is a list of things you can give up on. None of this easy, by the way. Or even possible...all the time. But some of the things you can give up doing that are on this list can be done...some of the time.

And even just trying to do it is a real strength training exercise that will get you in the groove of being present with your own personal shit...and give you a chance to shift your shit, and repurpose it.

This list is about taking personal responsibility for your own feelings and actions.

I am NOT saying that you are bad or wrong for being inside feelings and thoughts that are unpleasant or suck to experience.

I am saying, here is a list, just go for it.

So, instead of “...I give up!” and that's it, that's all, you're done...try taking on giving up these 15 shitty ways of being, thinking, and feeling. This list supplies you with some challenging alternatives. The nice part of this list are the alternatives for you to be feeling, thinking and doing.

Good luck! (And let us know how your 24 hour-cleanse goes.)

Are you rolling your eyes at what you have to give up thinking, feeling and doing? Does the list seem IMPOSSIBLE?

Well, it ain't about perfection. It is all about being aware in real time. And making a course correction, in the heat of the moment.

There are a few items on the list that I don't like very much at all. One of the most difficult concepts for me is the one called "Trust Divine Providence."

That means something silly to me. Like trusting in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. How can I trust in the infinite intelligence and creativity of the universe when the said same Smarty Pants manifests such delights as cancer, seismic sea waves, and bad taste?


And the item on this list that says, "...Give Up Sin...." ??????????
Okay, I like the actual meaning of the word from the Greek, AKA, ",,,to miss the mark..." as in archery, when the arrow misses the target. Back in the day, this was a very serious thing.

But this ain't it, Baby. I mean, what the word SIN really means. At all. 

Check this out:

The Bible defines sin as an offense against God, either through neglect or through conscious intent.


And there is a list of actions and thoughts that are an offense against God. 
So what?
What about when God offends me?
And why don't I like this item on the list?
(Give up sin ► Turn to virtue)
Because why?

Maybe if I do a 24 hour cleanse using the list in this article / video...maybe some of the items on the list can be considered die-hard sins. So, doing the list will partially complete the item "Give up sin ► Turn to virtue."

But, the sin deal includes behaviour that I do NOT think of as sin. Like being a homosexual. Or eating pork...or lobster. Or any meat, at all. 

About the food thing and sin, IF you go by the Holy Bible, it is in the first part of Genesis about NOT eating any meat. 

Genesis 1:29
King James Bible
"And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat."

Plus, there are so many strictures about being clean and is a long list. And some of the punishments for sin are sins in and of themselves.

But, not to inflict righteous punishment turns out to be a sin.

So, my shortcut through all this stuff is to focus on my little 24 hour cleanse. 

Once you decide to do it, are the simple steps you need to take:

  1. Make a note about the time you start your cleanse.
  2. Do the cleanse...just follow the items on the list.
  3. Stop when the 24 hour time period is over.
That's it.

Sure, there is a lot more you can do...if'n you're a wanting to.
Like, do a reflective study on what you went through while doing the cleanse.

You can consider what impact doing to cleanse had on your life and the people you interacted with during your 24-hour stint.
Yeah, you can get really crazy and journal about your experiences, too.

And let us know how you did.
Comment below.
Send us an email.
You can do your own video and post it here.

(By the way, if you have a blog or a vlog, and you want some exposure, contact us with the details. We are happy to link-out to other websites and videos.)

While you're here, and you like this stuff, share it with someone in your circle of coolness.

You probably noticed that we are tempting you with a FREE book offer. But what is this FREE book?

It is a book called, "God Consciousness." It was allegedly written by God. Decide for yourself if this is true.

Oh, I just found out you can get the book for FREE with all kinds of great images included.

Bye for now,
Robert Farmilo
(with help from Swami Bob)

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