
God Consciousness: What Does God Think About Russia-Ukraine War? PART ONE

God Is Getting All Telepathic
About the Russia-Ukraine War

Robert Farmilo

First Some Fluff.
God Is Telepathic.
You are all God.
God is all the stuff.
God does not care the way you care.
The little seed is God.
God existed before God existed.
This knowledge brings moments of bliss.
Sometimes these moments extend into longer moments.
If God is everything, then Donald Trump is God
and God is Donald Trump.
Ditto for Vladmir Putin.
And the rest of the Russian Army.

What about the dead kids? The newly minted orphans?

The bombs and such that blew them up, all God.
God is everything, so too is God the guns and the gore.
This is so.
(this = so)

How can you understand on such a grand scale?
What God is, not just here, but everywhere.
And that everywhere is some notion of far
from here.

How big do you know the universe to be?
And all of that everything is God.

So you are a version of God noticing the part of the 
Universe you are in, and so that is a part of God
looking at part of itself. Not always God Consciousness is known by that part of itself that is looking at another part of itself but not recognizing itself.

This affectation is as human as sin. And if there was ever an invention more useful than sin, could it be the power of deception to hide your sins?

There are some great masters of this Art & Science of the Big Lie. Surely one of the current masters is none other than the King of Russia.

But you may not like the lack of an excuse from God for why there is a war going on, and that Russia is being used as a useful idiot for the final defeat of itself.


Russia will be driven from the land it invaded.
The King of Russia will end as deserved.

This prediction is given to you, the reader,
at a time when several BIG catastrophes are in play
in your world...on your world.
There are too many of you, you, you.
And you all are looking for love.
It is to the killing of your golden goose
that lays the golden eggs.
The end of everything for cheap
as long as you have money.
Words like flood, famine, drought,
wildfires, heat waves, heat dome,
ecosystem collapse widespread,
dead oceans, dead rivers, dead lakes.
Imagine worse still.
Think of this as the highway you get to see down.
And see what's coming.

Okay, now back to what is the King of Russia's war.

It is a one man war.
And that is the truth.
All this is down to one human being
who has taken over the will of an entire
so called democracy, the arms of authority
that enforce his dictates,
and the politicians who bend to his will.
The war machine of Russia is at his command.
Rich men of Russia pay tribute to the King.
This is the will of one mortal being.
Consider if YOU had such power.
Can you imagine such a power being used by
a character created by history
the perfect invisible man
his will aspires to be as cruel as God.
So he will be expunged and removed.

Now imagine the current King of Russia
carrying on with his misadventures for another
ten years. The insult to nature from war pollution.
The harm to ecosystems.
Lots of stuff gone forever.
Toxic footprint of war on most everything.
The roads and fields.
Ruined villages.
Corpse towns and cities,
blitzed out everything.
Bad scene.
Not good mojo.
Not at all.
The blow-back is big on this one.

Watch the Invisible King of Russia at work.

Listen to what he says and how he says it.
Study all of it.
Read the transcripts while you listen.
Study all of it.
You are learning the art and science of
making a lot of people believe
and many more to behave
the desired way.
Desired by the King.

This is the Art and Science of The Big Lie.
False and deceptive propaganda relentlessly pounded into the target audience over a significant period of time, usually years and years.

All this is being done by the current Russian King. One man.
The minions obey. 
No criticism or whiff of disloyalty to the King.
If there is, suspicious death awaits you.
Or worse.

So one man holds the throat of his Kingdom
and reaches out to destroy another.
All done at the bidding of one man.
Incredible when you contemplate this solitary man having this much power and influence.

The King is Alone. And he can trust no one. He listens to bad voices in his head. His way forward is to order more evil deeds be done.

Okay, but why is God making this all happen?
Or is God letting it happen?

It is nervie to ask the question, "Why?"
Or did you ask that earlier in this revelation?
Why would God not do this?
Why would God create such as the King of Russia?
Perhaps there is no God as you think there should be a God.
The Real God has no mercy.
God eats God all the time.
It is a God eat God world out there, buddy.

Since even Donald Trump is God and God is Donald Trump, you can see the grand irony of those false prophets who edified Mr. Trump alongside King Cyrus of old legends.

If there is a God, why would God allow such carnage to the people of Ukraine? So...what? There is NO God?

God is telepathic. 
This is the way to find out the answers to your questions about the sinful slaughter, and what is going to happen next.

Many people know that there will be EVIL use of weapons that are tactically atomic or chemical. 

God is a place of no mercy. 

Prediction ---> many people are going to die, and many more are going to be maimed.

The war will infect the Kingdom of Russia. Years of worsening grievances and much reduced circumstances. Squalid and cheap. The country looted by the Royal Enablers. The ordinary peasant is now living in a world of impossible prices with short supply.

The infrastructure of the petroleum production in The Kingdom of Russia is in agony. Too much hanky-panky with the books.

This is not going to be a lot of fun for most ordinary citizens of the Kingdom of Russia.

A currency that is not that appetizing. And the mark of a brand of a currency that is running down to zero.

What Does God Think About Russia-Ukraine War?
(are you sure you want to know?)

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