


Robert Farmilo

Here is the link to Part One of this series:
And here is the link to Part Three of this series:

Let us imagine that there is a God and that God does exist.
Now...what attributes will God have?
Ah, now that is the rub...isn't it?

Here is a tough one for you: does God have feelings? Does God feel emotions?

Now imagine that I have the ability to telepathically communicate with God.
Okay. Sure.

And imagine that God tells me what God is feeling about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Okay, got it.

If you knew for sure that God 'speaks' to me telepathically, and I was able to somehow keep the message intact and not tamper with the contents of the message...would you want to know the message?

Would you want to know what God feels (about the Russian invasion of Ukraine)?

"I feel dispassionate about the ongoing carnage. To me it is a fight created by one man, and that one man, he is the King of Russia."

"I feel lucky to be God and not screwed into the limited perspective of newly minted orphans, widows, survivors...who are forced to suffer."

"When I feel lucky, it is a good feeling. I like feeling lucky. The King of Russia is not feeling very lucky these days."

"You might be wondering why I don't step in and 'do something' about the war in Ukraine. That's fair."

"I am doing something about it, and that is to make the war worse than it has to be. It must get worse. It has to."

"The reason I want to make it worse is to make sure that the Russian King steps into the trap set for him."

Okay, let's switch to a
human perspective for a few moments.

Now wait just a cotton picking minute!
If you are God...surely you can make it all happen the way you want it to happen? Right?

Back to God

"I am everything. Everything is me. The part that is not me is me, too. There are parts of me that pretend to not be me. These parts don't know they are me." 

"I know they are me, and I am them, for sure. But some parts don't know me, and they don't know they are me and I am them."

"These parts can do what they want to do. They don't need me intefering with what they want to do."

"The reason The King of Russia is doing what he is doing is because of the cause and effect of billions of years of ongoing creation. And all of this current reality started from a singularity. Yes, the moment the current version of your reality popped into 'existence.'"

"The now is made up of all the past nows that have piled up into the present moment. And the King of Russia is an invention of all that came before him...and came before you, too."

"This current carnage being perpetuated by the King of Russia is a course correction and is designed by the struggle between good and evil to give the forces of evil a really good shitkicking, and by the forces of evil to give itself a really good shitkicking."

"You may not like this reality, but that's what it is. I play games within the game I created. I do this to amuse myself."

"You might ask yourself, 'Yikes! Really?.' And I answer you, 'Yes. It is true. That's what is really going on. You are all meat meat puppets...with a glancing blow of free will to make it all so very interesting for me.'"

"Without the ability for you to make your own choices, how boring would be this creation...for me? So...boring."

"You take the drama so seriously while it is happening in YOUR life. But even now, at a distance, so many of you are yawning over the suffering and serious fight for freedom being waged by the people locked in war with a truly evil federation of low-level orks."

"Yes, that's right. I am using your cultural references to communicate with you. That's how it works between us. And if I didn't do this...if I give you a shot of pure consciousness, say a high level jolt of MY version of reality, you'd have all your circuits fried. You just can't handle it. Your filter isn't big enough to take in the Cosmic Mind."

"Yes, you can tune in to some of it, and feel it (NOTE: the 'it' is me), and be guided, too. But the full-on scope of me to you is limited because, if not, you'd basically explode. Your brains would explode inside your skull bone...boil and froth...and come shooting out your nostrils, ears, mouth, and so on."

"Which brings me to what I think about The King of Russia, and what is in store for the Federation of Orks."

"How can one tiny man have such power? It is really the important question. Consider my answer this way --- IF you told someone to get a gun and go and kill some babies, would they do it? Chances are they would not do it."

"What is so different about you and your power of influence over people...compared to The King of Russia?"

"Many magnitudes of difference. And it is really real, too."

"This is the question that needs an answer: how can one man have such power over people? An entire army obeys one man. Ordinary people pick up weapons and use them to kill other people, little babies, all at the behest of one, very little man."

"That is the mystery you need to solve. And that is what I think about the King of Russia. And that is why I have decided to allow him to destroy himself in front of your entire, current, world."

"I think of him as a necessary step to the shaping of your species to become much better than the likes of him."

"What do I mean by 'better?'"

"Better is the Benevolent King who seeks and gives the best to the world. It is not sending orks to kill babies. It is sending orks to help take care of the babies. You get the general idea."

"The King of Russia is doomed and will make way for the rise of the Benevolent King of Russia, helped in his or her rule by a dedicated council of careful and caring, benevolent, thoughtful, compassionate and generous souls."

"Your taste for despicable ego-maniacs to be your rulers...well, it is changing. But, oh-so horrible, you get the rulers you deserve. It is a group consciousness thing."

"Which brings me to the overarching cause and effect set-up of everything that has happened since the singularity until this thing loaded on top of the next little thing after another, each one of them bumping and pushing and sliding and mutating each one of the next little thing. And all of this happening everywhere and all of it happening here, on your planet, right now...coming up to this current right now, and all of this pushing into the next right now, and so on."

"In my reality, I KNOW all this. It isn't a belief or an idea or a concept or a theory or a way of explaining an abstraction. I KNOW reality because I AM reality. I made it."

"And that is why the King of Russia is so deep into his own self-deception. I want him to do what is coming next."

"And you know what he is going to do?"

RE The King of Russia.
What Does God Think Is Going to Happen Next?

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