
What Would You Do IF God Started Talking to You Inside Your Head?

Hang in there with me for a moment or two.
I got to get this one going.
Okay. Good. Now, let's get to it.
The basic question is legit, for sure.

"What would you do if God began to communicate with you telepathically?"

Fair point here is the asking of the question what exactly does this mean. 
What's it like?

Imagine how you have thoughts right now. 
You experience thinking thoughts, right?

Play this short video. It is super-cool.

Now, imagine having thoughts come into your mind that you can tell are not you thinking those thoughts. These thoughts are different. It isn't you thinking these thoughts that you identify as coming from God. 

That part you are sure of.

But it can be a shakey sureness.

Doesn't take much to think yourself out of it actually being you receiving thoughts telepathically from God.

It is a lot more normal to think: "Well, it is just me doing it to myself. I am not 'receiving' thoughts telepathically from God." 

To think otherwise leads to a slippery slope of further self-deception.

Well, hurumph.

Perhaps I took a different tack when this experience of so-called God Consciousness took hold of me.
I am quietly inspired by what I allege really is a telepathic connection with God. 

And if it frames up better by thinking of it as God thinking thoughts directly into my mind, then go with that.

Is it the full and entire potentiallity of God Consciousness that is coming into my mind?


And I don't go around all pious and superior.


Does this telepathy thing fix you? Heal you? Make all your troubles go away? Bring you wealth, fame, love? How about just bringing you the ability to stop weeping over the complete failure of your life?

Or some other lament you harbor and nurture.


But what does happen, for me, is that when I start to obsess over some dreadful horror in my past, I get a prompt from God Consciousness. 

A nudge? Yeah. Sure.

It can come with some snippet of concise insight with a short suggestion.
Or further lessons explained.

Within all this I can reboot my mindscape.

Lately, the God Consciousness is interrupting me when I start to pick at the scabs of my miserable sins, grudges and grievances.

Then there is a bit of clearing the mental palate.

Nothing much to that except becoming present in the moment.
After some noticing and actually seeing what is physically in front of me, what is the next move?

Hey there. Watch this short video.

God Consciousness thinks differently than I do.

It seems to have a different relationship with my life than I do and my version of what happened in my life, and what all that adds up to in the here and now...and in the what is going to come along and happen, both next and further along to the next, next, next, next.

I am told by God to let God take care of all the details. 
To stop fussing. 
To relax. 
Take a deep breath. 
Look around. 
See where you are. 
Really notice. 
See what you are looking at. 
Take it in, bit-by-bit.


Now you get to just stop thumping away inside your mind with figuring out how much money you have until payday. 

Or how hurt you are about what she said to you. 
Or didn't say to you. 
Or what she said to him. 
Or what you think she said to them. 
About you.

My best advice to you is that you begin to really work with this telepathy with God. Ask questions. Write down the answers. 

Don't edit what you receive in your mind.
That part can be hard to resist doing.

I recommend you do not edit. Let the flow flow, and jot down each word, word-for-word.

Super Cool Wow ---> See what AI has to say about all this telepathy with God stuff.

Oh, and this God thing includes sometimes being prompted to do something. Yes, to take action, perform action. You have the agency to do: to make, to take, to put, to go, to come, and so on. All those action words.

When God soothes your soul with "...let me fuss with the details...." that can mean you may receive specific prompts.
Specific prompts to do something...or not to do something. 
You become part of the way God is going to take care of the details.
It could be very simple. 
Like this one: "Okay. Get up out of bed."

Or it could be more complex.
The main point here is that it all starts off with God getting you to stop trying to be God. Being the God of your own life is tricky. There are a lot of moving parts that you do not have direct agency over. With the cooperation of your own self you can begin to be a lot more involved with the imaginary potential of "magical thinking."

Anyway, it could be that you are just really good with your imagination, perhaps even dangerously so. Did you ever think of that?

Don't you feel it'd be nice to know what is real in all this God stuff? So many people thumping their holy scriptures and saying there way is the only way. Some people think that they can talk to God and hear God speak to them in their minds.

That doesn't mean they aren't mistaken. That most of them are in some kind of false cognition. And that is just them doing it to themselves through the little mind trick of actively listening inside their own minds, listening to hear God speak to them, inside their own minds.

And so who do you believe is really in contact with God? That God is "speaking" to them? And that is not their imagination at work?

What would you do if there was a training manual written by God on how to have telepathic communication with God?

There is such a training manual.
This training manual was written directly by God through telepathic dictation.

Yeah, I know how nuttso-pork that sounds.

The first chapter clearly explains how to begin to receive two-way, telepathic, communication with God.

In fact, the technique to do this, given to you in the first chapter, is so simple that you might blow it off and not bother to do it.

After all, it takes a mere few moments to do it.

How can that ever possibly work?
Real, genuine, as-advertised, two-way telepathic telepathy with the Mind of God?
En serio?


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