
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

Robert Farmilo

OR: The Bible

I was talking to my older sister today...about a horrible ordeal she has had to deal with. And she was telling me about the inner sticky bits of the ugly manifestation...that had to do with the rearing of another person's dark-side malevolent intentions towards my older sister.

At one point in the conversation, she mentioned about how a mutual acquaintance had begun to talk about wishing the mean person would have their face mashed, and so on. You know---the usual vindictive, harming sentiment that sometimes comes up when a close friend is telling you about some evil being done to them by another person.

I am sure you can relate.
It's when we wish someone else harm in return for harm done to us...or someone who is a member of our tribe...or we feel sympathy towards.

It could be someone we don't even know...but just hear about...or see depicted in a film.

Anyway, while my older sister mentioned the mutual acquaintances quasi-curse upon the evil person...I had an image of my own---of setting a flock of whirring, flying chain saws to visit the evil person...and have their nasty way with that person.

Imagine an entire flock of very sharp and powerful flying chainsaws descending upon you!

Meanwhile...what my older sister has gone through is having her ego squished.
She told me it is, "...An opportunity for growth," and added, "...Aren't I lucky?"

She noted that part of her journey through the ego-tumult was a dose of despair. And she added that despair is not particularly kind to the immune system.
Here is a great link to a whimsical website that deals square on with Despair:
(Image above is an example of a demotivational poster)

Well, here I am writing this article...and the title that came to me was borrowed from a new friend of mine...who was over at my place today. We were chatting about the Christian deal, and talking about the Bible. And he used a great acronym I'd never heard before---or if I had, I'd forgotten:
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
Obviously...AKA The Bible. I told my friend...I LOVE the O.T. (Old Testament).

I find the stories to be gripping and filled with insight.
And the details about Jehova...the real skinny on how CRAZY and PSYCHO The Lord was...just killing and slaughtering thousands and thousands of humans...whenever God got pissed off enough...LOOK OUT! the Spanish version of the King Jame's version of The Holy Bible...the word Jehová is used a lot...I mean, a lot. Way more than in the English version. In fact, in the English deal, Jehová translates as The, you can read what I mean for yourself.

And I like the name Jehová. It has has character...and it rings true for me. Also, it is a very powerful mantra, too.

Now, before you get your Bible in a knot...remember that the word mantra has a specific meaning...and that is: "A sound whose effect is known."

Of course, to get the full benefit from the mantra, you also need to know how to use it properly...the correct technique.
Link to Deep Christian Meditation:

Meanwhile...back to The Bible.
Like I was telling my friend, what can really bug me is when people start quoting scripture to support a point of being against homosexuality...or spouting off about how Muslims are all going to hell...or Hindus...or anyone who doesn't "believe" in Jesus.

And most of the time, you have to believe the way they say is the right way to, if you're a Catholic...forget about it! You're for sure going to hell, right? 

And (shudder) if you go to the United Church of are definitely NOT a true believer.  

I could go on...but you probably get my point.
See...if you're going to start quoting might want to read it, too.
Like I said, I am a big fan of the O.T., and if we start peeling back the skin on a few of the early chapters of the O.T., you're gonna find some hard-core LAWS that you have to follow.

So...if'n you been adulterous...well, you're gonna have to be stoned to death. That's why there is a special pit dug out back of your church...where we can put you so we can throw stones at you and kill you.

Oh, and you'll have to do a lot more washing around the time your women folk start menstruating. Plus a lot of strictures about what you can and can't eat. I mean, a lot.

Oh...that thing in the New Testament...that sets you FREE from all that inconvenient stuff?
Well, what about the two laws?
You God with all your heart?
And...the second is like the first...LOVE your neighbour as yourself?

How you doing on that?
Ever notice the world is your neighbourhood...and all those Muslims and Hindus and Buddha-ests, and atheists and homosexuals and, and, and...everybody who doesn't believe like you do...or don't...they are ALL your neighbours, Dude.

Anyway, I LOVE the O.T. because I can imagine what it was like to live in that time period...and that part of the world...the way it smelled, the way food would have tasted...the heat of the sun...the look of the sky and the land...the sound of the words...the feel of the clothing...and so much more. 

Here is how the timeline of the O.T. is represented by some sources:
Before Time
Before 4000 BC
Up to 430 BC...with the last book of the Old Testament (Malachi).
(Now, this last book of the O.T. is about Malachi, who serves as a prophet for the Jews. And some experts peg this at 440 BC.)

Here is an interesting chart to examine for the period that arches over into the New Testament timelines:

Thing is..."we" do know a lot about some of the stuff that went on in history that glides alongside the stuff in the Old Testament and the New Testament. So there is that sort of balance between the stories and legends from The Holy Bible, and the various versions of "real" history that has been dug up and unearthed and dusted off, and so on.

I know that some Christians dig in deep to the absolute timeline as depicted in The Bible and proclaim that God created the universe, let's see...hmmmm...6000 years ago...or so.

Now this doesn't always win them new converts to that chunk of dogma. It is hard to go forward into a group of open-minded, educated people...and convince them that this planet popped into being about 6000 years ago. That's a tad younger than the physical evidence supports.

If you didn't have that bit of dogma tying you down and closing your mind...and you just went for following the obvious evidence of simple geology...not getting too fancy here...and did some simple calculations based on sedimentary rocks...even the most, er, hidebound, reactionary fondle-mentalist would declare the planet to be older than 6000 years.

Hey...obviously I am being a bit of a dick by using a term like "fondle-mentalist."
I get that.

Here is a link to the creationist deal:

Now...let's keep moving...because this isn't what I actually am really on about in this article. All that stuff has been seriously dealt with over and over, and you don't need me to give you the skinny on how old the oldest known rock on this planet really is.    

Anyway...that isn't what I wanted to write about in this article.

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth: 

To get this really rocking...let's take a look at the very first book in The Bible...the super notorious Genesis. No, not the rock band.

Note on the origin of Genesis:
And that's all fine and good. 
But what about the basic instructions?
Well, that's why I wanted to start off in Genesis.

You see, The Holy Bible is packed with basic truth that will most certainly rock-steady, and hold you in good stead...that is, be a source of pure knowledge that will get you plugged in to the main to God. will keep you riveted with the stories of deception, betrayal, murder, lust, rape, genocide, ghosts, demons, foul spirits, heroes, conflicted grey hats, people going nuts, and a long list of laws and conventions that are better kept...because if you screw're gonna be majorly punished.

It is a book that pulsates with wisdom and superb instruction on deep meditation and how to become a fully realized, enlightened being.

Let's deal with one of the first, if not THE first basic instructions...and it is about what you should eat.

That's right.
What you eat is fundamental to being in tune with the divine light of God...of Jehová.

There it is...the first straight-forward basic instruction before leaving this planet...and it is about your diet...the kind of food that you are to eat. In today's parlance...what you are looking at is a hard-core Vegan diet.

Is it hard to eat this way?
Well, I LOVE eat. I just fricking LUST after meat. And cheese? Forget about it! Man...oh Baby...cheese, yes. And what eggs? Yes...frying away...with nice, big sausages, and, and, and...yeah, cheese...did I mention cheese?

But, here's the thing...I have ditched all that good stuff. Mostly because the evidence about the way meat, eggs and dairy products are produced...and the way the animals in that chain of pain...are just so completely disgusting and horrible.

Before I go is a link about what kind of stuff you can eat in The Genesis Diet plan:

Alright...let's get right to it. I warn you...this stuff is shocking. But you need to watch and listen to the complete story. There are a lot of out-right lies being told to you by the people who profit from this...evil shit. 

 What's Wrong With Eggs? (click on the video to find out.)

Yeah, I know...just another bleeding heart do-gooder, right? And hey! Stop being such a downer buzz-killer. Why don't I just go back to singing Koom-by-yah, Lord? (Kumbaya: Come by here.)

Having a tender heart is part of the right fit for a Christian...Hindu...Muslim...atheist, humanist, Buddhist---whatever-ist. And when you carefully watch these videos, you are going to get a belly full of what it means every time you dig into a succulent slice of an all-dressed know, the Deluxe Pie.

Okay, here is the next video for you to watch: 

 The Dilly About Dairy: Milk, Cheese and The Horror


What I like about the first basic instruction before leaving how unequivocal it is. There is no mistaking the edict. 

Obviously you can learn a lot about how to eat your way to better health by following the tenants of this great piece of scripture. Do your due diligence about this way of eating...there are lots of helpful sources "out there."

And yeah, you might have to supplement your diet with some specifics...but you don't have to stray from Jehová's clear instructions to you. And hey, if you keep on eating from the dark-side, I get it. Of all the people...I assure you, I totally get it.

There is something so meaty about meat, right? Just tucking in to a juicy Something about that smell when the meat is on the grill...gets my mouth watering, you know?

What it comes down to is what you put in your mouth...and where that stuff you put in your mouth comes from...and how long you chew that stuff in your mouth...and, are you watching some kind of television screen when you eat?

But the first basic instruction...the kind of food you eat---yeah, that's the big one. 

And the next part of the equation is the kind of mental food that you eat. You know, the thoughts you put into your mind. And what you dwell on. 

Where is this in The Holy Bible? How far along in Genesis before we get to this intriguing form of dieting...this mental diet?

Let's find out in the next article.

All the Best!
Robert Farmilo,
Translator, TGCP
PS-Now is your chance to get the book that God click on the link:
==> Get the Book NOW!        

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