
The Devil, Part Seven

Robert Farmilo

OR: The Devil Is All In Your Mind!


Hello there.
My name is Robert Farmilo, and I am the translator for The God Consciousness Project, and I am an ordinary mortal, living on the spinning rock...the same one you are living on.

When you read this article, I may well have moved on dot calm, and dropped this silly artifice of a carbon based body. You never know when the mystical anvil will fall from the sky and squish you.

Yes, there is probability and statistics to show what I am most likely to get squished by...the top ten causes of death...and the interesting side-show statistics about causes of accidental death...and finally, to wrap it up...the top ten methods of deliberate death, AKA murder. is the first chart:

I haven't bothered to put in the percentages for you. Sorry about that.
Here is another stats table for you to ponder:

And so it goes, right? Main point out of all this number that we are all gonna get crunched, no matter how fast we tap-dance. 
Link to video of world's fastest tap dancing:

I personally don't spend a lot of time thinking about dying...and how I am going to blast off planet earth. And I don't spend much time thinking about IF I am going to the fiery pit of Hell...and NOT going to heaven.

What do you think happens when we die?
Do we go to heaven? And IF we do go to we end up with a harp, playing in the celestial orchestra?

Hey...I am only being a bit flip here. Seriously...what do you think happens when YOU croak the hoax? And the hoax I am referring to is this...oh-so serious deal of you-you-you...your ever so precious name and form.

Here is a link to some CRAZY stuff about what the implications of name and form...look like:

More about that later.

Now, about those statistics...

You know, as I perused the death stylings of The Angel of Death...AKA, Death...I started to think about the dark-side of! And I became curious to see what's up with the murder scene.

So I have been reading a lot of statistics and looking at a bunch of charts...getting a picture of what's been reported. There are some obvious facts staring me in the face. One is that murder is NOT the most likely way you are going to get squished...even in the countries where the murder rate is the highest...compared to all the other countries in the world.

Here is another chart for you to examine...and the point is about how much time we spend being entertained by murder and mayhem. We are so...absorbed in media that exploits our fascination with violence...the threat of violence. Well, maybe you aren't...but I know that I am...or have been...very absorbed in violence. 

Let me make this very clear to you...I spend many hours of my life practicing methods of know, martial arts. And some of that was with weapons...swords, knives, sticks, cudgels, ropes, and so on.

Yes, I hit heavy bags and targets and people. I worked hard at learning how to fall and roll and escape and strike with deadly force...and to block kicks and punches and all that jazz.

And, yes...I watched martial arts films, and gloried in the images of good triumphing over evil.

And...those films and shows that included physical violence...I watched many hours of media that had some sort of fighting...even if it was ONLY the verbal sort of conflict.

Let's face it square on...don't flinch...maybe even YOU have spent time sticking your precious and impressionable psyche inside the boiling pot of media that includes the use of some sort of violence to entertain you.

Here are two more charts:

Okay, let's keep moving along.
What I've noticed about how I get off on the idea of being personally powerful, able to vanquish any and all "enemies" with a single blow...and that I am gloriously strong and incredible supple...with skin as hard as a know, supernaturally tough.

It's all about being James Bond...double 0 quality. Smart, sexy, potent...and audaciously cheeky. Able to look a horde of Hell's Angels in the face and give them all the finger...and not care what happens next.

Only...I do care.
Very much.'s the thing...the survival instinct is present even in the wise...or so the old saying goes: "Survival first...then evolution."

You can deconstruct this saying to mean that in order to evolve, you must first survive. Once the basic requirements are taken care of, AKA, food, shelter, warmth, being dry, and along that line of rising quality of life...then you can take care of the fancy stuff, like evolving...and higher consciousness.

My own experience has shown me that the higher consciousness stuff MUST come first. And then the other stuff falls into place. Not the other way round. 

I know you may not agree with me...and so...I get why that would be, too. Believe me, when the fight, flight or freeze instincts are activated...there doesn't seem to be much room for all this witnessing know, awareness of awareness stuff.

Yet...strangely...these are the times...when you are very highly triggered into the narrow range of the 3F's (fight, flight, freeze) that you can be most aware of the witness state.

Weird, eh? 

Okay, I just took a little break from writing this article to make myself some lunch...and while I ate my delicious lunch, I watched part of an action-thriller movie called, "White House Down." 

What I did is fairly common behaviour. Eating while watching some form of media...particularly media with some form of violence...emotional, physical, and so on. Some people watch the news while they have supper. Lots of people know what it's like to eat some snacks while they watch television...or some kind of video screen.

What's going on with us?
Are we poisoning our minds, hearts and souls?
It's like we're addicted to...suffering.
And can't wait to stuff more negativity into our brains.

If you've been following this series of articles I've been writing about The know that I've made some strong statements about how the ego is the forum that The Devil and the demons use to keep you in deliberate ignorance about who you really are.

And who you really are is...wait for it...God.

So...IF you take a moment and stop thinking thoughts...and NOT fall asleep...or go off into a daydream...or visualization...or listen to, yeah, just become aware of being aware, without a specific focus or thought-construct...NOT praying or meditating or contemplating.

Letting yourself BE...experiencing being conscious of being conscious.

And stretching that inner pause...out. Becoming aware of witnessing the witness witnessing the witness witnessing the witness...witness the witness witnessing.

Yeah, like that.
One perfect layer-circle-bubble of a moment that you deliberately keep stretching the right NOW...because that's the only time there IS...right? You only have this NOW that is happening...NOW.

And that's where you are gonna make this...observing the observer observing thing...happen. aren't making "it" happen, 'cuz it's happening all on "its" own.

It doesn't NEED your help to be happening.
And that's where the real-deal is going on.

You can get a chance to step out of the dance with your...ego.
See, your Life, Presence, Source, God Consciousness (whatever!) is basically saying to you-you-you, "Hey Buddy...I'll treat you the way you treat me. If you see me as a problem child, I will most definitely BE a problem child to you-you-you. And IF you treat me as an obstacle, I will most decidely BE an obstacle course for you. You can count on it."       

This means that IF I decide to stuff stuff inside my consciousness that revs up the aggression and fear and hostility and all that...stuff...okay, well...garbage in, garbage out.

For me...I am getting ready to maybe do a complete media fast...and take my eyes off the screen from the violence...yeah, on purpose. stuff that is...vile-lent.

What is this idea?

Take a look at this next chart and see if you can spot a correlation between the incidence of violence depicted in media (popular films), and actual murder rates.
I do find this chart (above) particularly intriguing. 
So...what does this have to with The Devil...Satan...and the demons?

As you know...I have stated that one possible way to look at The that The Devil is an actual, real, vital entity...whose function is to create illusion and deception: to make false evidence appear real.

I have written in this article series about how The Devil is creation of God...and is NOT separate from God, and plays the role set by God, and that this role is one of keeping the veil of maya in place.

Here is a little bit of a definition of this illusive term that haunts the zeitgeist:

Another way to describe maya: "That which is not."

There is a way that The Devil gets you trapped in the tangles of the net of this mess...and that is to engorge you with a sense of who you are...that is getting you to identify yourself with your form.

By naming trap yourself into a representation of what something is...without actually experiencing the reality of whatever it really is. 

Name and form are convenient ways to communicate something that does not really exist...but is the concept of the reality. It does not actually represent anything except the concept you have of whatever it is that you are naming.

I say, " this apple."
And you know what I mean. That's handy. To know what I mean is...great.
But what does the word "apple" actually mean to you?
Does it truly mean what the apple really is?
No. It does not.

The meaning of the word will fluctuate according to your ever-changing relationship with...yourself. You might get very interested in eating an apple...and then again, the idea of eating an apple might not be very...appealing, because you don't like apples...or you are not hungry. Or you don't like apples for religious reasons...because of Eve, and the Garden of Eden...and...wait for it...The Devil!

That's what can happen to you eat the apple of the tree of knowledge. You can discern between good and evil. This is the cloaking of your awareness in the intimate relationship with knowing the difference between right and wrong.

I've clunked around, trying to find out why it was so bad for Adam and Eve to eat the fricking apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. What I have discovered is that there is no mention of what kind of tree it was. apple tree. 

And I am okay with that.
What's strange is how this story has become so twisted by the Christian co-opters of The explain away the great truth hidden inside the story...of becoming aware of the difference between good and evil.

The sensible, oh-so certain version that is common:
This is all so silly.
Here I am...debating the meaning of this way of explaining "the truth" to you...MY version of "the truth."

And I am also telling you that The Devil is a real entity. And the demons...and all that jazz...are real. They exist. It is...true.

Yet...I am sugar-coating all that reality of EVIL with the FACT that God made The Devil and the demons. And that all of manifest creation is a shadow play...a simple illusion...a form of such immense proportions...that you are completely taken in by this...supreme con job.

Yet...yet...yes, one catching that little the right can begin to become aware of the silent little truth.  And step inside the outside of the magic you don't see it, now you do.

Here's the context of the tree of knowledge:

In the story...God tells God, "...That the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil...and, hey, look out, he may reach out and eat from the tree of life, and eat, and then live forever...We can't be having that, can We?"

Isn't it obvious?
God didn't want the man to eat from the tree of life. And as long as man didn't know the difference between good and evil, he wasn't gonna want to live forever. But as soon as man knew about the polarity of good versus evil...he would probably want to avoid death...and gain immortality, "...And become like Us...."

So God tosses them out of Eden, and puts angel-cherubum and a revolving fire-sword to guard the tree of life...and that's it for immortality...and living forever...and becoming " Us...."

Ironically...that's what God wants. 
God wants you to know who you are.'s the thing...a very annoying thing, too. 
God wants you to realize you are God...sort of on your own.
You see...God enjoys God becoming more time. 
It's kind of like...well, fun.

And that is why there is so much drama in your life...and all around you, too.
That is why there is The Devil and the demons.

When you identify with the name and form, that is the trap of delusion that sucks you out of The Now...the transcendent...and puts you right smack dab in the sticky muck.

Here are some of the ways people
unconsciously try to magnify the form-identity scam:
  • You demand recognition for something you have done
  • You get in a huff, angry, vexed, upset when you don't get it
  • You attempt to get attention by talking about your various dillies, illnesses, or just by making a drama scene of some kind or other
  • "Sharing" your opinion when no one asked for it...especially when it makes no real difference to the situation at hand
  • You are so much more concerned about how the other person "sees" you then with the actual other person
  • So...using other people as tissue paper to shine up your ego...use other people, places, creatures and things as "Ego Enhancers"
  • Seeking to make an impression on other people through what you have, your possessions, good looks, knowledge, physical prowess, social status, and, yawn, so on
  • Doing the angry reaction AGAINST something or someone or a group or...whatever. And all to stimulate your inflate your ego
  • Some people wake up offended...or they get offended...maybe you get offended, take things personally?
  • You want to be important or be seen to be...important
All this and so much more...happens when you are lost inside the play of ego...when you are identified with the NOT now...and oh-so thoroughly in the grip of me-me-me, and you-you-you.

This is the real work of Satan, The Devil...and the demons. This is how all the trouble in the world of man has come to be. This force of self-delusion that captures your awareness, and submerges you in tragic thought-construct error. 

The very good news is that the way out of all this is found by practicing self-awareness. And to do so EVERY time you become self-aware. And there are many moments when this happens during your normal day.

The more you catch that little, tiny bubble...when you notice that you are thinking some thought, feeling some feeling...listening to someone talking to you...watching some video...whatever it is...when you become aware...that you are aware...that very small sliver of self-awareness is enough to stay with...and stretch that moment out...stay with it...for as long as you can.

You do NOT do this by...straining to do it.
You can't make it...happen by thinking about it...except at the moment that you begin to think about it. And then you can start.

Another way to get it going is to ask God to help you do it.
And then shut the bleep up.
Watch. Let the mind rise and fall, rise and fall...all you have to do is...witness.
Be a silent witness.

Yes, the thoughts and feelings may come and go, come and go...but you are...PRESENT.
And that is...very, very good.
You are surfing the ocean of the ego...and the sea of illusion...of name and form.

It is in this state that The Devil is...defeated...IF that is ever the right term.
You can't be made to suffer when you become aware of what you are thinking and feeling, and create a space between your thoughts...that gets quieter and quieter.

And the more you do this...the stronger the link to this...inner space.
IT's the old saying, "Which one do you want to feed?"

The one that will cause you to suffer?
Or the one that will...give you...the peace that passeth all understanding? 

Funny thing is...funnily enough...even the path of horror leads to...God.

And you can make a the the great big fat juicy NOW-NOW-NOW...and know the new now now. 

That's why I am seriously considering going on a media cleanse...and taking a vacation from all the violence and crap that I've been putting into my...mind, brain, body, soul, and so on.

Maybe I can deconstruct some of the Pain-Hate Body I've been building over the decades I've been this human being by the name of Robert Farmilo. And maybe I can start to detach or...whatever...from the group consciousness Pain-Hate Body...make my own small intervention of erasing some of the thought errors that make up the clown show we call society.


All the Best!
Robert Farmilo,
Translator, TGCP
PS-I am raising money for a person who has cancer and needs money to buy food and medicine. When you buy the book, I will send the money to the person. So buy the book.
==> Buy the Book, NOW!



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