Little Miss Perfect
"When you face ultimate danger, that's like---facing death, right?"
That's what the guy said to me.
There was nothing for it.
I couldn't reach him without a high probability of near certain death.
He was standing ready to step out onto a parapet.
IF he fell, it was hundreds of feet straight down. Then the big, nasty rocks.
Add the sudden stop.
"I face my fear of death to change the world."
That's what he said to me.
His voice was calm and steady. And he smiled at me.
DID he look stupid? Well, no. He looked confident.
It was such an odd and sudden meeting, already surreal.
MY first real exposure to a real Dare Devil.
A young man, fit looking, and clean cut.
Another young man stood nearby,using a cell phone as the video camera.
"It's nice you stopped and found out I wasn't a suicide attempt...or something like that." He smiled in a way that made me feel special. "I can tell that you are a special person...and smart. I bet you're special smart."
I had to shake myself to get out of the draw pulling me into this Dare Devil's eyes.
"I don't want to jinx your base jump. Just miss the side as you go over."
His smile became a wry grin.
"You ARE smart. See right through us." He gave it a very nice, neat pause.
Obviously his ENTIRE life was Pure Theatre.
"...Keep it on the down-low for me?" He asked me like we'd known each other for years and years.
His assumed consent was the soft close on this social transaction.
I wanted so much to say something, anything. But I held my tongue, even though I was fit to burst. "No, stupid fool. You are risking your life."
And then he stepped out onto the tricky surface, the top of the balustrade for the look out mounted on the side of the trestle.
What happened next took me on a journey to the edge of fear. AND the clairvoyant realization that YOUR life is Pure Theatre.
Let me explain.
You are the lead actor in the long running show, "MY Life."
And I am a bit player in your show. I have a very small part in your show.
IF you are the star in the play, "MY Life," what does that make me?
I may not even know you at all.
So you could be a complete stranger. We've never met, never will.
In the play that I star in, YOU are a very distant extra, on a very distant part of the stage where my play (and your play) and the players take their cues.
I have always been aware of the theatre of my life. This has served me very well. The power of a well honed persona applied consistently over time produces verifiable and repeatable results.
Simply put, DRAMA pays, and it pays big.
Reality shows draw BIG audiences.
Bingo. Cash register ka-chings.
Fear makes for drama, and drama can induce fear.
Does this make fear real?
Let me explain the power locked inside the secret realization I am going to give to you, right now. The power is present in a latent state, at all times.
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This secret power is realized by reading this story:
You are attending the performance of the play, "YOUR Life."
The theatre is huge, and the place is standing room only. You have the best seat in the house.
The play starts, and the actors are bang on, the sets are perfect, and the script stunningly accurate, like a scalpel dissecting your flawed and fallible life. You are enthralled with the play, and the binge watching begins.
But your life is boring. Where are the car chases? The international spy rings?
What about the fact that you aren't a corrupt cop trying to cover up some bad dealings.
You are not a big time ad executive. Your life is NOT glamorous and styling.
My bet is you are living from paycheque-to-paycheque. You might have a small bit of money as a just-in-case cushion. Most likely? You live on credit.
But you have a job, and a few side gigs that bring in some cash money. And you're young. Yeah, you've got a car. And sometimes you drive fast. Why not?
When you live your life on the edge, risking your life on purpose. Doing it for kicks and the video posting on Youtube---Teen boy does Hand Stand On Bridge Railing-WARNING!
Watching a Dare Devil do their thing can draw a crowd. Some people will use camera phones...recording the drama.
AND the publicity, the traffic it brings to the Youtube post. The more views for your video, the more money you're going to earn...just from the ads.
How's that for a business plan?
Go out and risk your life. Have a "friend" record the event using a cellphone video camera function.
Whatever the outcome, the video of the event gets posted on your Youtube channel.
You live your life as Pure Theatre, and record as much of what you do, all the time. This makes you a compelling character to me, and one I very much want to study.
You purposely court near-certain death. And you are making a profession out of ignoring fear.
This is edgy stuff. From my vantage point of Hyper Self Perfecting,
The cell phone was being used as a video camera.
The guy's "friend" was standing near by...safe.
Let me explain.
Many people go to amusement parks and pay to go on rides. Have you ever been on a ride at a local fair? Or gone to the Seven Flags and paid to get on the world's biggest roller coaster.
There is a thrill to it.
When you get into the seat, and the safety arm comes down, and the shoulder pad thing comes down, and now you are locked in place. And the ride starts. You begin to move. And there is NO turning back. This is the biggest roller coaster in the world.
You will pay money to get on that ride. Riding straight up over 4oo feet...and then peaking somewhere at the top. Cresting the edge, lining up in the straight down position, so high up it's nerve wracking...it dawns on you, the car you are sitting inside, any moment is going to just go straight down.
But seriously, how many people actually fall out of these rides? How many of these rides suffer a catastrophic failure of some kind or other? It does happen.
Just NOT that often.
There was a grotesque case of a person who fell out of the car. The safety bar thing had NOT locked into place properly.
So there is a basic fear being used to make people spend money to get in a car and get strapped in, and hurtle this way and that. And with the really super big roller coasters...the Death Drops...you can get really good free-fall velocity inside of four seconds. That's a nice rush.
But your expectation is that no matter how sketchy it feels, you are most likely going to survive long enough to get off the ride. You can hear yourself telling your mind that it's going to be okay...the wheels aren't coming off, the cage thing isn't loose---the chain, no, not the chain!
The knowing is "out there" in the public mind. And it is a person-by-person opinion about the safety of roller coasters. As you know, I can manipulate the way you feel about something by showing you some images before I ask you about a subject.
Like the safety of roller coasters. And would you now buy a discounted seasons pass package at SIX FLAGS, with DELUXE Accommodation?
Another way that you will flirt with death is to jump out of airplanes while wearing parachutes. And this does kill people on a regular basis.
So does eating food. Death while choking from eating.
Let's compare the two statistics.
Annual death from choking = 160,000 people
Skydiving snuff rate each year = 22 / USA, Global ?
It is more dangerous to eat food than it is to go skydiving. But it is so way, way much scarier to jump out of a plane that first time...than it ever will be to eat that chicken kabob.
Which brings you to that fork in the road of this secret-reveal report. So far, you've been led by the nose through the Land of Fear. There isn't a primal moment pressed to your head.
I don't have a smoking gun turning to kill your most cherished love. I have had guns pointed at me, and guns shoved in my face. I've been told to get down while armed men with sawed off shotguns threatened to blow my brains out of my head if I didn't do what they wanted me to do.
The fear I felt when a gun was pointed at my chest...from three feet away...by a buzzed-out hard-drugs criminal, with a history of violence---hyped out on killing-rush because he'd just shot a man to death, putting over twelve bullets into his victim.
I could feel the bullet in the gun coming for me, going into my chest. Just like that. I know what it is like to be shot at point blank range. And then to realize I'd been tricked.
I know what it's like to stare down exotic-erotic kill-crazy doped up, armed and dangerous, flat-out gangsters. And I've secretly interviewed the smart ones, the ice cubes. Smart killers who never got caught.
I've seen close up the smug little smile that flickers on the face of the anonymous killer. Somewhere along their way in life, they took up the hobby of getting away with murder.
Murder for kicks. And the only rule is never get caught or suspected.
FEAR is in the mix with murder. There are videos of people getting shot by the police. You can see them on Youtube. Or being shot by criminals.
Let me explain:
When you watch a video of a person being shot to death, you will feel whatever you feel---BUT when the first bullets hit your body, you'll feel differently about it.
There's nothing like being inside the fully activated fear that you are about to be shot, and will be shot to death. When you are completely convinced that the gun shots are real.
Some people who you get to read this Lesson Three won't like the full embrace of FEAR. Graphic and suggestive, my story of PRIMAL FEAR coaxes your last bit of self-honesty.
For with these stories comes the forthright and ever present MORAL DILEMMA. Fear is ALWAYS present, and one of the obstacles to committing a major crime.
One obstacle to you robbing a bank will be the fact that it isn't something you are inclined to do. Add in your basic honest nature, and common sense: You know that robbing banks is risky. You will probably get caught and/or shot. So, no, I am NOT going to go and rob a bank today.
How do you become a bank robber?
I've interviewed men (and women) who worked as armed bank robbers. These were the elite few, never caught or suspected. The usual story included the following main features:
- Each armed robbery took place in another state
- One person job
- Less than 60 seconds for entire robbery
- Always escaped on foot
Let me explain by showing you some examples of the text from REAL notes written by REAL bank robbers.
Lesson Three inflicts maximum damage to willful ignorance about fear of consequence. MY contribution to the FEAR POWER curriculum is fed by the precision content that I curate for YOU.
This all started with MY quest for Trade Secrets about how to DEAL with FEAR, and to use fear to manufacture consent and compliance. Becoming a consultant on Powers of Fear fine-tuned methods, making results juicier.
RESULTS? The secret training reveals the magical power that fear will give to you. What do you want? Name your fantasy.
Click the image to get the SUPER POWER TRAINING.
I know how corn-ball it sounds. Click on the image.
Here is a link to training that is NOT for everyone.
This is MASSIVE training, using trade secrets to plant commands directly inside the sub-conscious mind of your victim, er, I mean, let's see...prospect? Ummmm, let's see, ah...person I want to make do something, like buy something or do something for me.
What is the fear that holds you back from becoming really, really good at making people do what you want them to do?
Do you flat out doubt that it is possible to make people do what you want?
Not just that you can't do it, but also that NO ONE else can either.
See, for many of you...FEAR actually means, "FUCK EVERYTHING AND RUN."
According to one way of putting it, FEAR is excitement with the brakes on.
The young woman in the image (below) says, "THAT you must learn to PARTY WITH YOUR FEAR."
And then there is the film about using the fear power to get people to do the most outrageous things. When you watch this scene, keep in mind the fact that no one had a gun or threatened the young woman with a beating. SHE took off her clothes because someone in authority told her to.
COMPLIANCE is the story of how fear is used to get you to obey me. IF you fear me enough, when I tell you to do something, you will do it. Here is some click-bait for you to enjoy. You can watch this scene from the depiction of a young woman removing her own clothes because someone on the telephone was telling the manager of the fast food restaurant...YES! I know.
Even when you've heard of the story...another review of the facts behind the story provide HYPER Self Perfecters with more hidden secrets about being able to control you.

Which brings me to the intoxification factor when FEAR is used as a central part of coercion AND compliance. This use of power gives the Authority Figure a pure rush of JOLT POWER. This gives them a thrill. And if there is a complete interrogation...using the Reid/Inbau model---the enforcement officers are going to be getting that special rush that ONLY comes when YOU are the ENFORCER, at work.
But once again, FACTS are the Loved Ones of this Lesson Three. Here is a link to a treasure about how you are played by Authority Figures.
Now, I am taking NO PRISONERS with this Lesson Three. You need a good dose of salts about the compelling power of compliance to authority. It requires getting sickened and horrified at the willfully ignorant flagrant ABUSE of power.
And it is LIFE important to you---as we go forward into the brave, new world---just how your fear of authority makes you ready to obey and comply.
One of your assignments is to consciously create a command and implant the command into the sub-conscious of your intended subject.
You can use your power to falsely accuse and have arrested a person who is, in fact, a victim of your sexual abuse---and that only mere moments before.
I know the above description seems incredible, but in light of what you've seen so far by way of the startling evidence of the existence of a fear so strong in you...that you will comply and obey to a voice on a telephone.
Now, this is real stuff. And so is this next example in your Lesson Three example from real life. It is important that you connect with the facts of this story. And keep those firmly in mind. You are going to witness a flagrant abuse and cover-up that exposes business as usual horror reality check.
This is one of the most important examples I have about how your life is a theatre play. Think of it as your life as a reality TV show.
Think of the thrill that the guy in yellow in the above image...try and feel how great it was to get away with it. The power thrill of silencing a victim by abusing power, having the victim arrested (as you will see for yourself) and obviously this Enforcement Officer was breaking the law by having the victim arrested for a criminal offense that wasn't even on the books.
It is one of so many examples that are on record of deliberate law enforcing officers misleading and misrepresenting for various reasons that often accompany "...the life...."
AND you must listen to the sounds of the victim. And the sounds of the little girl. Carefully listen to the tone of voice of the Evil One, the corrupt enforcing officer---the false accuser.
Take in each bit of body language. The deliberate "avoids" of the Officer of the Court. Burn this fact into your mind,
And it goes on all the time.
So when you encounter enforcers...treat each one with great care.
The less you say, the better. Trust me.
Each one is a potential psychopath with a badge and a gun. You never know. The potential for corruption of some kind is so great that you can make a good statistical guess that out of all the enforcers in Canada...a few of them are going to be corrupt in some way or another.
I know that some prison guards succumb to the easy money and bring contraband into prisons. I know this for a stone-cold fact. How? Inside source leaked a series of exclusive secrets from prisons in Canada.
Oh, fear. The big money of doing something so very wrong. And getting away with it. And for long enough that you don't get caught...and you get used to that. And if it is a rinse-and-repeat crime, well---you just keep on, don't you?
the money is great.
And if you have ever lived and traveled in Mexico, you probably have had to pay off some corrupt cop. The traffic stop. And you are the GRINGO. The Mexican enforcer knows you don't want ANY trouble. Because it's not unknown for the gringo who doesn't pay...well, gee, what do you know? IT looks like I found these drugs on you.
These ones, right here. In my hand. I just found them on you. Didn't I?
This is the use of fear to get you to comply to something that you wouldn't normally do, ever. And you might comment that complying and obeying are the common-sense response to this scenario.
This is the greatest secret inside Lesson Three.ASSUME AUTHORITY.
Take this in. Let it sink.
While we let the "suggestion" settle inside your sub-conscious mind, (assume assume assume authority)----ANSWER this QUESTION:
What does Napoleon have to do with the implant ASSUME AUTHORITY?
Because he understood the power of fear to make people do things they didn't want to do. In practical terms, one human being assumed the power to rule over millions of people. Think of the power of assuming the power.
THIS is an intoxicating loop that feeds you with more power---as long as you keep it busy.
Let me explain:
You have as your next assignment---to go out to a public place, and select a subject, and then "pull the trigger."
This is when you go up to the subject, and get full attention to your immediate presence. And you tell the tale. In a few words, only. Few means:
YOU: (with strong authority) Hey, you. Listen. Officer B. Scar told me to send you over to him, right now. No fooling. Right now. Go over to there. That's right. Go there. The US Marshal...he told me to send you over, right now. Go on."
Now the object of this exercise is to realize that your life is pure theatre. And if you want to spend your time watching films on screens...fine, super-great. BUT how about another way to spend your time.
ASSUME AUTHORITY. It is an act of Pure Theatre.
The greatest chasm of pure fear will be when you "pull the trigger" on a real enforcer. Yes, move in on a Enforcement Officer, a.k.a. Police Officer, Law Enforcement Official, Agent, Special Agent, Marshal, Sheriff...one of those.
YOU: (with calm authority) "Hey! Listen, YOU. Yes, you. The Commander told me to send you over to him, right away."
FLASH I.D. (high-end identification for Home Land Security )
Let the Big Man see your I.D. But only long enough to send the Authentic ASSUME AUTHORITY signal, and once that happens, the subject's sub-conscious is ripe for implants of "suggestions."
You see, Pumpkin, once the subject---who is a REAL officer of the law, mind---you're playing fair, okay? This subject has to be a real, gun toting, they can arrest you, shoot you, COP type Police Officer.
This test of your ability to ASSUME AUTHORITY is best given the maximum kick-start, so you are told to select a subject Officer of the Law who is engaged in official duties. Which you will arrange to take place, so that you have a target rich environment to practice ASSUMING AUTHORITY.
Let me explain:
A man I have never heard of once told me that you should never call up the police department and claim to have put bombs in ten churches, and that you are a Muslim Extremist, ready to die for Allah. And you have brave men, each one a suicide bomber. Right here in this nice, safe, American city. And this bomb is at the Jewish Synagogues---Temple Israel.
NO, you'd never do that to get police officers to show up at the temple. And all that just so you could practice ASSUMING AUTHORITY, and flashing your I.D.
It's all a bit shaky once you get the full attention of the officer of the law. UNLESS you ACT like what you're doing is actually true. For the assumption to be made, all you have to do is prime the first few seconds of this First Contact.
When you start, there is no return. Once you are a few words in to your script, you are either going to sell the fib or...not.
Now, I am not condoning this practice of deliberately crying, "Wolfe!" Just so you can play mind-games with Enforcers of the Law.
But if it so happens that you decide NOT to follow my very clear warning NOT to do something, well...if that's the position you find yourself in, then I suggest that you do NOT read this advice from a Hyper Self Perfecter Trainer.
YOUR life as theatre. The words you can say to a person, even a complete stranger...at a store. In the cash line up. Something you can say to the cashier. Something so out of left field that it crosses over the vast distance between most people who are strangers brought together by chance.
What is it that you can say to start the deception?
The Lesson Three concept is that you actively practice assuming authority in as many settings as possible. The skill in selecting the right few words to implant the assumption MUST be practiced.
IMPLANTING the assumption is either going to work quickly and run on it's own merits until a disruption ends the grip of the deception. Or it just keeps on going.
Fooling the police into thinking you are some member of another branch of the law enforcement universe...how many species of gun toting enforcement officers? SO many.
Under anyone of the lists, you going to find more types of law enforcement officers. Some of the list does not have the same swish as Homicide, Manhattan, NY, NY.
Like the Park Police. Or the Garbage Police (really exists).
YOUR impersonation will be of this person:
Deputy Little Miss Perfect
YOU FLASH your better-than-real, fake I.D., and just say the few words that you've been practicing so it sounds like you really are Deputy Little Miss Perfect.
I want you to feel the wild and crazy mind-set you will require to really put this over.
What you are doing is learning that your life is a theatre, and that fear is inside even those who carry guns and have badges. And ESPECIALLY with those people who have guns and badges...it makes sense that they feel like they are potential targets.
This is fear at work...in your workplace when you are an enforcer wearing the uniform, along with the weapon that you carry. Every armed and uniformed police officer that you see has the legal right to shoot you dead---given a certain set of circumstances.
Sobering reality. And this reality is present in every single interaction that you have with a strange and new Enforcement Officer. They have a gun. And in the background is the Pure Knowledge that you don't want to have trouble with the fricking cops.
It's a basic common sense proposition.
The perpetual risk assessment.
Fear is one thing. IF the risk was worth it, you'll do it. Even if there is some hefty doses of fear that go along with the doing part.
Being a Dare Devil can mean defying gravity, the narrow ledges on high buildings, cables cross bridges, and death, too. We've seen some tragic examples of courting fear and common sense rebukes of, "NO, don't do it, stupid fool!"
The Dare Devil you are being trained to become eats the fear of getting caught. You are in performance, in the theatre of your life. It is a play that you are writing as you go along.
BUT this is super well thought out. Your words must be very few, and well weighted to unleash near instant ASSUMED AUTHORITY by your subject. They've got to be fooled right away.
The perception by the subject that you are who say you are is your "first base."
YOUR deception is now based on assumptions that the subject has about the extent of the powers and authority of your rank as an Enforcer Officer.
Now you know full and well that the term "Enforcer Officer" is one of my home-made terms, and is never used by anyone in the trade. No cop talks the way that I do, or uses terms like Enforcer Officer.
The reason you do not pretend to be a police officer is that you don't have a really good reason to do it, other than I have put an implant inside your sub-conscious.

When you take on the fear, and decide to ASSUME AUTHORITY, you are going to be able to swing that deal making, and get over the fear that's been holding you back from making some hard-core fund-raising calls to build that---whatever "it" is.
Because you practice ASSUMED AUTHORITY---that it is what you say it is, and you are who you say you are...even when you're not, and it isn't.
Now, what does God have to say about fear and assuming authority?
"The Lessons of Fear are founded in taking authority by giving commands without hesitation, and with firm conviction. This one-pointed presence of assumed consent always targeted on your subject converts to strong tendency for your subject to obey and comply."
The coursing power of being a killer who is getting away with it---that's the near-death rush that intoxicates thrill seekers who make the jump into undetectable homicide.
These are the ones who get away with murder. A special sort of fear-buzz.
People who fell and survived
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