Lesson Two---Pure Fear
Little Miss Perfect
Robert Farmilo
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Robert Farmilo |
First off, let me write to you these famous words: "Beyond fear is death."
This is found in any place where you and your family are caught up by dangerous war. And the bombs and the machine guns and the jets and the heavy guns---you feel every wump and shake that comes from the explosions.
When you hold the chunked meat of your dead child---killed by a can know death's worst victim...the one it left behind----YOU.
"So I strapped the bomb onto my body and was given a drive to the target area. I got out and walked the next while until I came to the church. Then I went inside and got to the middle of the church. Then I pulled the cord, and the bomb exploded. 349 people were killed, and 276 were badly wounded. I was killed instantaneously."
Wait a minute.
What's that about?
Where're all the SUBTLE nuances?
Well, how can somebody go and blow themselves up...and defy a natural instinct NOT to blow themselves up?
Could you defy your own fear of blowing yourself up---and walk in to that church and pull that cord---and FOR WHY?
Now in the previous article, you received Lesson One. And the ideal of being FEARLESS was tested by some speculation and some cognitive approaches to HARNESSING the power of fear.
===> Lesson One <===
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The practical approach to becoming FEARLESS was given a once-over in the previous article in this series about FEAR.
And the point was made by various experts in the field of FEAR...that fear can be induced, and be used to control your behavior.
Then there is the FAR-OUT approach as espoused by S. Bob, and his wild claims about the powers of the transcendent. Brilliant and defiant, as always...of the normal, our dear S. Bob pretended once again to be quoting Swami Bob.
I can write with authority and persuasion about the subjects touched on by all of the above. They are both as close to me as my left and right hands. We are always in contact via Our Little Secret. And I can't tell you how we can be inside each other the way we can, but we can, and if I told you, then it wouldn't be a secret, now? Would it?
This is Lesson Two in the series on FEAR.
"Now listen up and straighten up you slackers! Wipe that smug smile off your face, young man! Who do you think you are?"
One true thing that can come from being controlled by fear is not coming to terms with your own deep-seated feelings triggered when YOU are taken by fear.
I use the term, "Taken By Fear," with a great deal of wisdom about fear, and how to induce fear.
As you can well imagine, with a name like mine, you hardly ever can ever be anything less than perfect.
So I am the perfect boss, too.
That's because I was the perfect employee.
Observe the symmetry in your own, personal quest for SELF-PERFECTION.
I know that it is not in fashion to use your free will to become hyper-perfect. But I fear the consequences of NOT being perfect, that I gladly sacrifice trite wastes of time, and gain real safety by being Hyper Self Perfect.
I am the leading exponent of what I call, "Hyper Self Perfection."
One older hack suggested I call it, "...Hyper Self's Personal Perfection on STEROIDS."
The idea is that you can learn about FEAR which you face every day. That you have that capacity to use your awareness to learn...IF you really want to.
But you will have to use your own natural born willpower.
So you can learn about how to tap into FEAR.
Imagine for a live in a country that gets bombed and mined and strafed, and smart bombed, and some drone attacks more and more.
And the car bombs.
Don't forget the car bombs.
NOW you put your Two Laws to work on this one.How are you going to feel when one of your dearest loved ones is killed by a car bomb.
OR by the famous suicide bomber.
We don't have a lot of those in The West. Not yet.
But you do have the fear of someone going postal.
At the mall. Or the office.
FEAR drives personal gun sales. So that includes the sale of ammo, too. And the after-sale market, too.
See, the gun is a perfect example of a problem solved by the very same problem it is trying to protect against. The gun is going to keep you safe from other people with guns. The near-perfect symmetry of this business keeps the world in the business of war.
You also need guns and all the trimmings for the law enforcement agencies.
This is so they can face the realities of having to solve, prevent and protect---all of us from each other. Basically, without The Sheriff in Town, people will tend to not obey the law as much. And the weak and stupid can fall prey to the wicked bully without recourse to the law.
Which brings me to The Ruling Class.
How much of what is now the ruling class came from extortion and land-grabs, outright murder, and vile practice of usury and the poor-house. The vassal and the tenant-farmer, the serf and the peasant, mostly held in sway by the workings of a healthy dose of fear for your very life...IF by any chance you displease one of The Ruling Class---1000 years ago, or 500 years ago.
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Not even that long ago---there were slaves in your country. And indentured servants. And the powerful have made sure to use authority to keep you in your place. Brute force is the end result of every conflict you are going to have with authority----IF you keep defying some law or other...and getting caught, or suspected.
In your country, there is a history of racial profiling by law enforcement officials. This gives the officer of the law the power of fear. This is a great and powerful power. FEAR POWER enables a mere mortal being to make you obey.
Ultimately it is a fear of death. You know that the law enforcer will kill you if needs be. That's just the way it is.
The next fear is also powerful. The fear of losing your freedom, getting locked up, and going to jail. And all the added fears, like having a criminal record or this is your third felony, so say goodbye, you are going to die in jail.
This is how the ruling class keep the enforcers happy to serve the Natural Order of Things. The enforcers are given authority and get paid to play with the FEAR POWER. And because a certain type of person is attracted by wielding this power of authority---you get a stark lesson in the use of your fear of enforcers of authority.
The ruling classes need you to be afraid of their goons.
That's how you will stay at your jobs and not come rooting them out of their castles and towers.
Besides, you're not that desperate. Not yet.
But there is a fear spreading out over the land. A terrible purpose-made-fear, designed to win one man ultimate power. And it works. And thus a corrupting lesson is learned by those who don't need much of an excuse to take and abuse power.
How does a bully get you to give them your lunch money?
Fear that you will get hurt. The bully will thump you and take the money anyway. And there is no escape, right? Unless you resist and fight back, hard, swift and with complete and full commitment, sparing no quarter, for the most vulnerable anatomical target, without mercy---filled with homicidal intent.
What? Yes, the famous, "SNAP."
When the victim goes mental. And takes out the entire crew of bully monsters.
That's why the ruling class have the enforcers. To keep the psycho crazy people from getting too close. And to keep the brown and darker people from getting any fool notions.
Yeah, you need to know where you stand.
When Mister Joe Average faces down a law enforcement officer in your country, he could easily end up getting shot. Especially if he is brown or darker.
NOW that is a valid reason to be have fear going on. Making you behave a certain way. And most definitely---for many, not wanting to have ANY run-ins with The Law.
This could be a form of common sense being applied to a very sensible fear. This is not an imagined fear. The enforcer can legally kill you, need be. And will kill you, too.
For the ruling class know that when the likes of you come near to them...the invisible presence of the enforcer's authority, given to them by the ruling classes---this power stands beside and behind the ruling classes.
And it is bred right into your bones. IT has been passed, intact---by your parents, and so on, all the way back to long, long, long ago. So much so, it is now genetical primacy.
Fear of the ruling class is one of the lessons INSIDE this Lesson Two.
What do you think?
Does the fear of The Ruling Class, and what they can do to you...does that make you behave differently? Give it a thought.
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Part of the teaching makes you stare inside the idea that your fears have a generational cause and effect. To give you a secret access to a power greater than all the positive vibe self-edification you could EVER muster by dint or hint of the GREATEST surge of Self-WILL POWER, ever.
It is the secret method to use your fears to super-charge your LIFE...or what remains of it---IF you'd dare call it a life. The life you want...if you could dare fantasize.
The inner circle of savants know the return-on-investment with this secret get the great power in answer to the question that you learn to ask. Yes, a question can help you to repurpose the power of fear.
You can master this, you know. By practice, over time, you will get better at how this skill set gives you practical, measurable, and best of all, repeatable results.
One of the questions that use FEAR POWER, is to ask the fear how to make the fear go away. Is it that kind of fear?
This will give you the exponential power of fear---and you will learn how to direct this FEAR POWER to give to you the very dilly you are afraid you will NOT get, have, be, and whatever combo-pack that means:
"You get the outcome you are afraid you will NOT get."
HUH?The reasons why you are afraid, they have an emotional/biological/psychological/spiritual basis in quasi-fact. It's all fine and good to tell you to conquer your fears.
Lots of people try and conquer or lessen their fear of whatever it is they are terrified of.
And facing your fears is a big and popular niche for the self-development movement. Including the Armed Forces. (That was a bit of a joke...the Armed Forces thing.)
Here's the idea to Lesson Number TWO.
You are lying in bed at night, falling asleep. You are thinking about something. It is a worry that you have. You can't help yourself from having this thought. Whatever subject, issue or concern, you are feeling NOT super fine fantastic about it, OKAY?
That's one of the important SUBTLE NUANCES you need to pay attention to NOTICE, OKAY?
So you need to pay attention and tune into the fact you are thinking about whatever it is you are thinking about. And it is bothering you mildly, a bit more, and yeah, getting more NOT great feeling with the thoughts about whatever it is----
---AS SOON AS YOU TUNE INTO THE THOUGHTS, what is being said by the thoughts you are having. Identify the issue. Name it. And begin to consider, bit-by-bit, what it is about every part of what is going through your mind by way of thought, and by feeling, too.
YES, you are to dive right inside the heart of each little bit of each little dealy-oh.
DETAILS on how to do this----
- Identify the subject, issue, concern
- What is it about?
- What will happen if whatever you don't want to have happened...HAPPENS?
- Worst case scenario for each possible consequence
- Risk assessment----THIS IS CRUCIAL
Joe Simpleton wakes up before dawn while sleeping beside his beautiful wife of many, many years.
But Joe is worried. He didn't make enough money to cover his bills for the month. And his good wife is under her own money stress. She hasn't been paid money she is owed for work already done.
Joe knows he is in a tight corner.
I ask Joe to think about what is the worst thing that can happen? If he won't have the money, and no more money coming in unless he figures something out, and fast.
My gosh, dear Idiots. Don't you see the correlation between this and the crippling power of fear----AND something else. What is that?
Hysterical Strength
The POWER of FEAR to make you do things you never felt you could ever do.
I am suggesting that there is a way to get the things you are afraid might happen IF something else doesn't happen...or does happen. And sometimes it can be a series of events that need to happen for something else to either happen or not happen.

In the case of Hysterical Strength, the tales are a legend. Perhaps Hercules had learned to tune into the God's Power. And Achilles...Samson...and more. All with super-human strength.
I suppose they faced fear and dealt with it accordingly. They gave a good fight against bad odds for most men.
More modern accounts of Hysterical Strength give a basis in OBSERVED FACT that you can perform extraordinarily and in a real emergency, too. In little brief bits of time, ordinary people are able to do extra-ordinary feats of heroic proportions.
What constructs such events is the emotional trigger linked directly to what is called adrenaline. This can make you be able to react in ways you NEVER thought you could do. And it can make fear unimportant to you in comparison to the risk you will face. And you can find yourself doing something that will most certainly lead to your very death.
But it just doesn't matter to you.
Usually, these scenarios play out in real-time as a decision made in the moment of extreme stress. When time is of the essence. And it really is a matter of do or die, for you or someone else...or all of you.
FEAR of consequence will make you able to go forward without concern for your own life.
To be able to conquer your own fear of death because you fear something even more, well this is extra-ordinary.
Because unless you are feeling suicidal anyway, giving up your life for someone else, even potentially, could make some people hesitate.
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The consistent feature of observing your own fears and the reasons inside each fear...because there is ALWAYS a reason why you are afraid of something happening.
AND you will live an entire life protecting yourself against fears that you have of specific things happening.
Like losing your job. And making sure that you ALWAYS have money coming in to pay all your bills, put food on the table and maybe have a few little extras.
Fear will keep you getting up to that alarm clock and facing another day. Behind what some people call common sense is the known outcome glaringly obvious. So you don't do something stupid to lessen the chances that you will die...or maybe even worse, end up poor and destitute.
What comes from the practice of this Lesson Two in the can start to dive deep inside the core of your fears. And if you are serious about conquering your are going to start taking action to make the CAUSE of the fear to go away.
This may require that you take massive action until the day you die OR you have...?
Answer the question:
"What is the worst that can happen?"
That's deep inside the core of the fear.
And the power of your NOT wanting that to happen can actually make you ask yourself a serious question.
IF it is about money, the powerful reframing technique that is part of this Lesson Two,
"How can I make more money?"
"How can I make this happen?"
"How can I make this happen?"
"What are some ways I can make some more money?"
In this example, it's about money...but in the general sense, you are asking that part of your brain an important reframing of your fear, worry, concern, agony. You are reframing your angle of perception by using the "HOW TO" areas of your brain, body, soul, psyche and so on.
The strange power of fear can be seen to make people do unspeakable things to other people. You may think you'd NEVER kill someone else by not helping them, but fear can stop you from helping other people.
Fear of getting involved.
You could get hurt, after all. And what can you do, anyway? It's better to not take a chance. You never know what the consequences might be.
Indifference and not-caring are ways of avoiding encounters with getting out of your comfort zone. And that usually has something to do with NOT wanting to do something about whatever it is.
You are afraid of some or all of a consequence for doing something about something.
It may not be seen as being afraid, and you may not see it that way.
But how many times have you stepped in and said (or its equivalent), "Hey, why don't you pick on someone your own size?"
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What I am getting at---your own fears are the gateway emotion to FINALLY boot-strapping your way out of chronic and near-intolerable situations.
You can use the power of being stuck by your focus your willpower to FINALLY get pissed off enough to do something about it.
And by using your natural gift of pure can plan---figure out a way that will work. And when the consequence of NOT getting your shit together enough to make it happen the way it MUST so very, very bad...then maybe, just maybe you are going to have enough push and pull and effort and determination...sheer, raw your own amazement---LIFT that truck, move that mountain, beat up that bully, stand up to your worst enemy...who knows?
The Bystander Effect---Polar Opposite of Being A HERO
See, one of the not-so-subtle nuances of fear is that of entering into a BLIND PANIC. You have heard how someone drowning will grab hold of a person trying to rescue them. Or they will get hold of another person in the water and put that person in immediate peril.
Being a hero and facing certain death does not come easily or naturally to every person. To make this point very clear, I want you to read some of the stories in this link. Compare yourself with mind-cleansing honesty---keep in mind we want to have a noble ideal about ourselves. BUT would YOU?
Could YOU?
After the following blurb for the book written by God, there is an entire chapter from the book. I think it is relevant to include the chapter devoted to the subject of FEAR.
IT is no small coincidence that you have read this far. To put it in a context of numbers, at any one time there are how many people on the internet?
So, out of all those people online today, you found this article, and read this far.
Some coincidence.
It's like when you try and help someone and it doesn't work out. OR you see someone you can help, but it's going to put you out. Perhaps you'll be inconvenienced somehow.
Your hands might get dirty.
There is an obvious sense of reluctance inside you about extending yourself and helping out. It could be that other people seem to be going by...or nearby...or closer----OR coming along, and just going to pass---whatever it is that's happening.
The incident. Yes, let's call it, "The Incident."
We have a name for your basic willful abandonment of The Two Laws:
How about calling it, "Just minding your own business?"
Those people who passed by the guy The Good Samaritan helped out---they have a name, to----Like: "Not My Problem, People."Here is a chart that shows you the basic idea of how come you are more likely to NOT help someone in obvious need. What does it mean? The more people present, fewer people likely to give aid.
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Oh, all the scenarios you want---basic Stop and Help storylines.
For example, you are driving along and you pass by a scene of distress, and you are able-bodied enough to provide aid.But to do'll have to stop and turn around, go back and see what you can do.
And that is so not going to happen, is it?
How about when you see a stranger getting beaten up by more than just one guy---and all those guys are strangers to you. Do you wade in? Not knowing anything about the beef?
There is the place of fear in many of you that reduces your HERO KINETICS to non-functional. So you ain't NO hero---at least this time around.
FAMOUS EXAMPLE of Bystander Effect
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The pure power of the coincidence can bring you along the road at the same moment---and you see a car accident happen. You are first on the scene. But this time you don't stop. You keep on driving.
This is NOT like seeing some guy attacking a woman...and doing nothing about it because other people are there, too.
Your action is because you just can't be bothered to get involved. It goes against your instinct. But only at this particular moment.
And you can be manipulated to take action, too.
I can make you scared and then give you a way out of your predicament.
Here is a great truth about fear: The person who relieves your fear is someone you will generally feel a more positive feeling towards. IF I, first of all, create the problem you are worried about, and then make that problem go away for you---and you did NOT know it was me who gave you the problem in the first place---
YOU are going to be more likely to feel good towards me.
I can win your trust.
EVEN your loyalty.
If I make you fearful by threatening you with dire doom, and then save you from this doom---OR at least keep you safe---YOU are going to probably like me a little bit.
I can make you feel good about feeling bad. The fear you have can give me an edge over you. IF I know how to make you scared...and keep on finding new nuances of that fear---why, we can be doing business for a long, long time to come.
I can persuade you...that you NEED protection from the possibility that your whatever is going to whatever. Simply insert the threat and consequence. Whatever your whatever is, will be, might be, could be...
Have you ever noticed how people will say something like, "Oh, I am afraid I can't do that this weekend. I have to go and paint my cat with napalm."
IT's true. Notice how often you will hear someone say, "Oh, I'm afraid I won't be able to..."
Or some version of, "I am afraid I...."
I LOVE this one, "I am afraid that won't be possible."
Just take it all in---HOW far fear has infiltrated the social sub-text of our imaginations and awarenesses.
HERE is a simple technique for you to use. It is going to QUICKLY give you deep-seated awareness.
(2:31 mins)NOW, here is the entire excerpt of Chapter 20, from the most dangerous book ever printed, "God Consciousness." This book is the training manual for anyone who wants to have a telepathic, direct, two-way link with what some call, "The MIND of God."
Are you conscious of GOD?
Get the book.
And do it by the book.
40 Chapters
Written by GOD
---available exclusively through AMAZON
"God Consciousness"
Chapter 20: FEAR!
Fear can get your ear.
Ha! I could not resist, could I?
Well, that is a bit of an inside joke between me and you and the other you who is reading this part of this book, and you know who you are, at least as far as the joke thing is concerned.
This might be the only time in this whole book where I indulge in doing something like this, so I hope YOU are smiling knowingly! And you know who you are, don’t you? Enough of that (this!)! Fear has your ear and you get scared.
I will share an intimate truth: There is a human I know who gets scared when certain types of dogs come up to him. He feels a flow of fear. He is intimidated by the dog(s).
He doesn’t know if they are going to take a bite out of him, and he doesn’t like the fact that the dogs can bite him on the level of height they are at in relationship to certain parts of his body. And he has this feeling that the dog(s) can sense this trepidation in him and that they therefore take or might take further liberties with him.
He doesn’t like the feeling that they might jump on him and put their paws on him, maybe scratch him with their claws. He doesn’t like the way they just feel free to come around him and sniff at his body.
He feels vulnerable and exposed.
Who knows, they might take a bite out of a particularly sensitive part of his body.
He feels fear.
And there are other times that he feels fear, too. Sometimes when he thinks about his future and how he is going to get by, well, he feels uneasy. He thinks that there won’t be enough money for this or for that.
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He wonders how his old-age is going to go, whether he will have enough money to get by.
He has some health concerns and wonders how he will make enough money to pay his way and take care of himself, let alone meet his family obligations.
So he feels scared.
He feels fear.
In his life he has felt fear. Sometimes he has been threatened with physical violence.
He felt fear.
He has been caught doing activities that were wrong, or he worried about getting caught, and he felt fear.
Maybe you have felt fear?
Have you felt fear? Ever?
Most of you have felt fear at sometime or other, haven’t you? Yes, you have.
And fear is important: It can be a strong and powerful guidance to keep you from making a mistake.
Fear can also keep you paralyzed into NOT doing what you need to do. Fear can be considered a double-edged sword.
Think of fear as a component of doubt, or think of doubt as a component of fear: Doubt is a double-edged sword.
When the man comes and tells you he has a gold-mine in his back yard that he is going to sell you at an unbelievable price, and he seems a little too shifty and weird, and you are getting those strong doubting vibes, well maybe that is the useful form of doubt: The sort of doubt that keeps you from blowing your money and being taken advantage of.
Doubt can help you sort through the lies and deceit.
But doubt can also keep you from the truth, too. So too fear, and so to fear. There is the fear that keeps you from doing something really stupid and harmful, and there is the fear that keeps you locked up as your own prisoner, or someone else’s prisoner.
Doubt can make you fearful and fear can make you doubtful. I can use fear to make you make decisions. People can use fear to make you do things, too. Here is an example: The gun to the head syndrome.
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The threat of imminent death will motivate you to do what you would normally NOT do, like hand over your wallet or pay your taxes. Fear will get you to lock your door at night.
Fear will get you to tell your children to beware of strangers.
Fear will get you to distrust those 'foreigners.'
Put another way, fear gets your ear and doesn’t let go (easily). Fear can rule your life and keep you very, very small-minded. Fear will keep you from the truth.
Fear can make you EXTREMELY lazy, and being lazy can come from fear, too.
When you feel fear, it is important to use me as a self-referral process and really check it out, and get to the bottom of your fear. So you need a specific technique to deal with fear when fear comes up in the moment.
Let us use the example of the dog(s) ‘cuz it is relevant. Let’s say some dog(s) come up to you and they are big enough to make you feel uncomfortable and they are not on leashes.
You know they can sense your discomfort. So what do you do?
Begin the technique of saying, over and over, ‘I love you.' Say it in your own mind. Remember, you are not directing this thought-construct to the dog(s).
You are directing it to me.
Even if you don’t feel like you love me or that I even exist (which I do not, by the way), keep on saying, ‘I love you’ in the privacy of your own mind, in your own thinking, in your own thoughts.
What this does is it helps to keep the mental noise down.
It helps to keep your thought noise focused in a different direction. It helps to change your mind’s activity. It helps return your identity to more of me and less to worrying about dog(s).
Another activity that will help you deal with dogs is to learn more about dogs.
This is called learning more about what it is you fear. Check out facts, not fancy. Get the back story behind dogs. Learn about how dogs communicate. What we don’t know much about can make us quite uncertain, even fearful.
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Of course, it is possible that you will amplify your fears by getting to know more about something. Fear can colour what you learn about something.
Fear can make you see what you want to see so that you don’t have to change.
It can keep you locked in to a viewpoint and set of opinions that you believe in or are comfortable with. It takes less energy to stay stupid and ignorant than it does to get open and learning.
But that is what I want you to get doing.
I want you to learn more about everything. I want you to take action on the stuff that you are NOT taking action on because of being too busy or too this or too that.
It is time for you to take charge of YOUR life and make things happen that you are really wanting and needing to have happen.
And let me include stuff that you have been putting off. And sometimes fear is a good motivator for change.
Fear of starving might get you to take proper care of your food situation. Fear of getting lung cancer may get you to stop doing something really, really stupid like smoking tobacco.
But you know that motivation from a negative state can only take you so far.
Let us consider the opposite of fear. What is the opposite of fear? The polar opposite. The black and white opposite.
Here is-are some examples:
You come up to a swimming hole that you just checked out, plus you have been there earlier in the day, and the day before, and you’ve been coming there for years, and you dive in this time because you KNOW that it is safe.
You get in your car and you know it is safe to turn on the engine because you have done it before and nothing bad happened. So you turn on the engine.
You go to sleep at night without worrying that you will not wake up because you have always woken up, eventually. You are not experiencing fear that you will not wake up.
Not unless you have some specific reason based on a certain level of perceived risk will you experience fear.
So what is the opposite of fear?
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The best way to describe this is the absence of fear.
Some words have a good and clear opposite: Cold---Hot
What I am suggesting to you is that it is better to make your decisions and your actions based on a positive orientation, not a fear-based orientation. I want you to think about what you want, not what you don’t want.
Do you see what I mean?
Ask me for what you do want.
If it is about dogs, ask me in a way that gets at what you do want.
Here is an example:
‘God, please help me get along really well with dogs.'
‘God, let me be very easy and at peace with dogs.'
‘God, when I am near dogs, let me be in control of the situation so that the dogs do what makes me feel easy and peaceful.'
You may wonder about ‘…Being in control of the situation…’ and, ‘…so that the dogs do what makes me feel…’
but you will come to understand that it is important to ask for what YOU want, NOT what the dogs want.
If you keep the fear stuff out of your wanting and focus on the stuff that makes you feel good and happy and feeling at peace and so on, well, that is a good start.
Here is an example that is fear-based: ‘God, please keep all dogs away from me so that I feel safe and secure and not threatened.’
You may be asking me for help with dogs BECAUSE you have some fear around dogs, but you build your asking around the positive aspect, NOT the negative. Doing this helps to sculpt the thought-flow and keeps you out of the fear-game.
Plus you get a chance to deconstruct the monopoly that fear has on whatever it is that you are fearing. ‘Cuz once fear is in the mix, well, it is going to be influencing you and the outcomes of your thinking and feeling.
I don’t want you to suppress your fear.
I don’t want you to disregard your fear(s).
I don’t want you to live a state of denial of your fear(s). This is what I want you to do: When you become aware that you are having some fear, I want you to know that something important is happening to you. You need to pay attention to what it is you are wanting, NOT what you are NOT wanting.
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And you need to come to me for help.
You need to bring your feeling(s) to me.
You can confess to me what it is you are feeling. ‘God, I am feeling scared.’
You do not have to name it or explain why you are scared or try to rationalize to me about being scared.
Then you ask me for help: ‘Please help me, god.’ And I will help you. Learn to listen to me. I will come into your mind and sooth the thinking. I will tell you something that you need to hear.
Let me speak to you.
I will help you if you ask me to. I know this sounds too simple, too easy. But this is the nature of our relationship. You ask me for help and I help you. And fear is a really, really good feeling to get some help with. When you get fear gone then you can move on with what it is that you are really wanting to do, really needing to get done.
Maybe I will help you in very direct ways. Maybe they will not be so noticeable. I might give you some opportunity for a change that is much needed, much wanted.
When these opportunities come to you, act on them. The more you move to take action and move past your fears the easier it gets. And other fears become easier to move past.
Some fears will just disappear, poof! Gone! Like they were never there in the first place; Ever had this experience? ‘I don’t know what I was so scared of!’
‘I don’t know why I was so scared of doing that!’
Or you might have had this experience: ‘Now I know why I was so scared.’
Fear can keep us prisoners and it can also keep us safe. So you can also end up being a safe prisoner.
Sure, you can end up getting hurt, even seriously injured, even dead. You can end up losing money, maybe even losing everything, and maybe you will never recover financially.
But if you get me involved and follow my advice, you will move past your fears and get where you are really wanting and needing to be.
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It depends on what you do and how you do it.
Fear is something not to fear. It has important information locked up inside it: Fear can make you rich, it can make you health, it can bring you true-love, it can make you happy, it can bring you me. It depends on how you focus your awareness: When you notice fear, that is the time to go into the fear, not away from the fear.
It is the time to discover what is the power-structure of the fear: Where is the fear coming from?
Ask me, ‘God, why am I afraid?’ and or, ‘God, where is this fear coming from?’ and then listen to my answer.
Ask me what to do about this fear: ‘God, what do you want me to do about what I fearing?’ and listen to my answer.
Remember, being afraid can get to be a habit.
You can get addicted to fear.
You can get addicted to making other people fearful.
Being a fear monger can give you a false sense of power.
Making other people fear you and or fear something else can give you a sense of power and control.
When people fear you, you can make them do all sorts of things that they would otherwise NOT do. Fear is a sick version of the motivation deal.
Fear makes your bodies chemistry go crazy.
It will make you do things you would never, ever normally do.
Being scared will tense you up and make you freeze-up, it will put you in a state where you cannot make a good decision.
It will make you panic.
It will lead you from bad to worse. But inside the fear is great power. It is the power of insight.
And if you can travel into your fear you will discover great answers to questions you did not know you even had. Here is one of those questions: ‘God, why am I afraid?’
You can add whatever it is that you are thinking and feeling that you are afraid of, like dogs.
You might be afraid of dogs because you think they are going to bite you and you won’t be able to stop them from biting you.
And you are afraid of being bitten by the dog because it will hurt, and you might get an infection, and it will hurt, a lot.
And you might be afraid of getting bitten by a dog because you have already been bitten by a dog. Or you have seen a dog bite someone.
Or a dog has acted like it was going to bite you. Fear is a motivator to think and feel in a certain way.
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Often I am portrayed as someone to be afraid of.
I am used to strike fear into the hearts of sinners and or potential sinners.
You can be very afraid of thunder and lightning.
You can be afraid of losing your job.
You can be scared of your spouse’s disapproval.
You can be fearful about slipping and falling and hurting your self.
There is legitimate fear.
There is fear that you cannot help but have.
There is fear that transcends common sense. People sometimes might say to you, ‘You don’t have to be afraid of such and such or so and so, he it she wouldn’t hurt a fly.'
Fear is the great immobilizer.
If you could make a fear gun, you could make a fortune selling it to the military.
If you can make people fear you, you can have power over them. Power and fear often are intimately related.
But did you know there can come a time when even fear will not stop you from doing something?
Did you know it is possible for you to go forward even though you know you are going to die?
Sometimes there is a fear that is even greater than the fear you are facing. You can fear fear.
There can be that moment when you are scared of being afraid: When you have had it with being scared.
You’ve had enough of being afraid of something or someone and at last you get unstuck and you react.
You act out of fear. You act out of fear of being afraid. What you need is that calm reassurance that you are going to die, anyway. So what does it matter if you are afraid?
You might as well die trying. And death isn’t exactly something to be afraid of. Perhaps you are scared of the pain that might accompany your death. Maybe you are hesitating because you are afraid that you might end up in a wheel chair.
Or end up a drooling spastic: Worse than dead.
So what is your greatest fear? Do you even know if you have one?
What is it?
Being tortured?
Being abandoned?
Being left for dead?
Being betrayed?
How about discovering that there is no god (which there is not) and that all your belief systems are wrong?
How about discovering that it doesn’t matter what you do, there is no meaning to your life?
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How about discovering that Jesus Christ really is the Son of God? And all that fundamentalist, Christian mumbo-jumbo is true, and the world really is only six or seven thousand years old?
How about that?
What is your greatest fear? Ending up broke? Nobody loves you?
Nobody even likes you?
Having to do more dirty dishes?
Being bored? Being alone and lonely?
Nobody really cares about you?
What fear can do for you is to help you highlight what needs to be done, now.
Fear can isolate the parts of you that you need to pay attention to. Fear can change the way you are and what you will do next.
Too much fear can kill you.
It can turn you into a very sick person. Fear can make you sick, and being sick can make you feel very scared, too.
So you know there are things that make fear larger, that increase fear. That one fear can lead to the next fear. There is a kind of fear that feeds on itself: A self- perpetuating sort of fear. Fear can be triggered, too.
It can come into you from an event or stimulation that is not really real: A horn can honk and set you off. You can over-react and cause further problems. A certain gesture can make you afraid.
That is why I want you to use fear to understand why you are afraid and then begin to point your awareness in the direction that is what you really want and need. I want you to ask me for help, too.
Look to fear as a golden opportunity: To express what you DO want and to move away from what you do NOT want, and to learn what it is I want for you. Perhaps this will be one of your fears: The fear of me, of my influence in, of, and over your life.
Perhaps it will be the fear of me telling you what to do. Or the fear that what I want for you is not what you really want for your self.
Well, before we get into that, here is a real poser for you to consider: What about my fears?
Do I have fear?
Do I even know what fear is?
What can god possibly fear? The Devil? Do I fear demons?
This is what I fear: And I have no answer to this. Let’s put it this way, I have yet to fear.
And let’s put this yet another way: I am fear.
Let’s put this yet another way: I understand fear. I can empathize with my creation, with the parts of my creation that experience emotion. I can feel the feelings of every part of my creation.
I can feel the feelings of the physical, manifested parts of my creation, AND I can feel the feelings of the non- physical, unmanifested parts of my creation. I can feel the feelings of every bit of every little bit, right down to the tiniest bit of bits.
I can certainly feel the feelings of all creatures that have been, that are, and that will be. Contemplate that for a moment or two, will you?
I know your fears and tears. I know your ecstasy. I know your innermost and secret longings.
All of it, I know. Every angry thought that has been thought, is being thought, and will be thought…I know all of it.
And mentioning anger brings me to my conclusion of this chapter on fear. Fear and anger are closely related. Often one triggers the other.
Let both be a way to come closer to understanding what it is you are really wanting, and in this way, let both be a way into what it is I am wanting for you. When you experience the fear-anger combination reaction, it is a good time to tune into me and get my guidance working in your consciousness so that you can avoid the suffering that is yet to come.
The more you practice coming to me when you become aware that you are being aroused by the fear-anger combination reaction, the sooner you can switch to getting guidance out of the trap of the fear-anger wham-a-dang-dingdong. So what comes out of all this is our next chapter which is on the subject of trust.
Chapter 20: FEAR!
Fear can get your ear.
Ha! I could not resist, could I?
Well, that is a bit of an inside joke between me and you and the other you who is reading this part of this book, and you know who you are, at least as far as the joke thing is concerned.
This might be the only time in this whole book where I indulge in doing something like this, so I hope YOU are smiling knowingly! And you know who you are, don’t you? Enough of that (this!)! Fear has your ear and you get scared.
I will share an intimate truth: There is a human I know who gets scared when certain types of dogs come up to him. He feels a flow of fear. He is intimidated by the dog(s).
He doesn’t know if they are going to take a bite out of him, and he doesn’t like the fact that the dogs can bite him on the level of height they are at in relationship to certain parts of his body. And he has this feeling that the dog(s) can sense this trepidation in him and that they therefore take or might take further liberties with him.
He doesn’t like the feeling that they might jump on him and put their paws on him, maybe scratch him with their claws. He doesn’t like the way they just feel free to come around him and sniff at his body.
He feels vulnerable and exposed.
Who knows, they might take a bite out of a particularly sensitive part of his body.
He feels fear.
And there are other times that he feels fear, too. Sometimes when he thinks about his future and how he is going to get by, well, he feels uneasy. He thinks that there won’t be enough money for this or for that.
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He wonders how his old-age is going to go, whether he will have enough money to get by.
He has some health concerns and wonders how he will make enough money to pay his way and take care of himself, let alone meet his family obligations.
So he feels scared.
He feels fear.
In his life he has felt fear. Sometimes he has been threatened with physical violence.
He felt fear.
He has been caught doing activities that were wrong, or he worried about getting caught, and he felt fear.
Maybe you have felt fear?
Have you felt fear? Ever?
Most of you have felt fear at sometime or other, haven’t you? Yes, you have.
And fear is important: It can be a strong and powerful guidance to keep you from making a mistake.
Fear can also keep you paralyzed into NOT doing what you need to do. Fear can be considered a double-edged sword.
Think of fear as a component of doubt, or think of doubt as a component of fear: Doubt is a double-edged sword.
When the man comes and tells you he has a gold-mine in his back yard that he is going to sell you at an unbelievable price, and he seems a little too shifty and weird, and you are getting those strong doubting vibes, well maybe that is the useful form of doubt: The sort of doubt that keeps you from blowing your money and being taken advantage of.
Doubt can help you sort through the lies and deceit.
But doubt can also keep you from the truth, too. So too fear, and so to fear. There is the fear that keeps you from doing something really stupid and harmful, and there is the fear that keeps you locked up as your own prisoner, or someone else’s prisoner.
Doubt can make you fearful and fear can make you doubtful. I can use fear to make you make decisions. People can use fear to make you do things, too. Here is an example: The gun to the head syndrome.
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The threat of imminent death will motivate you to do what you would normally NOT do, like hand over your wallet or pay your taxes. Fear will get you to lock your door at night.
Fear will get you to tell your children to beware of strangers.
Fear will get you to distrust those 'foreigners.'
Put another way, fear gets your ear and doesn’t let go (easily). Fear can rule your life and keep you very, very small-minded. Fear will keep you from the truth.
Fear can make you EXTREMELY lazy, and being lazy can come from fear, too.
When you feel fear, it is important to use me as a self-referral process and really check it out, and get to the bottom of your fear. So you need a specific technique to deal with fear when fear comes up in the moment.
Let us use the example of the dog(s) ‘cuz it is relevant. Let’s say some dog(s) come up to you and they are big enough to make you feel uncomfortable and they are not on leashes.
You know they can sense your discomfort. So what do you do?
Begin the technique of saying, over and over, ‘I love you.' Say it in your own mind. Remember, you are not directing this thought-construct to the dog(s).
You are directing it to me.
Even if you don’t feel like you love me or that I even exist (which I do not, by the way), keep on saying, ‘I love you’ in the privacy of your own mind, in your own thinking, in your own thoughts.
What this does is it helps to keep the mental noise down.
It helps to keep your thought noise focused in a different direction. It helps to change your mind’s activity. It helps return your identity to more of me and less to worrying about dog(s).
Another activity that will help you deal with dogs is to learn more about dogs.
This is called learning more about what it is you fear. Check out facts, not fancy. Get the back story behind dogs. Learn about how dogs communicate. What we don’t know much about can make us quite uncertain, even fearful.
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Of course, it is possible that you will amplify your fears by getting to know more about something. Fear can colour what you learn about something.
Fear can make you see what you want to see so that you don’t have to change.
It can keep you locked in to a viewpoint and set of opinions that you believe in or are comfortable with. It takes less energy to stay stupid and ignorant than it does to get open and learning.
But that is what I want you to get doing.
I want you to learn more about everything. I want you to take action on the stuff that you are NOT taking action on because of being too busy or too this or too that.
It is time for you to take charge of YOUR life and make things happen that you are really wanting and needing to have happen.
And let me include stuff that you have been putting off. And sometimes fear is a good motivator for change.
Fear of starving might get you to take proper care of your food situation. Fear of getting lung cancer may get you to stop doing something really, really stupid like smoking tobacco.
But you know that motivation from a negative state can only take you so far.
Let us consider the opposite of fear. What is the opposite of fear? The polar opposite. The black and white opposite.
Here is-are some examples:
You come up to a swimming hole that you just checked out, plus you have been there earlier in the day, and the day before, and you’ve been coming there for years, and you dive in this time because you KNOW that it is safe.
You get in your car and you know it is safe to turn on the engine because you have done it before and nothing bad happened. So you turn on the engine.
You go to sleep at night without worrying that you will not wake up because you have always woken up, eventually. You are not experiencing fear that you will not wake up.
Not unless you have some specific reason based on a certain level of perceived risk will you experience fear.
So what is the opposite of fear?
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The best way to describe this is the absence of fear.
Some words have a good and clear opposite: Cold---Hot
What I am suggesting to you is that it is better to make your decisions and your actions based on a positive orientation, not a fear-based orientation. I want you to think about what you want, not what you don’t want.
Do you see what I mean?
Ask me for what you do want.
If it is about dogs, ask me in a way that gets at what you do want.
Here is an example:
‘God, please help me get along really well with dogs.'
‘God, let me be very easy and at peace with dogs.'
‘God, when I am near dogs, let me be in control of the situation so that the dogs do what makes me feel easy and peaceful.'
You may wonder about ‘…Being in control of the situation…’ and, ‘…so that the dogs do what makes me feel…’
but you will come to understand that it is important to ask for what YOU want, NOT what the dogs want.
If you keep the fear stuff out of your wanting and focus on the stuff that makes you feel good and happy and feeling at peace and so on, well, that is a good start.
Here is an example that is fear-based: ‘God, please keep all dogs away from me so that I feel safe and secure and not threatened.’
You may be asking me for help with dogs BECAUSE you have some fear around dogs, but you build your asking around the positive aspect, NOT the negative. Doing this helps to sculpt the thought-flow and keeps you out of the fear-game.
Plus you get a chance to deconstruct the monopoly that fear has on whatever it is that you are fearing. ‘Cuz once fear is in the mix, well, it is going to be influencing you and the outcomes of your thinking and feeling.
I don’t want you to suppress your fear.
I don’t want you to disregard your fear(s).
I don’t want you to live a state of denial of your fear(s). This is what I want you to do: When you become aware that you are having some fear, I want you to know that something important is happening to you. You need to pay attention to what it is you are wanting, NOT what you are NOT wanting.
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And you need to come to me for help.
You need to bring your feeling(s) to me.
You can confess to me what it is you are feeling. ‘God, I am feeling scared.’
You do not have to name it or explain why you are scared or try to rationalize to me about being scared.
Then you ask me for help: ‘Please help me, god.’ And I will help you. Learn to listen to me. I will come into your mind and sooth the thinking. I will tell you something that you need to hear.
Let me speak to you.
I will help you if you ask me to. I know this sounds too simple, too easy. But this is the nature of our relationship. You ask me for help and I help you. And fear is a really, really good feeling to get some help with. When you get fear gone then you can move on with what it is that you are really wanting to do, really needing to get done.
Maybe I will help you in very direct ways. Maybe they will not be so noticeable. I might give you some opportunity for a change that is much needed, much wanted.
When these opportunities come to you, act on them. The more you move to take action and move past your fears the easier it gets. And other fears become easier to move past.
Some fears will just disappear, poof! Gone! Like they were never there in the first place; Ever had this experience? ‘I don’t know what I was so scared of!’
‘I don’t know why I was so scared of doing that!’
Or you might have had this experience: ‘Now I know why I was so scared.’
Fear can keep us prisoners and it can also keep us safe. So you can also end up being a safe prisoner.
Sure, you can end up getting hurt, even seriously injured, even dead. You can end up losing money, maybe even losing everything, and maybe you will never recover financially.
But if you get me involved and follow my advice, you will move past your fears and get where you are really wanting and needing to be.
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It depends on what you do and how you do it.
Fear is something not to fear. It has important information locked up inside it: Fear can make you rich, it can make you health, it can bring you true-love, it can make you happy, it can bring you me. It depends on how you focus your awareness: When you notice fear, that is the time to go into the fear, not away from the fear.
It is the time to discover what is the power-structure of the fear: Where is the fear coming from?
Ask me, ‘God, why am I afraid?’ and or, ‘God, where is this fear coming from?’ and then listen to my answer.
Ask me what to do about this fear: ‘God, what do you want me to do about what I fearing?’ and listen to my answer.
Remember, being afraid can get to be a habit.
You can get addicted to fear.
You can get addicted to making other people fearful.
Being a fear monger can give you a false sense of power.
Making other people fear you and or fear something else can give you a sense of power and control.
When people fear you, you can make them do all sorts of things that they would otherwise NOT do. Fear is a sick version of the motivation deal.
Fear makes your bodies chemistry go crazy.
It will make you do things you would never, ever normally do.
Being scared will tense you up and make you freeze-up, it will put you in a state where you cannot make a good decision.
It will make you panic.
It will lead you from bad to worse. But inside the fear is great power. It is the power of insight.
And if you can travel into your fear you will discover great answers to questions you did not know you even had. Here is one of those questions: ‘God, why am I afraid?’
You can add whatever it is that you are thinking and feeling that you are afraid of, like dogs.
You might be afraid of dogs because you think they are going to bite you and you won’t be able to stop them from biting you.
And you are afraid of being bitten by the dog because it will hurt, and you might get an infection, and it will hurt, a lot.
And you might be afraid of getting bitten by a dog because you have already been bitten by a dog. Or you have seen a dog bite someone.
Or a dog has acted like it was going to bite you. Fear is a motivator to think and feel in a certain way.
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Often I am portrayed as someone to be afraid of.
I am used to strike fear into the hearts of sinners and or potential sinners.
You can be very afraid of thunder and lightning.
You can be afraid of losing your job.
You can be scared of your spouse’s disapproval.
You can be fearful about slipping and falling and hurting your self.
There is legitimate fear.
There is fear that you cannot help but have.
There is fear that transcends common sense. People sometimes might say to you, ‘You don’t have to be afraid of such and such or so and so, he it she wouldn’t hurt a fly.'
Fear is the great immobilizer.
If you could make a fear gun, you could make a fortune selling it to the military.
If you can make people fear you, you can have power over them. Power and fear often are intimately related.
But did you know there can come a time when even fear will not stop you from doing something?
Did you know it is possible for you to go forward even though you know you are going to die?
Sometimes there is a fear that is even greater than the fear you are facing. You can fear fear.
There can be that moment when you are scared of being afraid: When you have had it with being scared.
You’ve had enough of being afraid of something or someone and at last you get unstuck and you react.
You act out of fear. You act out of fear of being afraid. What you need is that calm reassurance that you are going to die, anyway. So what does it matter if you are afraid?
You might as well die trying. And death isn’t exactly something to be afraid of. Perhaps you are scared of the pain that might accompany your death. Maybe you are hesitating because you are afraid that you might end up in a wheel chair.
Or end up a drooling spastic: Worse than dead.
So what is your greatest fear? Do you even know if you have one?
What is it?
Being tortured?
Being abandoned?
Being left for dead?
Being betrayed?
How about discovering that there is no god (which there is not) and that all your belief systems are wrong?
How about discovering that it doesn’t matter what you do, there is no meaning to your life?
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How about discovering that Jesus Christ really is the Son of God? And all that fundamentalist, Christian mumbo-jumbo is true, and the world really is only six or seven thousand years old?
How about that?
What is your greatest fear? Ending up broke? Nobody loves you?
Nobody even likes you?
Having to do more dirty dishes?
Being bored? Being alone and lonely?
Nobody really cares about you?
What fear can do for you is to help you highlight what needs to be done, now.
Fear can isolate the parts of you that you need to pay attention to. Fear can change the way you are and what you will do next.
Too much fear can kill you.
It can turn you into a very sick person. Fear can make you sick, and being sick can make you feel very scared, too.
So you know there are things that make fear larger, that increase fear. That one fear can lead to the next fear. There is a kind of fear that feeds on itself: A self- perpetuating sort of fear. Fear can be triggered, too.
It can come into you from an event or stimulation that is not really real: A horn can honk and set you off. You can over-react and cause further problems. A certain gesture can make you afraid.
That is why I want you to use fear to understand why you are afraid and then begin to point your awareness in the direction that is what you really want and need. I want you to ask me for help, too.
Look to fear as a golden opportunity: To express what you DO want and to move away from what you do NOT want, and to learn what it is I want for you. Perhaps this will be one of your fears: The fear of me, of my influence in, of, and over your life.
Perhaps it will be the fear of me telling you what to do. Or the fear that what I want for you is not what you really want for your self.
Well, before we get into that, here is a real poser for you to consider: What about my fears?
Do I have fear?
Do I even know what fear is?
What can god possibly fear? The Devil? Do I fear demons?
This is what I fear: And I have no answer to this. Let’s put it this way, I have yet to fear.
And let’s put this yet another way: I am fear.
Let’s put this yet another way: I understand fear. I can empathize with my creation, with the parts of my creation that experience emotion. I can feel the feelings of every part of my creation.
I can feel the feelings of the physical, manifested parts of my creation, AND I can feel the feelings of the non- physical, unmanifested parts of my creation. I can feel the feelings of every bit of every little bit, right down to the tiniest bit of bits.
I can certainly feel the feelings of all creatures that have been, that are, and that will be. Contemplate that for a moment or two, will you?
I know your fears and tears. I know your ecstasy. I know your innermost and secret longings.
All of it, I know. Every angry thought that has been thought, is being thought, and will be thought…I know all of it.
And mentioning anger brings me to my conclusion of this chapter on fear. Fear and anger are closely related. Often one triggers the other.
Let both be a way to come closer to understanding what it is you are really wanting, and in this way, let both be a way into what it is I am wanting for you. When you experience the fear-anger combination reaction, it is a good time to tune into me and get my guidance working in your consciousness so that you can avoid the suffering that is yet to come.
The more you practice coming to me when you become aware that you are being aroused by the fear-anger combination reaction, the sooner you can switch to getting guidance out of the trap of the fear-anger wham-a-dang-dingdong. So what comes out of all this is our next chapter which is on the subject of trust.
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