


Robert Farmilo
(With help from Poochy Bear)

It really is quite simple to be miserable.

No great enormous secret training in the Shallow Bin Temple is required. (That is a play on Shaolin Temple...just so you know.)

Recently someone mentioned to me the name "Bruce Lee."Yes. That guy. The King of Chop Sockey. My personal hero.

He wasn't always a happy guy. Bruce had good days and bad days. I know he spent some months on his back, in bed, recovering from an injury. Doctors told him, "That's it, you're done. So sad, too bad. No more chop sockey for you."

Was he all happy and cheerful about this?
Did it make him break out in song?

It focused him on getting better. He started writing a lot about his ideas. That brought more clarity to his ideas.

Oh, Bruce has a lot of legends ABOUT being Bruce Lee that clings to him. You just can't shake the larger-than-life quality about the guy. He was a great self-promoter. He wasn't shy about boasting and bragging.


Finger Pointing to the Moon - Bruce Lee

What's this got to do with anything?
Bruce quoted a famous quote about the finger and the moon.

Now, what the flicking flack does this have to do with God Consciousness?

I am glad you asked.

In the book, "God Consciousness," there is a very clear message about the purpose of your personal suffering.

When you are experiencing something you do not want to be experiencing, ask yourself what it is you do want to be experiencing.

If you are having something you do not want to be having, ask yourself what it is you do want to be having.

If you are inside a feeling you do not want to be feeling, ask yourself, "What is it I want to be feeling...right now?"

That is the message of the finger pointing at the moon. The moon is what you really are wanting to be feeling, to be doing, and to be having.

The finger is the bad shzit that is going on that clarifies what you do not want and helps to direct your attention at the moon (which is what you really want).

You need the finger to help point at the moon...but you don't keep looking at the finger once you notice what it is pointing at...which is the moon.

Yeah, and Bruce Lee borrowed the quote. It comes from...well, there are a lot of opinions about where it comes from. But you probably noticed it sounds a lot like something from the Inscrutable East.

NEXT...I have included a long quote (and the source) for you to ponder about this obscure and deep shzit with the strange title:

The Summit of the Great Buddha, The Final Meaning of Verification though Cultivation of the Secret Cause of the Tathagatas, and [Foremost] Shurangama of All Bodhisattvas' Ten Thousand Practices Sutra

"...One of the main themes of the work is that in itself knowledge of the Dharma, that is the teachings of the-Buddha, is worthless unless accompanied by meditational ability, or samadhi power. Also stressed is the importance of moral precepts as a foundation for the Path. These themes are established in the work's prologue in which the erudite Ananda, who remembered everything the Buddha taught but never bothered to sit down and meditate, succumbs to an evil spell and is on the verge of being seduced by a prostitute when he is saved by a mantra recited by the Buddha. The theme of how one effectively combats demonic influences over one's own mind continues throughout the Sutra...."

For those of you who want to hurt your brain further, please refer to this following source:

What follows are two videos that will help to point at the moon.

What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness | Robert Waldinger / VIDEO

How to Process Your Emotions

Here are some more pieces of the Finger/Moon puzzle:

Excerpt from the Song of Enlightenment or Shodoka

One moon is reflected in many waters;
All the water-moons are from the one moon.
The Dharma-body of all Buddhas has entered my own nature,
And my nature becomes one with the Tathagata.
Stupid ones, childish ones,
They suppose there is something in an empty fist.
They mistake the pointing finger for the moon.
They are idle dreamers lost in form and sensation.


SHAME and GUILT, The Dynamic Duo

One of the sources of feeling crappy and bad comes from the emotional suffering caused by the sensation of shame and guilt.

You may have experienced feeling ashamed or guilty. And sometimes maybe you were guilty. You did something bad.

But a lot of the time, the idea that you have that you are guilty and also that you should feel ashamed of yourself is coming from the way you have been conditioned by your survival figures (parents, guardians), your family, and society.


If you have done something wrong, and know it to be truly wrong, and you want to NOT do it again...but you keep doing it again---that can be a real source of personal suffering.

At what point does feeling bad about doing bad become counter-productive?

The finger pointing at the moon tells you that you can use the way you feel to change what you do to be more in tune with the way you want to feel.

Unless you are seriously frackeled in the head...I mean you are prone to sociopathic tendencies. Then the finger pointing at the moon might be more about being able to NOT feel bad about doing bad.

Like the old saying, "You feel really, really bad about getting caught...NOT for what you did to get caught."

To survive ourselves and start living outside the shadow of shame and guilt may need some outside help.


To cap this brief side trip into the good news about bad news, we have an offer for you.

You can get your very own PDF of the entire eBook report on Shame and Guilt.

This was written (allegedly) directly by God. 

The contents of this eBook will probably surprise a good way.

It is NOT about trying to get you to believe in a specific religion, church, temple, priest, preacher, and so on.

You will be given a series of very specific methods to help you use the latent power trapped inside shame and guilt.
When you sign up to get this FREE eBook, you will not be bothered by a lot of emails asking you for anything. We do not sell, rent or loan out your name or email address. And you will NOT be sent emails asking you to buy anything or make donations.

While you are here, check out this great offer to buy the entire book.

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