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All of the money goes to fund the global God Consciousness Project.
By the way...
Our project includes the opinions of the archetypes Mother Nature and Father Nature.
The starting point for this evolving content was the writing of a book (first published in early 2010) called God Consciousness.
How this came to be is quite a story. I have included a summary of the origin of the book at the end of this page.
Oh, I get how toxic the word God can be. Just the mention of the word God can turn people off.
Because of the money you give to this project, I can keep the lights on.
Did you know that we give FREE training in specific, much needed skills?
Here is a partial list:
- Deep Meditation (no mood making, direct, simple, practical, gets you transcendental FAST).
- Super simple how-to for TELEPATHIC communication with nature.
- Ditto how-to have clear, personal, private, two-way, TELEPATHIC communication with God.
- Open-hearted exposes on all the difficult topics.
- Specially produced videos covering a sprawling list of tough issues.
- Access to the entire, original manuscript called "God Consciousness", allegedly written by God. This is the book that got this project started.
- Standout content from the consciousness of nature.
- Critical, real world analysis of global ecosystem viability.
This includes crazy detailed reports covering subjects like
- How bad will it get and how soon will it get that bad. here is a link to all the current reports:
- Original and very cool merch with that unique spin of insight the God Consciousness Project is famous for.
All the best,
Robert Farmilo
Okay, here is a brief story about how this project got started, and how the book came to be written.
In the winter of 2009, I had this experience of something called God thinking into my mind: "Will you do something for me? I want to write a book. And I need someone to take dictation from me, and write down exactly what I dictate, and not make any editorial changes. Just write word-for-word, making no changes. Even if what comes seems very strange."
Okay. Hmmmm. Obviously I was experiencing self-deception, a false cognition. But, okay. So.
God asked me, "Will you do that for me?"
Man of man, I was RELUCTANT.
It just smacked of craziness.
God told me, "I understand. It is a stretch. So, will you help me?"
After a few of these interactions with God, I finally agreed. Okay. Sure.
God told me, "Great. I will tell you when to start. But not right now. But I will come to you and tell you when to start."
Okay, fine.
And so a few months rolled by. Spring came and went. Then summer. And then, in September 2009, boom!
God tells me, "Now it is time to begin. Go to your desk."
I did.
I opened up a new document file.
I was ready.
And God started dictating to me, in the privacy of my mind, word-by-word, the title of the book, the title of the first chapter, and the content of the first chapter.
I did not make a single change to any word.
And that is how it went over the next few months.
In January of 2010, the book was completed.
And so began the project of getting the book out there.
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